
"So, you are Saee, my new roommate! I deduced that you are an antisocial girl. But don't worry I'll make social in just few days." Tzuyu was happily blabbering about making me social. Huh, not even my mother, father and sister together can make me social how this young lady will make me social I wonder.

"Good luck in doing that, because I am a tough cookie." I hope she understands my sarcasm otherwise she'll think I am rude. And I don't want that.

"Aw! Look at yourself you are socializing yourself and addition to that you called yourself a cookie!!" Tzuyu started to squeal dangerously loud.

"I am good at talking one to one. But do tell what do you have in your college? Is there a park? Ooh ooh is there- is there a library? I love to read! Do you? I mean, currently I am reading 5 books but I don't think I can manage with all my studies. D-"

"God! You talk so much! And here I was trying to make you talk! And yes there is handsome park. You will be tempted to sit on it but don't  that is my seat. And yes, again, there is a library here but no, you are not going there because you'll miss all the classes."

Huh missing classes and me? It's just like not watching hot girls and Jiraiya. "Don't worry. I'll never miss my classes. Though what is it about park." 

"There is this handsome guy whose name is Park Jimin. I am kind of interested and he is my type unlike the other guys I have dated. But I want to stay in shadows. And Jimin is in Bangtan which is kind of the famous bad boy group. God! They are handsome. But four of them are gay. They are my otp. I think you saw Jimin. He was outside. Beautiful grey hair, nice butt, juicy thighs, full lips and handsome face." 

"Hmm I think, was that guy running from the crazy fangirls? By the way where is the washroom? I need to freshen up."

"Come with me. I'll show you everything on the way to the washroom."


Namjoon's P.O.V

Oh damn! (not using god as he is an atheist) I can't read a single page when the maknaes are around! 

"can you stop talking so loudly? I, even I, can't concentrate on reading!" I said nearly yelling as this book, The Testaments, is very interesting and I can't concentrate. 

"But hyung, I saw a different girl who is not from here. She was.... different." Jimin said.

" So, you are saying was inter-dimensional?" Jeongguk said.

"My guess is she is from India, the for-"  I was cut off by my beloved boyfriend. Yes, boyfriend. Let me introduce my group.  I am Kim Namjoon, the Leader. I really don't know why they call me leader, maybe I am the wisest and I lead them. No, I don't take pride in saying that. Others are smart, too, but they don't actually use it. Precisely, the maknae line don't use it. So, Kim Soekjin aka Jin is my boyfriend. And, I do take pride in saying that I am dating the most handsome man in the college. The second eldest, Min Yoongi is in relationship with Jung Hoseok aka Hobi who is an year younger than him. The maknaes who, I think, are bi are Jimin, Taehyung and Jeongguk.

"Is she Indian? That means I can eat real Indian food! The Indian food in Cafeteria is bland." Seokjin expressed his thoughts. Gosh! His voice is sooo melodic. I wish I can hear his last night's moa- I think I should stop.

"Hyung, she doesn't know you. Why in the hell will she cook for you. You don't even know if she can cook." Hobi said.

"She looked smart and intelligent. Namjoon hyung, I think you got a competition to win. Hyuksoo(the one who went to India from S. Korea) wasn't a competition to you but she will be." Jimin piped in.

"We'll see. I don't think she'll be of much trouble in competition." I said.


Next day [Namjoon's P.O.V. continue]

Damn, she is trouble in my competition.
