Party Time AU

Fiona Frauenfeld had somehow found herself at one of her good friends Emma Blooms party trapped in one of the corners of the room, four male teenagers trapping her way. "Darling, why did you come here looking like this if you didn't want attention," one of the four boys, who was a black-haired good-looking jock named James, slurred whilst pointing at the daisy dress she had on, the three others nodding in agreement. She was extremely glad when Olive, a ginger-haired girl who was overly nice to whomever she met no matter what reputation they held, another good friend of hers called her name giving the other redhead an excuse to escape and not answer the question. "Michael is here," she stated as Fiona turned to face her "who?" The normally quiet girl asked a piece of her soft curling hair fell in front of her face. "Michael, the guy that was totally checking you out a few days ago," noticing that the confused look on Fiona's face didn't change, she added "at lunch when I was telling you about the date Enoch took me on," the other girl sighed blowing the piece of hair out of her face before replying "no, Olive I know who he is but why do I need to know that he is here," Olive looked down at the floor a guilty smile on her lips when she looked back up "well... you're single, he's single..." "Olive we have been over this..." and before the other girl replied she spoke, "I have a boyfriend okay!" "What who? When?" A new voice spoke up "who was checking Fi out? Also to answer your other question- me. Hey honey," Hugh Apiston, the captain of the swim team replied wrapping his arms around Fiona's torso kissing her on the lips. "Damn," Olive replied sad that she couldn't play matchmaker and the fact that she had to give Emma £20, she had hoped that the blond had mistaken seeing them snogging outside Tesco the other week. She was about to give the couple privacy when she quickly turned around asking "exactly how long have you two been together?" "4 years..." she sighed again regretting betting on the length of their supposed relationship at the time, pulling out another £20 note. Hadn't she wasted a whole lot of money on their relationship.

Hope you lot enjoyed xxxx
