2: Radiant Faction

2: Radiant Faction
Date Written: August 20, 2019


The Sun bathed the green plains with an ever-warming light. It was lighter in color than usual. In fact, the sun looked so much like the sun in the real world. The place was also bright and colorful.

At the distance, tall white mountains stood. There were also forests made up of beautiful flora and gigantic mushrooms.

Obviously, this place was not the dark and depressing lands of the Gloom Faction but of the Radiant Faction. The light element suppressed the dark  elements so the place was giving off a warm and welcoming feeling.

In the vast grassy lands of Patchy Plains, a large sphere drifted on the air as if it was a cheetah. It flew at a speed that the eye could barely see.

Inside the sphere, Kian with his battle pet named Xian couldn't help but hold their breaths as they took in the hugr change in scenery.

After they escaped the Sunken Bazaar, the two didn't stop at any town and just flew at top speed. That is why within a day, they managed to leave the borders and finally reached the first Radiant Faction territory.

Coincidentally, this area was also where George and Amy were located. Kian was currently headed into their direction.

There were various kinds of monsters all around the plains that they haven't seen before. However, they didn't stop and continued their journey.

It didn't take less than an hour before they managed to spot huge walls made from some kind of beautiful kind of white stone. A city of unimaginable magnificence peeked out from behind them.

Kian slowed down the Magic Pod when they arrived near the gates. Two guards then approached the vehicle when it was finally parked. He opened the pod's windshield for the inspection.

One of the guards surveyed Kian from head to foot with a glare before he nodded at the other guard behind him who then took out a ball of crystal. The crystal ball suddenly changed from its previous clear and transparent to blurry black.

"A Gloom Magus!" they exclaimed and glared at him as if he was a murderer.

Kian couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Was the battle between the Radiant and Gloom Faction still going on despite the Dimension Separation? He wondered.

"Is there any problem?" he asked the two.

The guard into return snorted before he pocketed the crystal ball.

"Ten thousand Rune Stones for a Gloom Magus." he said to Kian, his eyes still bearing hostility.

"What? That's too much!" Kain complained.

Although he had a lot of money, he was also quite reluctant to spend so much just for a city entrance. Clearly, the spike in the entrance fee had something to do with his identity as a magus from the Gloom Faction.

"If you don't want to pay then suit yourself" the guard snorted and the teo started to walk away.

"Tsk. Wait. I'll pay" Kian clicked his tongue.

He had to enter the city even if he had to lose money. Besides, ten thousand rune stones was just a small change for him right now.

After he paid the entrance fee, Kian stored away the Magic Pod and entered the city together with Xian.

The city's atmosphere was lively and bustling. It was totally different from the depressing clouds that covered Shade Academy all day.

People, both players and residents of this world came in groups or were alone like him and laughter was in the air. It was obvious that nothing major happened in this area before.

According to the map, this city was called White Lotus City. The famous White Lotus Academy where Radiant Warriors of any weapon masteries study. George and Amy are also students of this academy.

The shop stalls were everywhere. Since Shade Academy was a solitary human settlement in the middle of nowhere, it didn't have such a bustling economy.

Kian couldn't help but wander his eyes as he passed by each shop and stalls. He also bought food for him and Xian. It was barbequed meat from some kind of animal. It tasted quite good so he bought lots of them to eat on his way.

He didn't know which way was the academy. Hence, he decided to follow a group of people who were also headed to the academy like him. It seems that they were students based on the insignia on their robes.

Their group was led by a shoulder length haired lady. Her purple hair was like a field of lavenders that swayed slightly whenever the wind blew. Beside her was a girl with a Bob hair cut which had the color of the night sky.

Kian couldn't help but gasp when he saw the girl with the bob hair cut. She was the reason why he came here. Amy, his younger sister.

"Amy!" he called out, forgetting the fact that he was in the middle of a crowd of people.

The group looked behind to see the person who called out. When Amy saw the one who called out to her, her eyes couldn't help but brighten.

With tears on her eyes, she ran to Kian and hugged him with tears on her eyes. She buried her face on his chest despite the fact that they were almost the same height.

Kian ignored the depressing feeling of being taken over by his sister in height and hugged her tightly in return. He was also feeling countless emotions inside him. However, he was surely glad that he got to meet her again.

A young man with long red hair approached the two with an unpleasant face.

"Amie, who's the guy?" he asked Amy who was still hugging Kian.

Amy broke out from the hug and wiped away her tears.

"He's Kian. My big bro" she said to her companions who approached them out of curiosity.

The red haired guy shot him an annoyed look. Kian couldn't help but wonder if he was Amy's suitor. He didn't really like him for his sister though.

"Anyway,  bro. Let's get you inside. George is there. We've been waiting for ages!" she grabbed his hand as he lead him into the busy streets.

Kian followed her wherever she dragged him along.

Soon, they stopped at entrance of White Lotus Academy. It was totally out of his expectations. It was an academy that was shaped like a real lotus!


I've been trying to add figures of speech into this chapter because of our recent lessons in class. I don't think I was able to do it artistically enough though.

Man, exams are too stressful. Thankfully, it's holiday tomorrow so I have time to write a chapter. But Physics exams are coming the next day 😢.

Anyway, thanks for reading! ♥
