Chapter 6: Enka

That next morning, I headed for Inkopolis Square, where Ally had asked me to meet her. When I started towards the city, however, I heard the city buzzing. All of the talks around Inkopolis Square were about the new soundtrack that came out yesterday, and the majority of it was pointing towards one thing: that Callie was the one singing in the background. I refused to believe it, though. That just couldn't be.

I saw Ally at one of the tables in Inkopolis Square. She noticed me as I made my way toward her.

"There you are," Ally said. "I'm glad you came."

"Hey, Ally," I said to her as I sat down at her table. "So, what was it you wanted to talk about?"

"It's about Marie. I'll explain why later but I wanted to tell you about her," Ally said. "Last time we saw her, how was she dressed?"

This question disturbed me. I didn't know how to respond, mainly because I last saw her at the New Squidbeak Splatoon, which I'm not supposed to say anything about. I wasn't sure how I could answer her question. At that point I remembered: I was at the convention hall near Elmer's Mountain and Marie was in that same kimono, outside the convention hall. I knew then it was safe to describe her there since I was with Ally and the rest of the gang. I described her kimono and the lavish accessories that went with it, and the umbrella.

"Okay," said Ally. "Now, remember Maire's solo, Tide Goes Out? How did she sing it?"

I remembered the song pretty well. It was my favorite that any one of the Squid Sisters composed. "Monotone, somber," I began. "Maybe depressing, hmmm... very emotional. It was almost like she was giving a speech song."

"Yeah, exactly," Ally said "Now, did you see her at Elmer's Mountain? How did she act there?"

"She seemed... depressed... like she was mourning." then I started to get suspicious. "Wait... what are you getting at, Ally?"

"Well, what do these things have in common?" She asked me. "The elaborate kimono, the slow, somber music, and the way she acts; what are they all pointing to in terms of her style right now?"

The answer hit me like a ball hitting me over the head. "Enka?"

"Yes, Enka," said Ally. "It's just too obvious. You can see it in her movements when she was performing."

"So... if this is true..." I began thinking aloud. "Hold on, Ally. What you're telling me is too much for me not to be suspicious. What are you getting at? What are you hiding?"

"Farris," she looked around her surroundings to make sure no one was watching, then she pushed herself closer to me. "I need to tell you something. You want to know why I seem to be looking in better shape than you?"

That was a surprising question to hear from her. "Why?"

"I know I may look like a rookie on the battlefield, but honestly..." She hesitated a little. "I was a part of the New Squidbeak Splatoon in the first Great Zapfish capturing."

"No..." I gasped. I didn't think this would happen. "You're Agent #3!"

"Shhh! Keep your voice down!" Ally whispered, then she spoke softly, "Yes, I am Agent #3 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon. That's why I'm beginning to become a higher-up than you. I'm using what I've learned from my experiences with the Octarians."

"Ally..." I said to her. "I don't know what to say. Are you really Agent #3?"

"Yes, Farris, I'm not lying," said Ally. "I'll have to talk to you later. I think you need to get going."

"Yeah..." I said, still in shock. "See you, Ally."

I walked away as fast as I could. That was not what I expected to hear from her. I couldn't get over the fact that she was actually a part of the heroes who saved Inkopolis one time. It all began to make sense now. That was why she was looking at me with glowing eyes when I saw her before I left. This was why she was becoming a higher-up from the get-go of her time at the S.F.C.N.Y. I wanted to tell Marie, but I decided against it. If she wanted me to keep the society a secret, then I might as well not tell her about that experience. I also didn't think Ally would appreciate it if I did say something.

I arrived back at Seanon Fields and back at the entrance pipe to the NSS headquarters. I jumped in immediately after I unveiled it. When I reached the other side, Marie saw the look on my face and started growing concerned.

"Hey, Farris," she said. "You don't look so hot."

"It's been a rough morning," I said, trying to cover up what I just heard. "You know that latest song that just hit the store shelves? I've been listening to it all morning, and there's just something about it that wasn't quite right."

"What do you mean?" asked Marie.

"I don't know," I said. "I'm just speculating right now."

Then Sheldon showed up in his flying pickup truck.

"Hey, guys!" he said as he pulled out a machine from his truck. "Look what I've got!"

"Oh, you've brought along one of your weapon upgrade stations, I presume?" said Marie.

"Right-yo! This one just came out of the factory!" said Sheldon. "It was made especially for the New Squidbeak Splatoon! Farris, if you want to upgrade your weapons, just stop by here! There's a lot of stuff you can do, here!"

I looked at the machine, feeling a lot better than I was before. "Sweet!" I said. "You may have just brightened my day, Sheldon!"

"Happy to do good for ya!" said Sheldon. "Just stop by here whenever you want! It'll always be here for ya!" He paused for a moment. "Alright, I better get going. Got a lot of business to do back at Inkopolis!"

"Thanks, Sheldon. Take care," said Marie.

"See you, Sheldon!" I said.

Then Sheldon left in his truck. I felt a lot better about today. The thought about what happened this morning stuck with me, though.

"Alright, Farris," said Marie "You better get suited up and get going. The Octarians are probably expecting you, this time."

"Okay," I said. "Let's get this done."

At that point, I suited up and headed out to the next location.
