chapter six

"i didn't know i was lonely
'til i saw your face."
- bleachers

"ARE YOU SURE about this?" Gus whispered. Even from their spot on the abandoned building's rooftop, he didn't want to risk someone hearing them.

Aurora had her hands firmly planted on the cement ledge as she eyed the people walking casually on the sidewalk below them. At his question, she turned to him, her eyes twinkling with a mischievous glint.

"Trust me," she said. "This is incredible."

Gus hesitantly eyed the bucket full of water balloons at their feet. "I can't decide if you're evil or an evil genius."

Aurora eyed the boy beside her, his tall frame turned towards her, waiting for direction. "It takes brains to be evil, Gus. They're the same thing. Now, stop being a fucking baby and pick up a balloon."

"You're ruining my innocence," he whined, bending down and gently grabbing a blue balloon.

"Ruin Gus' Innocence," Aurora repeated, striking her finger through the air. "Check."

"What if we get caught?" Gus asked, ignoring her as he peered over the rooftop's ledge.

"We'll be fine."

"You say that like someone who's been caught before."

"Gus," Aurora said slowly, staring at him squarely in the face. "You will not go to jail for dropping a water balloon on someone. Now, coming from a girl who is dying, we do not have all day. Drop the balloon or I'll smash it over your head."

"You're fucking crazy," Gus mumbled under his breath.

"Less flirting, more mischief." Aurora watched him eagerly, a proud smile on her face, as he closed his eyes and dropped the balloon over the rooftop's ledge.

A second passed. Then two. Finally, Aurora stood on her tiptoes and peered over the edge. The remnants of the blue balloon lay beside a dark spot of water now decorating the sidewalk. Aurora glanced over at Gus, whose eyes were still closed. She watched him with a lighthearted smile before poking his cheek.

He opened one eye slowly, a blue iris peering back at her. "What happened?" he asked slowly, adorably innocent.

"Gus," Aurora spoke softly as she rubbed his shoulder in reassurance. "The point of this is to hit a person, not the sidewalk." Gus cursed under his breath as she handed him a yellow balloon. "Try again. This time, open your eyes."

"Evil doesn't come naturally to everyone, Rory," he mumbled under his breath.

"Spend enough time with me and it will. Now," she grabbed his hand and held it over the ledge, "stop stalling and let this baby fly."

Gus peered over the edge, silently hoping the sidewalk would be deserted, as soon as a man in a navy-blue business suit turned the corner. The man was chatting away on his cellphone, unknowingly walking right into their onslaught.

"Oh God. He's wearing a suit, Rory. A fucking suit. Shit. Shit."

Aurora peered over the edge and smiled, satisfied, as she saw the man Gus had mentioned. The impending mischief made her heart flutter.

"Water doesn't stain, idiot. Do it! Do it!" She chanted, pounding her first in the air.

"Okay. I can do this." Gus turned towards Aurora who was watching him, completely amused by his hesitation. "I hate you," Gus said as he dropped the balloon over the edge.

A second passed before the man's angry screams filled the air. The two stared at each other with wide eyes, frozen for a mere moment, before ducking down quickly. They hid behind the cement ledge before their victim could look up and spot their guilt-ridden faces

Aurora beamed, the angry shouts from the wet stranger making her smile. Gus's laughter rang through the air and Aurora quickly slapped her hand over his mouth.

"Shut up!" She hushed him as his shoulders continued to shake in silent laughter. When a tear rolled down Gus' cheek, Aurora removed her hand and grinned at how happy he looked.

"That was fun," he gushed, eyes bright. Aurora watched him like a proud teacher, bestowing the wonderful knowledge of lame pranks onto her student.

"Wait until we upgrade to paint balloons." Gus' eyes widened in horror, his mouth popping open into a perfect O, which sent her into another laughing fit. "I'm joking," she clarified once the giggles had subsided.

Gus picked up another balloon and, before she could stop him, sent it flying at Aurora's face. The balloon smacked into her forehead, exploding as a gush of freezing cold water drenched her. She shrieked as Gus sat up quickly, running across the roof, doubled over in laughter.

"You asshole!" Her eyes were filled with rage when they met his, which only made Gus laugh harder.

"Not so fun when it happens to you. Huh, Mystery Girl?"

Aurora sat up quickly, reaching into the bucket for ammunition. When she had a water balloon secured tightly in each hand, she turned to him, scowling.

"Take that back," she warned, her voice dangerously low as she watched Gus with narrowed eyes. Her wet hair clung to her forehead, making her skin itch, but she ignored it.

"No thanks," he chirped. Gus' arms were crossed causally over his chest, his lips tugged upwards into a smirk.

He had no idea who he was messing with.

"Take. That. Back," Aurora repeated, taking a threatening step towards him with each word.


Gus barely got the word out before Aurora's hand whipped through the air, launching a water balloon at his body with full force. He let out a short gasp before the balloon smacked into his chest, exploding and drenching him with water. He opened his mouth to protest when she landed another balloon in the centre of his face, water splashing into his open mouth.

The duo stood there for a second, water sliding down Gus' face, the silent wind blowing his wet curls around his head, before Aurora sank to the floor, clutching her stomach.

"Oh my God!" Her words were barely audible over her laughter. "Your face!" She curled her knees up to her chest as she rolled on the cold floor. When she opened her eyes to see a stunned Gus still standing there, water slowly dripping down his skin, shirt now clinging to his chest, it only made her laugh harder.

"This is war," Gus called as he ran to the bucket of water balloons. He lifted it easily in his arms as he strode over to Aurora laying on the ground. Her eyes widened in terror as the realization dawned on her: he was going to dump the entire thing over her head.

"No! Gus, please! Don't," she begged, sitting up slightly as she stared at him.

"Give me one good reason."

"I'm dying?" Aurora said, smiling sheepishly.

Gus' lips jutted out as he pondered her answer. "Not good enough," he decided as he dumped the bucket over her head. Dozens of water balloons fell out in seconds, crashing down onto Aurora and drenching her in an endless stream.

Now it was Gus' turn to laugh as her shrieks filled the air.

"You're dead, Gus!" Aurora sat up quickly, slicking her wet hair off her face as her mind raced with endless forms of revenge.

Gus continued to laugh until he noticed the familiar, evil glint in her brown eyes. He sucked in a sharp breath before holding his hands up in a surrendering plea. "Rory, please. I am an innocent boy."

"You poured a bucket of water balloons over my head!"

"You started it!" Gus cried back, walking quickly backwards to widen the space between them.

"Did that hurt your feelings?" she said softly, taking another step forwards as she blinked up at him innocently.

"Yes," Gus replied wearily. She was up to something, that much he was certain. He took another step backward, his back slamming into the cement wall. He was trapped. Aurora noticed it, too, her mouth curving up into a sinister grin.

"I think you need a hug," she cooed, holding open her wet arms as she closed the distance between them, a trail of water staining the floor behind her.

"Rory —" Aurora wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her freezing cold, wet body tightly against his, as he cried out. She made sure to let her wet hair drip heavily onto him, too.

"Hug me back," she whined, burying her wet face into his chest. He smelt like the ocean.

"No," he said curtly, his arms hanging limply at his side. "I'm soaking wet, Rory," he whined, which only made her happier.

"Misery loves company," she pointed out, grabbing his hands and wrapping them around her waist. "This is so romantic. Don't you think?"

"I would like to take back my honorary title of Adventure Buddy," he mumbled into her hair.

Just as his hands rested on her hips, she pulled back, stepping out of his embrace. "You gave yourself that title," she reminded him.

Gus pouted as Aurora's eyes slowly travelled down his body. His white t-shirt was see-through, clinging to his wet chest. His dark skin was visible, the soft lines of his muscles peeking out beneath the fabric. She reached out and ran her palm along his chest as he watched her, frozen in place.

"What are you ..." His voice trailed off as her finger trailed downward, sending a flutter of chills throughout his body. When his eyes fluttered close and his guard was down, Aurora pulled her free hand out from behind her back and smashed the sole remaining water balloon into the side of his face.

"Aurora!" he screamed, water sputtering out of his mouth and dribbling down his chin.

Aurora let out a sinister cackle as she leaned in quickly, her mouth hovering over Gus' ear. "First rule of war, Gus, don't be distracted by your hormones." She winked at him quickly as she danced away, filled with triumph.

With a shake of his head, Gus watched her with a grin plastered to his face, his heart still racing from having her so, so close.
