Kozume Kenma - An Artist's Hands

A/N: this will be a soulmate au where whatever you draw on yourself will show up on your soulmate. Thought a Kenma x reader would be a fun one to test this out on. Hope you enjoy! Request by FutureLifeTogether

Kenma pov

Normally, a person would try to set up a meeting place with there soulmate through writing on their hands and hope for a response. But it didn't always work out. Sometimes they lived in another country, or spoke a different language. Kenma knew all about these things and therefore, never attempted or tried. He wasn't in much of a rush either. But that didn't mean that he wasn't curious.

Kenma rarely wrote on himself, but his soulmate on the other hand, drew enough for two (so it kinda evened out in a way). He would constantly find a new masterpeice scribbled on the back of his hands or on his palms. They were always interesting and beautiful and whoever drew them obviously had some serious talent. He remembers what his friend, Kuroo, commented about it, "It's easy to tell just by a glance that those are the hands of an artist."
The remark really stuck in his mind. An artist's hands. Of course an artist would draw on themself when they got bored, and his soulmate must be an exceptional one.

Today he saw on his left palm, a lovely depiction of a flower that was so detailed and was colored magnificently. Kenma couldn't help but finally respond in some sort of way to this soulmate of his. He drew on the back of his hand a small flower and colored it simply. It was obviously not as good, so he wrote in small letters underneath it: 'yours is much better'

[y/n]'s pov

[y/n] glanced back at her hand, ready to doodle some more, when she noticed a small (crude) drawing of a flower, neatly colored, with 'yours is much better' written in neat writting underneath it. You couldn't keep from smiling a bit to yourself. You quickly grabbed a marker for a response.

Kenma pov

Kenma looks back down again to find a little cat face had been added to the collection with a message in cute, girly handwriting, 'practice makes perfect~'
A small smile crept itself up his face and thus was the start of many conversations to come.

~le time skip~

After weeks of little doodles and sketches paired with messages back and forth, they finally gave Kenma a name: [l/n] [f/n].
Kenma of course exchanged his, and soon phone numbers and schools were also shared. It turned out that [y/n] went to Karasuno, which wasn't too far from Nekoma. And with each other's phone numbers, they could call and arrange a meetup better.

Kenma was obviously nervous to meet his soulmate for the first time in person, but his excitement for the future event masked his jitters away. Kuroo noticed this small change in Kenma's behavior and questioned him about it till an answer was given. Then he teased Kenma about it until a "shut up" was given.

~le time skip x2~

[y/n]'s pov

They arranged to meet in a café close to her home. [y/n]'s heart felt as if it was beating out of her chest as she took a step through the doorway of the café. She picked a booth table and waited.

After about two minutes, which to her seemed like an eternity, [y/n] got bored and started doodling on her hands until she heard the door jingle at the arrival of a new customer. She turned her head toward the front and set her gaze on the head of a pudding haired boy, who by the looks of things, was making his way towards her.

[y/n] felt as if her breathe had just been taken away. The boy's eyes were golden and gave off the look and feel of a cat's. His hair blocked some of his features, but despite this she could tell he had a sweet face. He wore jeans paired with a simple red hoodie.

The boy carried a phone and game system in one hand. His stature wasn't the biggest nor tallest but he was still at least an inch or two taller in height than herself. Her eyes went back to that cute face of his. 'Damn, he has such gorgeous eyes.' [y/n] thought to herself and before she realized it, the boy was standing right in front of her table.

Kenma pov

Kenma was pretty sure that this was the right girl. Just to be sure he quickly glanced back and forth from her hands to his own just to confirm that, indeed the doodles were identical.

"Ano, you're [l/n] [f/n], right? I'm Kozume Kenma."

The girl (who seemed to be a little dazed) blinked the long-lashed lids of her [e/c] eyes up at him a couple of times, before giving of a blush and a flustered response.

"A-ah! That's me~!"

Kenma, unsure what to do next continued his awkward stance in front of the table.
[y/n] seemed to notice his unease and hastily gestured towards the seat opposite her, "P-please, take a s-seat!"
[y/n] managed as she fumbled with a lock of [h/c] hair.

Now Kenma was starting to blush, why hadn't he just sat down in the first place? Stupid...

A waitress came over to take their orders, and left to retrieve their food and drinks. Kenma wasn't the best with conversations, and it didn't seem that [y/n] was much better at it. But after a minute more of silence, [y/n] finally spoke up.

"What game is in there?"
She shyly inquired while pointing her index finger at his game system.

Kenma turned the DS for [y/n] to see it's screen,
"Oh, uh, just well, um.. Pokemon"
He managed.

[y/n]'s eyes began glittering,
"W-wha!? Really?! I love Pokemon! Which one is this?"

Kenma was a bit taken a back, did [y/n] like games too? He hadn't mentioned to her before in their little hand messages about his like of gaming, so Kenma guessed that they wouldn't have really known before hand about this shared interest.

"Pokemon Diamond. I left Pearl at home.."

Her smile grew wider 'till it was a grin, those [e/c] orbs of hers still shining in excitement.
"That's my favorite one!!!"
[y/n] exclaims, she seems to be coming a little more out of her shell.
She then gasps and continues to question Kenma about the game,

"Which are your favorites in this one? Do you name the pokemon that you catch? Which ones have you already caught?" And so forth.

The continued to discuss the game, even during the arrival of their food and drinks. Of course from there their conversation branched off into other topics, but from that little igniting spark about his game, they seemed to both have been enjoying each other's company more. Kenma felt so at ease, which was strange considering he was in a fairly crowded environment with a some what of a stranger.

[y/n] pov

The topics switched and swapped and then reached to her love of art. [y/n] will admit, she gets pretty pumped about that subject. She told Kenma all about the differant media she used and which kinds she most preffered. How she insisted that the regular (non book style / spiral ) bound sketchbooks were absolute rubbish, and how the pages would always fall out. What types of things that she liked to draw, what styles she often used, etc.

She brought out her travel sketchbook from her bag that she had placed next to her on the seat, and let Kenma flip through its pages and gave small backround and explanations to him for each piece.

"I like the doodles you always make on yourself. They're so creative and unique, and each one is always differant."

[y/n] felt her face redden and she nervously rubbed the back of her neck/head sheepishly, "A-ah! Well, ah um, I g-guess they kinda are, hehe~"
She stutters out.

"Sometimes during or after I draw them, I'd think and wonder whether or not this would weird out whoever my soulmate was, or if the drawings were embarrassing them. It made me feel a little guilty for drawing them... I mean sometimes it's not always the best to have all those doodles on your hands.."

She looked away, a bit embarrassed and rosey-cheeked. She was speaking honestly, sometimes she would wonder if all the drawings she'd drawn on herself were actually embarrassing for her soulmate, or causing/giving them issues, and it made her feel bad. Cause it would be her fault.

Kenma placed his hand over hers and gave her a soft smile,
"I think that they're beautiful, and I feel  pretty lucky that you're my soulmate, and that we share these artist's hands."
