
chaldea, iron works pov:

now feeling bad for beating up a guy with powers way beyond his comprehension as he sees the unconscious don quixote laying there in the infirmary...

ironworks: i-is he going to be ok?

sancho: well after all you busted him pretty good but he'll live...

they watched in fear as don Quixote now recovering, as flatline and Nightingale asked the unalined hermit...

flatline: tell me what happened?

nightingale: the injuries are consistent of wind cuts and a large explosion!

they both chew ironworks out as they both took him to go see leonardo da Vinci due to him not being one of the two masters' servants at their disposal...  

ironworks: so? where are you taking me?

nightingale: to go see da Vinci let her know what to do with you...since you jumped in here for no good reason!

ironworks:...oh...I guess I'll be going now, so lead the way![great my miracle machine that grabs some people who are long dead failed me!]

so now as they now left the room to now go meet up with one of the directors of chaldea, and with no one to fill out the niche that the injured don Quixote, as in the same place to where the a new portal is now opening up from where the construction facility that ironworks both uses and resides in, now sends in a quite queer fellow...

???: aaaaagghhh!!!! by the power of iacon! i have the power to fight all and any evil!

...and the owner of that voice is a mentally derailed robot with a z-shaped scythe now jumped out of a random portal of the unknown origin...

[sky high, class=lancer (two chuunibiyos in one go!)] he now runs down the halls to do whatever crazy things he wants to do...

???: dammit! here comes another one!

gudako pov:

now pissed off that her very first soon-to-be a six-star servant is now missing, to the point that she is now starting to forget the reason for being there in the first a crazy person usually is...

gudako: dammit dammit dammit!....dammit! where the hell is hyperdrive go!?

staxx: well i wonder if he really wanted to go somewhere...but i wonder where did the others go?

the young deepticon who is known for ramming things like an angry honey tries to become more gentler in his approach...

staxx: well don't worry! I'm here for you so we can save this place!

gudako: for a giant alien robot...your both cute and adorable just like my little eggplant...mashu!

staxx: r-really?

gudako: ok! now let's go to where those stunticon freaks are at and kick their asses! Oh! And let's get this crazy Navitas thingy out of here!

staxx: but drift and co. are all on patrols and won't be back until-

gudako well that is why we all have some new /slaves/ servants to help us out!

Staxx; ri-right!...

and now they both exited the room to now go meet up with the people native to the singularity... with the new objective to now hint down the criminal group that is identified as the stunticons, who ae illegally racing in the roads and injuring or even killing billions...

gudako: and where the hell did my six-star servant go to now!?

staxx: I kinda think that he has some better stuff to crash his oversized cannons at...i think?

gudako: well while you were sulking in the back of the room, I just found out that you don't even have a legend aside from you being a mad robot who just loves to ram things out of the roads!

staxx: oh...well you see that I kinda wanted to be the fastest thing there is on all of Cybertron!

gudako: well we got a bunch of angry street racers on the loose and we gotta go find out whatever this stupid lostbelt singularity is hiding...

now both he and gudako now leave the room where safety prime is now dead after hyperdrive was forced into killing him due to being corrupted by some mysterious force...the same one when whirl was first summoned in she now walks over to the group of servants and other ...

gudako: ok people! let's all get a move on here!

chaldea, ironworks pov:

now on the way to go meet up with Leonardo da Vinci to let her know what to do with him...

l.d.v: so what is it now?

nightingale: we found him after he beat up don Quixote...well it took a while until we found out that he has a noble phantasm, too bad it's a freaking windmill...

the iron nurse now cynically said that, as ironworks now knelt down in his complete apology mode...

ironworks: I'm so sorry! i was originally working on a new spacebridge that took me here...and on the side is a special add-on to the space bridge by some shady bot' who wanted to bring back some dead guys!

the famous painter and inventor now took all of his words into context, she the knew what he was just talking a while ago...

l.d.v.: what!?...y-you created some knock-off rayshift!?

ironworks: what!?... i-i...what?...i made one...

the inventor of the interstellar communicator[windmill] now soon came to the realization of what he has done...

flashback, ironworks' pov:

now as a shady robot now has stepped in to do a commission of a certain device that adds onto a spacebridge to bring the deceased back to life... 

ironworks: huh...who should you be?

???: oh...I'm just an interesting spark wanting a worthy inventor to go build something to let the historian go have a run for their money...

the shady individual now showed the Autobot hermit schematics of what looks like that of a space bridge and an occult summoning circle...

ironworks: what is this?

he looked up from his desk to now see the shady bot'...

???: this is a secret between you and will remake the heroes of old, and save the world when we run out of heroes...

then the shady individual left, as ironworks could only remember the only known encounter...but this was then cut really short when an alarm comes in with servants running all over the place...

ironworks: hey! what am i supposed to do with this!?

...the shady cloaked figure now disappeared into the void that is the outsides of the construction station...

flashback ends:

now being about to leave the main facility to go to ironwork's construction facility, with multiple alarms of unidentified rogue servants running loose all over inside of chaldea... with roman now looking at the surveillance cameras... 

roman: oh no...

...and the cybertronian in the human disguise brainstorm is now looking at him with a confused look with ironworks...

brainstorm: so? what just happened?

roman: this is bad! there are some rogue servants all over the place all thanks to his artificial rayshift!

ironworks: hey! i was just using it for a test run...

roman: I know that, but I need you to help me in fixing it...

...and a voice of a certain male servant with a red spear now yells for his life getting their attention...

cu chulain: aaaaaagghhh!! someone help me!

sky high! stop there criminal scum!

cu chulain: oh I'll show you criminal scum!

scathath: cu chulain! get back here for once!

...this mostly proves da Vinci's point, as she then turned around to see that multiple servants are now trying to coral in a giant red robot with a scythe made from a single helicopter blade...

ironworks: so what happens now?

da Vinci: i think it's best that we let the runaway servants tire themselves out and let the servants deal with it...longer if we have to call tech support...though

roman: but we're the tech support!

da Vinci: good point though!

ironworks: and then so what?

roman: just pay attention since you just came here by the way...oh well if you need me I'll just go and get a team of servants to destroy the artificial rayshift...

ironworks: oh...

da Vinci: and then we're going to deal with the servants who just appeared inside of chaldea

...and they all went along to stop the arrival of the newer servants that no one wants as the tech support team consisting of roman, leonardo da Vinci, ironworks, and the whole technobot team to shut down the artificial rayshift that was built by ironworks...

roman: so ironworks...why in your best mind did you build this other rayshift?

ironworks: well to tell you the truth I was bored at the time and that's why I built the thing...

da Vinci: oh really!? well, that's what I did when I'm bored...but now like that!

ironworks: uhhhh...c-ca-can we go there already?

da Vinci: fine...

...and with the eccentric hermit that built the second rayshift by accident, that being ironworks ran past the medical bay with flatline and the medical crew is taking care of the unconscious bot' who just appeared during the accidental they all headed outside to the construction station...

ironworks; uhhh...just curious what happens if we didn't shut down the rayshift from my side?

roman: in that case...

da Vinci: I'm thinking that it'll cause a big explosion...or a massive distortion to the time streams, if we don't shut down the other rayshift in time...

ironworks: o-oh...

...they all ran to the site that is causing the most concern...

lostbelt, gudako pov:

staxx: so uhhh...gudako? h-how are we gonna find those guys?

gudako: well i was about to tell the hyperdrive guy before he rudely left...that we totally needed the extra firepower! may i know who is this mash person?

gudako: well that's tottally a good queston!...she's my kouhai, to tell you the truth i had to share her with ritsuka...

staxx: uh-uh-huh! keep going...

the girl was just about to go on and on all about the stories that goes in and out of chaldea, as they are being interrupted by kenzan...

kenzan: master! we found the-

gudako: do you kindly mind that i am telling a story to my replacement kouhai!?

staxx: uh i am a what now?...

kenzan: my apollogies! buy we have located the stunticons inside of navitas and drift and the cybertronian reptile is after them...

gudako: good! all according to my awesome plan~!

jinbu: what plan?

kenzan: it's sometihng that our new master has called "gudak-ology"...

astolfo: can we get them already, the bad guys are getting away!

alexander: yeah! i'm not getting any younger!

gudako: have no fear! i'm gonna beat those guys!

...she disrespectfully waltzed out of the room as to where she now leaves the still mourning GT racers and their gt sisters all there not knowing that gudako has left...

ai: i can't believe that safety prime was killed...but he used up all of his life energy to keep me here...

noa: i'm starting to really think that ever since those chaldea guys are bad news ever since they came here...

ai: same here...oh come to think about come that gudako girl is taking so long in there?

they soon get their answers when staxx came out of the room...

staxx: uuuhhh...gudako just left...

ai: she- what!? ok! transform and get us all to her!

staxx: oh-ok!...and-

GT optimus: please we have to get to her or else she or the stunticons will destroy Navitas...

GT megatron: even though i hate to say this but I'll call for a truce!

GT optimus: that tis much better...

staxx: ok! we'll just follow the trail of scorch marks left behind by crazybolt...and his-

gudako: ok! say no more! we're gonna find him, and find the stunticons that no one remembers no matter what!

staxx: th-that's good to know...

...and gudako smiled at the giant deception found in the racing lostbelt, as she now gets the attention of both astolfo and alexander...

alexander: hey master! you won't like what I just found!

gudako: and what was that?

alexander: I found out where this crazybolt is going...

gudako: where!?

astolfo: and you won't like it!

gudako: oh just tell me already!

...and the female master of chaldea now looked at staxx as she now is about to go track down crazybolt and get the stunticons 

astolfo: he's chasing after the stunticons who called themselves drag strip and  wildbreak...

gudako: hmmm...crazybolt can deal with it, but if I'm the smart one and which I am...staxx, astolfo, and alexander is with me, while the GT racers and their GT sisters go hunt down the head honcho and take him down with the two combiners that I came here with...

staxx: and what about the lostbelt?

gudako oh...i really didn't think about that one...

alexander: and what are we going to do now?

gudako: pffft...just trust me on this one...


gudako pov:

now racing inside of the deception that is in the lostbelt now looking for the stunticons who are now scheming up something inside of the moving city of navitas, in the earth timeline that involves cybertronian leaders racing...

gudako: ok now where in the world did crazybolt go?

staxx: well... i really have no idea what you're talking about...

gudako: oh just calm down...

staxx: and what about the other people with whom we got a truce?

gudako: oh I'll check up with them now!

...she now looked at the little walkie talkie as she now gets into contact with kenzan and the swordbots who now are elsewhere looking for the other three stunticons...

gudako: hey it's me again...i was wondering if you guys got a clue about where crazybolt is.

GT Maximus: I'm not sure, but it's pretty much evidence enough that we can find him when we see a scorching mess of a burning highway...

hiiro: he's scary! and please don't-

gudako: hey! please shut up I really don't like you whining about you hating my servants!


astolfo:'s not a big deal since it's a big place in chaldea-

...then an explosion now appeared across a couple of city blocks across from navitas...

GT Maximus: what was that!?

gudako: I think it's the swordbots dissing it all out with the stunticons!

astolfo: and I really wish that mash is right here to see it...

gudako: oh alright...and then that means we'll have to find the fish and then the others have to deal with the minnows!

...and they all raced down the highway looking for motor master and the other two stunticons with the GT racers and they respective GT sisters, and as for the swordbots, it is a completely different story...

swrdbots pov, kenzan pov:

now with the assistance of one of the most important figures of Japanese history is none other that sakemoto ryouma and oryou, who are there both dealing with the combined form of both dragstrip and wildbreak...and he calls himself by the name of dragbreak... he now pulled out hammer from out his back and then attempts to crush them all with it...

ryouma: hey! take it easy with that thing!

dragbreak: grrr...hold still!

kenzan: fast as the wind and...

...and from nowhere ganoh, came careening forth with his drill-tipped spear and slamming it onto the slightly larger bot' who just happened to be a combiner...

ganoh: ...and strong like lightning!

dragbreak: aaargghh!...oh why you-

jinbu: on your six!...slowpoke!

...and then followed with a quick counterattack by jinbu...

ouryou: so can I eat him after the fight ryouma?

ryouma: well...I'm no mechanic...but sure!

jinbu: no time! time to strike!

...and the three swordbots samurai and the rider now attacked in quick succession, as the crash combiner now stumbled back, hence leaving the three swordbots just enough room to merge and combine into gokenzan to even out the playing field... 

gokenzan: hah!

...and he attacked dragbreak with an "X" shaped slash to the chest, and then quickly followed by a quick spin kick...

dragbreak: oh why you!

...he swung the hammer only for it to be parried by both of gokenzan's katanas and this leaves both ryouma and oryou standing there...

ouryou: do you think I should do it?

ryouma: I don't know...i think that we should do it, oh well master wants to get past this lostbelt and then let's do it!...and ok you'll get your little snack!

ouryou: oh...!

...and they both sprung into action as oryou now levitated towards the combiner, as he looked on with confusion on what is going on...

dragbreak: what in the- was a little too late for him to understand who he is fighting right now as the dragon in the guise of a young and attractive woman now punched him in the face, giving the other combiner to do the finishing move...

gokenzan: shining cross slash! gokenzan now slashed the air to make a cross in the air as it materializes in the form of solid energy, as it flew into the combiner...

dragbreak: what the-!? just when he tries to jump out of the way to get himself to safety, it hits him hard, forcing him to disengage the combination, also forcing him to revert back to his components of both dragstrip and wildbreak respectively...

wildbreak: woah...that was mean...uhhh...dragstrip?

dragstrip: what!?...oh scrap...

...and they both stood there knowing that they have been beaten up badly by people who can hold a candle to them with the means of doing so...

gokenzan: surrender while you can!

dragstrip: oh yeah!? 

wildbreak: dragstrip-

dragstrip: I know...better luck next time I guess...

...they both transformed into their alt modes as they both drove away...

oryou: mmmph...

ryouma: what's wrong oryou?

oryou: I didn't get to eat them...

ryouma: don't worry you'll get your chance to eat them...

oryou: really ryouma?

ryouma: will!

...they both looked up at the swordbots who are all back to their individual components...

ganoh: so where to next?

kenzan: we should get ourselves to able enough to-

jinbu: oh please talk way too slow, even sometimes even slower that our old teacher !

kenzan: hey! i do not talk too slow!

...this annoyed ryouma, and confused ouryou for a little while, as they got to running after the two stunticons...

oryou: ryouma... and what's wrong with that metal man's way of talking?

ryouma: that, I really do not know about that...

kenzan: oh really? you have to do that...

ryouma: well it's true...

jinbu: well to tell you the truth...he's not really much of a talker...

ganoh: what are you two waiting for?! they're getting away!

kenzan: everyone! let's go...master isn't going to wait for us any longer!

...and they did, as the swordbot trio now are being trailed by their shinobi counterparts who are still on the hot trail of the other two stunticons, and unfortunately not the leader at the other part of the the shinobi trio all managed to catch upwith them...

gekimaru: stop right there you villains!

...and this startled one of the two...

heatseeker: oh scrap! it's them!

slashmark: I'm guessing that you beating the loud and obnoxious one... it's something true about you heatseeker...

heatseeker: oh well...

...the swordbot shinobi now saw the one that calls himself with the name of heatseeker quickly transforms into his alt-mode... 

heatseeker: well. i guess..One guided missile to make all your dreams come true!

...and this got the trio to brace themselves, as he now fired a pair of two guided and literal and self-invocational the missiles now blew up the area...

heatseeker: oh yeah! now let's do this!

slashmark: I really regret the fact that motormaster made you the one in charge...

...the annoyed one swapped out his hands with what looked like a pair of energy-based buzzsaw,  as he leaped forwards with those both attached to his arms...

slashmark: and then so be have at all of you!

...and he swung his arms, as the swordbot shinobi all moved and gekisoumaru countered by parrying the blows with his "hundred beast shinobi kunais" that was just large enough to be used skillfully for counter the brutish weapon...

slashmark: wha-...

...and then sensuimari now blocked the next blow with his "great fin cross shurikens" as he then sweep kicked the stunticon on the legs...

sensuimaru: surrender now...i won't say this again to both of you...

heatmark: a fine proposition...but my answer is!

heatseeker: ha!


...heatseeker now fired a rocket and aimed it directly at the swordbots, as that gave them the opening...

swordbot shinobi:...!?

gekisoumaru: everyone, get clear!

...they did so as they all saw that the stunticon duo both combined into a larger and much stronger form, to seemingly in their mind could do the job of getting rid of the the swordbot shinobi much quicker...

heatmark: haha! heatmark in the house!

...and the combiner now stomped forwards, trying to get a chance to almost step on top of gekisoumaru, who then transformed to his alt-mode of that of a blue metallic lion to use that form's immense speeds to evade quickly...

gekisoumaru: this form is too much of a brute to even keep up with us...swordbots, scatter!

hishoumaru: oh boy...this isn't a bit fun at all...

...the three of them all went ahead to go and stall the combiner consisting of just two decepticons, who is trying to keep up with a lion, a hawk, and a shark, with almost nothing with his sluggish movements... 

heatmak: hold still, so I can tear you all apart piece by piece!

...and the trio all retaliated accordingly to comply, as sensuimaru said something and made a piece of proverbs based on combiners as a whole...

sensuimaru:...piece by piece you say?...a living descendant of nexus prime himself isn't a joke as for the parts making up of a combiner from the past is more pure and stable unlike those found in the present day...

heatmark: do I look like i care!?

...heatmark tried to stomp on the ninja with his foot, but sensuimaru just sunk into the shadows as if it was water, and then transformed into his shark alt-mode ... 

hishoumaru: ok! this guy's stubborn as a box of corroded energon!

...and hishoumaru now looked over at gekisoumaru, as she motioned for the both of them to get into position...

gekisoumaru: so this is how and why chaldea goes out of their way to save the world...

...and they all jumped out of the way, as heatmark now attempts to strike down the trio from out of their hiding spots, but they kept missing his attacks, against the three fast-moving targets...

heatmark: aggghhh!! hold still!

...and as the trio still made sure that heatmark has stayed in a state of being unable to attack any of the three of them...

gekisoumaru: now, combine!

hishoumaru: you got it!


...and the three all jumped up into the air high enough way beyond the combiner's reach , as they all transformed into one single larger form, more suited for the job, as it now kicked heatmark on the shoulder and then roundhouse kicked him down, as it is now revealed to be the swordbot shinobi's combined form known as daigekisou... 

gogekisou: so do you want another round then?

heatmark: aaaagghhh!

...heatmark nowignored the snide remark as he now attempted to tackle down the three-bot combiner, as he just moved aside and elbowed him, as gogekisou now pointed a handheld double-bladed scythe to the combiner...

heatmark: do you think I'm scared of whatever that is!?

gogekisou: you better be...

...the brute now raised his fists as to attack the combiner, only to be kicked on the chest as the combiner now performed a complex backflip, as gogekisou now reconfigured himself to be more suited to the situation...

heatmark:...wh-what the-!?

...and he sees the shinobi autobot now mad the gekisoumaru part, to switch places with the sensuimaru he now took over of the gestalt...

sensuimaru:'s over...

...and in a few strikes with the cybetronian weapon, he then later discarded it as to where he stabbed the metal sensuimaru now decided that it was quite a time for heatmark to now cool off quite literally...

gosensui: diving burst palm! the combiner's noble phantasm is now activated, as an energon-spiked  tsumani, now made a splash that finishing move now pushed him to a wall with so much force preventing him from moving...

gosensui:...hmph! your turn!

...and now it's hishourmaru's turn to take charge as he quickly replaced sensuimaru, as he quickly made a peace sign...

gohishou: ok! now let's do this! he now took flight with him raising his scythe-like kunai, and swinging it as his noble phantasm is now activated...

gohishou: ...alright!...soaring wind dance! he now swung his weapon, and at the same exact time as he now started spinning to begin creating a gale-force hurricane...

gohishou: now it's showtime! he now rode up the wild air currents as he now slashed at random onto the combiner, forcing him to disengage...

heatseeker and slashmark: aaaaaargghhh!!!! they both crash landed onto the streets below, as the swordbot shinobi now stood there...

gekisoumaru: I think in my best opinion that you should surrender if you wanted to live another day...

hishoumaru: I think he's sort of you two better listen up!

...and this gets to the spitefulness of the two...

slashmark: do you think that we will surrender this easily!?

heatseeker: ha!

...heatseeker now fired a rocket as he now covered up their escape...

TIMESKIP BOUGHT TO YOU BY, NAUTILATOR BEING SCHOOLED BY NEMO... as the stunticons all are returning to what looks like a base of operation, they all saluted a large bot' with a big he isn't too happy with the results...

motormaster: answer me! why isn't this dump taken over already!?

dragstrip i-it's the chaldea creeps!

wildbreak: they have combiners with superpowers boss!

motormaster: no excuses!

...he backhanded both dragstrip and wildbreak as the leader of the stunticons...

motormaster: if I wanted to be the fastest one there is...and then no one should be faster than me, or bigger and badder than me... he said that he showed a blueprint of what looks like a spacebridge...

motormaster: while all of you are busy in duking it all out on those punks...i had both offroad and blackjack build me a spacebridge that can literally make me the fastest one there I am the king of the roads!

...he now ordered everyone to move on to the next layer of his plans, as both blackjack and offroad now seemed to be up to something, as they are both hiding in some damp velocitronian alley...

offroad: oh hey boss...heheh...I'm thinking that we just phased up the stupidly super evil plan that you told me and blackjack to intercept?

???: just get to the point!

offroad: well they just sped it all up in...well y'know? there's like this super spacebridge highway that they're been making ever since...

???: what are you doing there!?...get in there and get that other motormaster to become the king of the junkyard or I'll chew you all to the junkions!?.

...this disturbed the bot' as he slowly hang up the call, and he quickly returned to his confident and charismatic self...

offroad: now let's get this all down to business...well the boss wanted to get that faker rider to be the king of the

blackback: so, we'll have to guide him to this chaldea bunch in we need to give him a massive beatdown...the kind that he deserves!

...they all stood there as a certain group of vehicles now zoomed right past them...

gudako pov:

now racing with the rag-tag group consisting of the gt racers, drift, and staxx to where they all are trying to find out the source of the orders of where the stunticons are getting...

gudako: so where'd do you think is this boss, those stunticreep are going for?

alexander: well...I'm no sherlock holmes but...i'm thinking it might be somewhere that someone might forget really easily, or somewhere they can hide away...

gudako: hold it right there! everyone, stop!

...she screamed the word "stop" at the top of her lungs, as she now tells everyone her crazy plan...

gudako: everyone!... follow me!

drift: what? is she serious?

astolfo: well she's always like this'll get used to it...

anna: are you really kidding me!?

GT saber: I'm pretty sure she isn't

alexander: she really isn't...sorry about that...

...and the crazy girl of chaldea now made the gang of cybertronian servants, to where gudako thinks is where the boss of the stunticons might be hiding with whatever gargantuan superweapon that they might be hiding in there with them...

