No Easy Way Out

A/N Sorry about how long the gaps are between updates.... but honestly... these last two weeks have been really long and stressful... I apologize guys :(

When they reached the college Dean turned off the Impala and climbed out of the car. He walked around to the warm grill of his baby and leaned against it while he waited for Sam and Cas to join him.

Cas was out of the car first. He crawled from the back seat and quickly rushed to stand by Dean’s side as they waited for Sam.

“What the hell is taking you so long Sam?” Dean finally called back after a minute as he tried to see what his massive brother was doing.

“I believe he is getting weapons that you guys can protect yourselves with.” Castiel said as he peered over Dean’s long dark blonde hair.

“Well he needs to hurry up. We were supposed to be in there three minutes ago and on the phone this lady sounded like she meant business.” Dean said as he glanced up at the building in front of them. The woman he had spoken to earlier had a sharp, brisk voice that sounded like fingernails gliding over a chalkboard. Her tone had made her sound old and snippy, like those annoying old ladies who hush their neighbors for making the grass crunch too loudly. There was a warm fall breeze that made Dean shutter slightly as he listened to the oddly quiet campus area.

Castiel must have though Dean was shivering from cold became he had suddenly slipped his arm loosely around Dean’s slender waist and pulled him closer. The hunter couldn’t help but lean into Castiel’s firm body and loose himself in the gentle, feather-like touches that were coming from the angel.

Dean was far from being the touchy feely kind of guy, but apparently his chick feeling had decided otherwise. This worried Dean. He wasn’t supposed to becoming more feminine. What if he got stuck like this? Dean began to panic slightly and tried to force himself to focus on the campus ahead of them instead.

They had parked outside of a large ancient building that had its own graceful charm to it. Dean noted that the grounds were decorated elegantly with small organized spattering of pretty, purple and yellow flowers. He watched as the grass seemed to shimmer and glow with dew in the soft midmorning light as Dean gazed down upon it. Every inch of the aged structure seemed to be shiny, neat, and pristine. There wasn’t a blade of grass out of place. Even the windows gleamed bright enough to reflect the parking area that they were standing in.

Dean hated places like this... This college seemed way to formal and uptight for his standards. It was exactly the kind of place that Dean could get himself kicked out of in less than two hours by just being himself.

“Dean what the fuck?” Sam called from the car. The irritation was painfully apparent in his voice as he spoke.

“Aw what is it Sammy? You break a nail or something?” Dean cooed sarcastically. “You want me to paint it with rainbows and sparkles to make it all better?”

Sam pulled his head from the car and gave Dean at least the five-hundredth bitch face that day. In his hands he was holding a pair of miniature black nightmares.

“Oh fuck no!” Dean said as he looked down at his feet.  The hunter was clad in his new combat boots that were so small that he could have easily one of the shoes into his old pair that were now too big. He could probably fit two of them into one of Sam’s shoes if he tried!

Dean looked away from his feet and back up to what his brother was waving about. Gripped loosely in Sam’s hands was a pair of small black high heels. They were the kind of heels women always seemed to wear when they went out for professional interviews or if they were going on an important date with a guy.

“Dean, look at where we’re at. Put the damn shoes on before I fucking tackle your ass and do it for you!” Sam said harshly as he threw the shoes at Dean.

“You kinky son of a bitch.” Dean grumbled bitterly as he started glaring at the shoes as if they had personally offended him.

“Oh man up Dean.” Sam scoffed.

Dean looked up at his brother and looked at him with a feeling of distaste, “Yeah I’m trying to Sam.”

He watched his brother smirk evilly, but the smile was washed from Sam’s face as his phone began to vibrate.

As Sam turned into professional, no nonsense Sam, Dean bent over to pull off his comfortable boots.

“These aren’t going to do me any good if I can’t walk in them…” Dean grumbled to Cas as the hard, almost painful black shoe encased Dean’s foot.

“You’ll be okay Dean.” Cas said with a smile

“Yeah you try being a girl for a day…” Dean grumbled.

Beside them, Sam clicked off the phone and said, “Uh.. we need to get in there. Ms. Prissy Pants is angry that we’re late.”

“Dude, it’s been like seven minutes…” Dean complained as he slide the second shoe onto his foot.

“Apparently she is on a very tight schedule.” Sam said as he reached over to help Dean climb off the car.

“I got it, I got it.” Dean grumbled as he pushed Sam’s hands away.

There was a small clicking noise as Dean’s new black heels landed on the ground. Dean tried to act cool and confident as he took a brisk step forward. ‘I will beat you’ Dean though triumphantly as he looked down at the shoes.

No sooner than the though had crossed Dean’s mind he promptly tripped and nearly fell on his face. The only reason that Dean was still standing was because Castiel’s arms had appeared out of nowhere to steady him.

“Thanks Cas.” Dean said gratefully as he momentarily leaned against the angels arm for support.

“Anytime.” Cas said as their faces unconsciously drifted closer.

Dean suddenly noticed how dry his lips were so he quickly ran his moist tongue across his lips. Castiel’s eyes were focused like a laser on the small sliver of Dean’s tongue that had made itself momentarily visible.

Somehow they had moved even closer now and Dean was fully prepared to attack Castiel’s face right there in the parking lot.

It probably wasn’t one his smartest ideas and Sam must have known it too because he suddenly made his presence known again by clearing his throat loudly.

Castiel’s face resembled a heartbroken puppy dog as Dean sighed and pulled his face away from the angels.

“Dean. We’ve gotta go.” Sam said with a forceful determination.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah I know…” Dean said as he let go of Castiel’s arm as he began walking towards the gates at the front of the campus. Dean’s hair swayed softly behind him as his feet made click clack noises with each step he took.

Sam and Cas were able to quickly catch up with Dean’s slow pace as he walked with his head held high.

“See Dean, s’not to bad is it?” Sam asked as they walked past a single group of girls standing outside near the main doors.

“Fuck you Sam.” Dean snarled as he tried to speed up. Apparently speeding up was not something that was in Dean’s best interests at the moment. Fortunately he didn’t fall over, but Dean was pretty sure that he had shattered something in his ankle.

“You might want to watch your language in here too Dean.” Sam advised his brother. “They don’t allow the girls on this campus to use such a colorful vocabulary.”

“So basically this place has banned over 95% of my lifestyle?” Dean questioned as Sam held open the main doors and let both Cas and Dean walk in first.

Sam sighed and said, “Dean, just please don’t be your normal dumbass self.”

“I can be serious!” Dean exclaimed as he turned back and waited for Sam to come and stand on one side of him. “Sometimes…..” Dean added after a small paused.

“Exactally.”  Sam said just as someone strode into the room in front of them.

“Are you Ms. Romanova and Mr. Stark and Banner?” The sharp voice of a powerful and rather brisk woman barked out. Dean looked up to see a older woman who was about his height, with dark red hair and flushed green eyes who was walking towards them. There was a hard, slightly nerve-racking expression on her face that said she wasn’t the type to joke around.

Beside him, Dean felt Sam flinch when he heard that alias names. Dean had made them up without asking Sam first and he had gotten his ass chewed out. Sam was worried that this lady had seen the avengers before and would recognize their names.

Dean didn’t know what Sam was all worried about; this woman looked like she’d never seen a good movie in her life. She probably spent her free time reading those boring sciencey books that Sam sometimes flipped through in the libraries.

In fact, Dean could tell that even Cas, with his horrible knowledge of pop culture references, had a better chance of understanding who their names were referring to than this lady did.

“Uh-“ Dean paused and tried to think about the best response. He didn’t want to piss this woman off because she seemed like she meant business. “Yes Ma’am.” Dean had finally settled on the best words to break the awkward silence that hung untouched in the air.

‘Great. Follow me.” She said before turning sharply on her heel and walking into what appeared to be an office.

As they followed after the woman a bell began to ring and moments later hundreds of college girls began to file from dozens of doors along the hallways.

Everyone was dressed really in really nice formal attire. Their dresses and skirts flowed delicately with each step that they took.

Dean couldn't help but stare at them and pay attention to each and every one of their smooth flowing curves.

The girls who passed paid no attention to Dean's slightly perverted stares. They only had eyes for Sam and Cas.

His partners seemed to be drawing quite a bit of attention. Girls were stopping in the hallways watching Cas and Sam intently. Their eyes seemed to devour every inch of the men. Some had even formed clusters in the hallways and had begun whispering with the other girls. It was like they hadn’t seen a proper man in years. ‘They probably haven’t since they’re stuck here.’ Dean thought to himself as he cracked a small smile.

As the halls became fuller and fuller Dean began to struggle as he tried to navigate through the hallways. In fact Dean had been nearly swept away by the crowds a couple times.

Suddenly a firm guiding hand was placed on his shoulder. Dean looked back to see Castiel's determined face, his eyes fixed on the door they were walking to. The angel was guiding Dean, telling him where to go and making sure he wasn't going to get lost.

Some of the surrounding girl’s faces fell when they saw Castiel's hand on Dean's shoulder. Some of them even appeared angry and gave Dean dirty looks.

'Damn... Are chicks always this possessive?' Dean thought to himself as they walked. He had never noticed this kind of behavior from women before.

Dean sighed a breath of relief as the room finally opened up into the office area.  It suddenly felt like the temperature had dropped ten degrees. He hadn't even realized just how hot it had been out there.

Once the crowd was gone, Castiel let his hand slide off of Dean's shoulder, much to the hunter’s disappointment. The spot where the angels hand had been now felt strangely cold as Castiel's warmth faded away.

Dean took to a moment to focus on his surroundings again now that he didn’t have to worry about crashing into anyone.

They were in a bright preppy room that screamed professionalism. The walls and floor were dull uninspiring colors. Wooded shelves of books circled the room and a there was a wooden desk in the center of the room with four chairs set up.

The woman who had spoken to them earlier now stood up out of her chair and walked over to shake all of their hands.

Dean immediately took note of the fact that the woman most focused on him and almost completely ignored Sam and Cas. (though she seemed to have a slight attraction to Castiel which caused a twinge of jealousy in Dean’s gut.)

"Ms. Romanova, I'm Beverly Bowmen, headmaster of the school. I'm so glad that you all are finally here." Ms. Bowmen said with a relieved smile s she held out her hand to Dean. Dean watched as he whole face softened when she spoke to him. It was strange to watch how she reacted to a chick vs. a dude. She seemed just all around more comfortable with him.

Dean quickly extended his arm out to reach Ms. Bowmen’s and shook her hand firmly, or what he though was firm anyways.

Since Dean was now in a female body everything about him had changed. His size, his weight, his voice, even his strength had changed. Dean noted the severe disadvantage he was facing because of this. He was still quick on his feet but it wouldn’t be too much help if it meant he couldn’t kick the living shit out of monsters with the same ease. I mean, he couldn’t even push his way through a crowd of girls for fucks sake!

Dean felt his hand being crushed and compressed by this other woman’s hand. What would have normally been a firm handshake turned out to be an awkward uncoordinated action. It didn’t help that as he took a step towards the headmaster he almost lost his balance due to the high heels.

Beside him, Dean felt Sam snicker once and Mrs. Bowman’s eyes immediately darted Sam. There was a new sharpness in her face as she studied Sam’s gigantic figure.   Dean could already tell that she didn’t like him.

Sam clearly didn’t like the attention he was receiving from the headmaster right now. Dean had to bite his tongue hard so he wouldn’t just flat out burst into wild fits of laughter.

After a moment Mrs. Bowmen turned and strode back over to her desk to sit down in her chair.

“Uh… Mrs. Bowmen,” Sam started as an awkward silence hung in the air. “Would you mind explaining what seems to be going on at your school?”

Her face grew sad as her eyes flicked momentarily to Dean.

As the headmaster launched into her story the three of them moved to sit down in the chairs that were placed on the opposite side of the desk..

“It all started about a month ago, the beginning of our new semester, everything was going along just fine. All of our students are fantastic students they follow the rules and abide by our guidelines.”

Dean was trying to listen but there was a window in Mrs. Bowmen’s office that had a great view of the campus commons. Among the flowery, decorated garden were dozens of girls just ambling about and joking with each other.  

Dean's eyes tried to follow some of the women but Sam's nudge in the arm forced him to focus again.

"Throughout the semester there have been some reports of shady unknown figures lurking around the areas where the girls hang out. It's not that something that's entirely new to us. We usually have the occasional purvey teenage guy trying to stalk our girls here, but it’s been a lot worse this year." Mrs. Bowmen paused and pondered her words for a moment before adding "I don't get it but men have a certain attraction for people that they can't have."

Dean shifted uncomfortably in his seat now. His mind flitted first to the girls outside then to the angel sitting next to him. Dean was still convinced that Cas would leave him when he was back to his original self.

Cas acted all lovey dovey now, (which his new body was making him secretly enjoy but he would never admit that he liked it) but Cas had never been like this with him before when he was a guy. He wasn’t sure if all the things that Cas had told him when he said that he loved him were true. Dean feared that the angel’s feelings were all just a hoax and what he was showing was just the simple desire for pleasure that man, (and apparently angels) sought after.

Dean knew that these feelings were being shoved down his throat now because all his hormones had changed drastically but he felt that they had a certain charm to them. (As annoying as they could be at times.)

Dean has always had a certain attraction for Castiel and his vessel, but he had convinced himself that it was nothing. Now however, Dean wasn't sure that what he felt had been nothing. He almost was scared to change back in case he lost this affection he was receiving from the angel. It was weird but Dean thought it felt.... Well… he thought it felt good.

'What the hell are you thinking Winchester?!' Dean thought to himself as the reality of his mindset began sinking in. "Of course you wanna be a guy again! This is just the forced chick side of you talking. Push those fucked up feelings away and focus on the case. You don’t really like Cas like that…. It’s just the chick side of you…'

Dean pulled himself from his own thoughts and looked at the face of headmaster again.

As she launched into the next part of the story Dean noticed just how tired, worn, and old she looked under all her make up. Dean felt a strange twinge of sadness and regret for the woman.

"When there became more and more reports around campus about these creepy intruders we increased the security. We hired more campus police and even enforced harsher curfews. Then three of the girls found the first body of their best friend in the locker room.” The headmaster shuttered. “It was absolutely unnerving, heart wrenching and just absolutely brutal. The girl had been very well liked and she was a straight A student who followed our rules like they were a dotted line. I don’t know how anyone could have done something like that to her.”

Ms. Bowman pulled a random ass hanky from her grey skirt pocket and began dabbing the corners of her eyes and clearing away the smudging makeup from under her eyes.

“After that, the bodies began piling up faster and faster. There are four girls who have… have… passed.” Ms. Bowmen’s voice cracked as she had to force back a wave of tears. “If the culprit isn’t caught soon we’ll be forced to close down. I don’t want any more of my girls here hurt.”

“We’ll be sure to put a stop to this.” Cas said with a look of determination.

Ms. Bowman gave Cas a grateful smile as she tried to compose her self again.

“Could we possibly meet with the girls who found the first victim?” Sam asked as he took on the professional lead in the case.

“Uh… yes sure. The girls are in there dooms right now. We gave them a little break from their normal classes to recover from the shock and pain that they are feeling right now. They were real close to Amber, the first girl.”

“Okay. Would you mind pointing us in the direction of the dorms?” Sam asked as he looked at Ms. Bowmen with sympathy in his eyes.

“No.” Ms. Bowmen said sharply with a look of surprise on her face. Sam’s face crumpled in surprise as they all become thoroughly confused.

“But you said-“ Sam began to talk again but was interrupted by the headmaster.

 “Men aren’t allowed in the dorms. You two will stay here while I walk with Deanna to the dorms. We’ll bring the girls down to the library to have them talk to you all.”

“Oh.” Dean said in surprise. He wasn’t expecting her to say that. Maybe this chick thing wasn’t all bad….

“Uhmm.. okay… that works too..” Sam said slowly.

“Good.” Ms. Bowmen said. “You gentlemen stay here. We’ll be back shortly.” With that, the headmaster placed her hand on Dean’s shoulder and began to guide him out of the room.

Dean saw the look of panic on Castiel’s face as he was led away. He just hoped that the angel was smart enough not to follow him and get them kicked off of this case. Dean knew he was going to be fine. He had his knife with him if he needed it.

The door snicked shut behind Dean and together he and the headmaster began walking towards a nearby stairway.

“So, Deanna how long have you been working for the FBI?” Ms. Bowmen asked trying to make small talk.

Dean laughed bitterly and said, “It feels like I’ve been doing this my whole life. It’s always just one case after another.”

“Oh I totally understand dear. It never seems to end does it?"

“Fuck no.” Dean said chuckling.

The headmaster’s eyebrows shot up and Dean realized his mistake. “Oh shit- God Damn it- wait… Son of a Bitch- ughhh Jesus! Sorry, I totally screwed that up. Do you have like some no swearing policy here because I think…. I think I might have broken that rule….” Dean said with a guilty smile.

They had stopped in the empty hallways now and Ms. Bowmen just stared at him blankly for a moment before she burst into fits of laughter. “Well… we don’t usually endorse swearing here but I won’t try and correct you on it. You’re here to help me so you’re good in my books.”

Dean scratched the back of his head nervously and laughed softly too. “That went from bad to worse didn’t it…” Dean mumbled sheepishly.

“It’s alright darling. Let’s move along now.” The headmaster said as she began walking again. She wasn’t as bad as he thought she would be….

Dean struggled to catch up to her averaged paced walking, his heels making everything about a thousand times more difficult. Not to mention that they were starting to create painful blisters on his feet.

“How many students do you have here?” Dean asked after a few minutes.

“We have about 1,800 as of now, but that number is going down because of the deaths.” Ms. Bowmen said sadly.

“Have you ever had had to deal with something like this before at your school?” They were now passing classrooms now and Dean was able to catch small glimpses into to each room as they walked by. Each room held about twenty or so girls who were focused raptly on their teachers. They seemed so focused despite everything that had happened recently.

“There haven’t been any deaths here before if that’s what you’re asking.” She said quickly, “The boys creeping around here are pretty normal though. Sometimes we even have a few girls trying to sneak guys into our school, but we have a strict no boyfriend policy here.”

Dean nodded his head slowly but said nothing. ‘How can these girls handle being without guys for so long? It must be torture! Chicks are so stressful!’ Dean thought to himself absently.

“Speaking of men…” The headmaster started slowly, “We need to talk about your partners.”

“Oh!” Dean exclaimed in shock. “Uhh…They won’t try and mess with any of the girls here. They are very professional.” He quickly explained.

“I’m sure that they are…” She said with slight distaste. “I was simply wondering if you had another female agent to possibly replace Mr. Stark. I would just feel more comfortable with more girls here working the case.”

“You want Sam off the case?” Dean asked in amazement. He knew she didn’t like his brother from the start.

“Yes.” Ms. Bowmen said with concern. “Would that be too much trouble?”

“Uhh….” Dean wasn’t sure what he could say to the headmaster. “I’ll see what I can do….” He said absentmindedly even though he knew there was nothing he could do about it. Sam needed to be here to help on this case.

“Great!” Ms. Bowman said cheerily as they stopped outside of a door with numbers engraved into the wood.

Dean was about to ask her what her problem with Sam was, but he didn’t get that far because she began to speak again.

“This is the girls dorms, you wait right here and I’ll go get them.” Ms. Bowmen said with a sad smile as she opened the door.

“Okay…” Dean replied slowly as he tried to peer into the room. Despite it being a little after lunch time, the room appeared to be pitch black and gloomy.

The door clicked lightly shut and Dean was left alone outside. He hurriedly pulled his EMF detector from a pocket in his jacket. Quickly, he flicked the machine on and stepped closer to the door. His eyes were focused solely on the meter in his hands. Dean was holding his breath in anticipation for the high pitched humming that came when the detector picked something up.

Dean’s eyebrows scrunched together in the center of his forehead when the meter remained completely still. He moved a few steps away from the door and even lifted the meter higher and lower, but there was still nothing.

“The fuck?” He hissed softly as he flipped the machine over. ‘Maybe it’s dead…’ Dean thought to himself.

The clicking of the Headmaster’s sharp heels snapping on the floor gave Dean a five second warning to hide his meter before the door opened. Dean had barely slipped the machine back into his pocket before the door reopened and four people came out to join him.

The Headmaster nodded at Dean and they all began to walk back down the hallway so they could get back to Sam and Cas. Dean hung behind a little and assessed the girls that they would be dealing with. All three girls looked exhausted and almost dead looking. Their faces were drained and worn. They appeared far too old despite their young ages.

One of the girls was blonde and appeared to have a kind gentle face. Her blue eyes glinted dully in the light that shone through the windows. Another girl, with dark brown hair, let her long bangs hang down into her face and she shuffled her feet loudly across the floor. The final girl had and brownish red tint to her hair. She had an almost mean face. Dean felt that she had been through a lot in her lifetime. Her whole demeanor was so much different than the other girls he was with.

As they moved, Ms. Bowmen began to talk. “Girls, this is Ms. Romanova, she and her partners are here to ask you couple questions.”

One of the girls, the blonde with the kind face, looked over at him and gave him a half smile that looked almost pained. The other two remained quiet and said noting.

“This is Nicole” The Headmaster indicated to the blonde girl. “The one with the darker brown hair is Kristine, and the other one is Leann.”

Dean nodded to each of the girls in acknowledgment as they descended down the stairs.

Moments later they reached the main office door and the Headmaster called for Sam and Cas to join them.

All three girls’ heads snapped up suddenly as they watched the two men walk from the room. Cas immediately walked over to Dean’s side and stood almost too close to him. Sam stood awkwardly behind Dean, towering over everyone as a strange silence fell over everyone.

“This way to the library agents.”  The Headmaster said as she pointed to some doors not far away.

They all strode to the door and walked inside. Dean was immediately hit with the strong wave of old and new books. There was a dusty papery odor that assaulted Dean’s nose.  Dean hated that smell. He always had. Every time Sam came home with the smell of the library all over him Dean would crinkle his nose in disgust and complain until Sam promised to go take a shower.

They were lead over to a table and everyone sat down to face each other. Castiel was on Dean’s left, his leg pressed hard into Dean’s leg, and Sam was sitting on his right just fiddling his thumbs together absentmindedly.

"I'll.... Uhh... Wait over here if you girls need me." Ms. Bowmen said uncomfortably as she gestured off to a nearby bookshelf.

Dean gave the headmaster a half smile with a sharp nod before she walked off among the shelves. The three girls didn't even acknowledge their headmaster they simply stared quietly down at the table.

One they were alone, a strained silence fell across the groups of people.

Dean finally cleared his throat and said, “Okay… so this is Agent Stark,” Dean gestured towards Sam, “And this is Agent Banner.” He pointed to Cas.  “So… If you girls are feeling up to it, we’d like to ask you some question about what has been going on around here.”
