Sebastian's POV

I can't wait to step foot in the Tomlinson's. All of us are, extremely. Astrid took a sleeping pill. "It would make the flight faster." She claimed. And Luna's been doing skincare and putting on makeup to look "worthy"  of stepping into the household of the Tomlinson's. Plus, Mr. Skys is going to be there! I have this new image of him now that I know he's Harry's husband.

My mom and i used to watch the Tomlinsons and Styles alot. Things about their company and even about their personal lives. They were always in talk shows, tv shows, and the front cover of magazines. They were everywhere in the media. They still are now, of course, but not as much as before. Good for them.

They inspired me to become an entrepreneur. To be as successful as them and help my mom. So, at the age of 8, I created my first business.

A lemonade stand in my neighbor's front yard. We didn't have a front yard.  We lived in a small home, 'til now, actually but it's very homey. I'm just glad I have a roof over my head. My birth father was a no-show, so mom had to raise me alone. She made just enough to sustain our needs with her day shift as a cashier in a gas station and night shift in the supermarket.

Mom was friends with our neighbor, Mrs. Jones, and she allowed me to have a lemonade stand in her property. Not only did I get a place for my business, but I also got a business partner, her son, Tobias.

Business went well at first, but it was too much math and too many people to interact with. Tobias handled everything like a champ, though, so I decided it was best to leave the business to him. He was bummed, like very. He was angry.

He claimed he was too young to be left with a business to handle. Uh, hello? I'm younger than him!  6 months but still.

Plus, he already did everything, I only gave the lemonades.

I was riding a bike, circling around the neighborhood. I remember it clearly. It was a bright, sunny day after days of heavy rain and gloomy skies. I was cooped up in the house with toys I've gotten bored with, and I didn't even have a sibling to play with. But when the sun finally showed up, little 8 year old me realized the meaning of the saying, "There is sunshine after the rain."

After circling around in a bike numerous times, who wouldn't get tired, right? So I grabbed some eggos in the house to gain energy back. My mom said not to eat while biking, but I couldn't waste time!

The clouds were starting to look sad and grey again. I guess the sky had mood swings.

Fast forward, I choked. I saw the little shit Tobias in his lemonade stand looking at me as I coughed my whole being out. I would never forget the smirk plastered on his face as he drank the lemonade while I stretched  an arm out to him, trying to seek help.

I died for 2 minutes, but anyway, I'm alive, obvi. Or maybe I'm still actually dead, and this is all a dream.

And music, I've always loved music. I even have a video dancing to "I Want It That Way" when I was a toddler. Did I grow up to be a dancer? No. But I became a drummer. A good one per se considering Harry Styles chose me.

I still can't believe I'm going to the household of the most famous business people. If I ever come across Tobias again, I'd rub it in his face.

"Seba, too tight, dude!"

I loosen my grip from Luna's arm. It's my first time flying, and no one told me I'd get the same feeling I get in my tummy when riding roller coasters.  I've been told I'd do this more often once H goes on tour. I get to tour around the world with my new besties! Not to brag, but I think I have one of the coolest lives of people my age. And if there's a red carpet when we land, I'd die from coolness overload.

Harriet and the three bitches

Harriet: they said you're gonna land in an hour everything good up there?

Una: Everything's chill, but seba is trying to rip my arm off

Seba: The plane is tickling my tummy is it suppose to do that


Seba: Soo is anyone home?

Harriet: nope, they're all in LA. Only the staff are there

Seba: and you?

Harriet: We're on our way

Seba: WE?

Harriet: I'm with Niall and Bella, you guys can get to know them later

Astrid: Will your hubby be there?

Harriet: When you land, no

Astrid: awee☹️☹️

Harriet: but I'll pick him up from his shift at the cafe about 3 hrs after your arrival



Harriet: ikr


Harriet: you guys still have an hour left dummy


Seba: What if we get shot for trespassing??


Harriet: nvm it's the right house guys, chill

Harriet: the text was sent an hour ago😁

Harriet: So you'll land now

Seba: I'll come for you styles

Harriet: fine, no clothes for you

Seba: just kidding, love you


Una: obviously, it's a mansion



Harriet: idk

Harriet added Nialler to the chat



Una: HI


Nialler: you can call me Niall :D

Nialler: I'm the guy waving to you guys. Harry sent me cuz he was too lazy to go up

Seba: omgomgomgomgomg

When the plane finally landed, we thank Elodie and Elise, our flight attendants who told us they were actually sisters, when Astrid mentioned how their names matched. They served us great food, and I couldn't take them enough. Of course, we also thanked the pilot, Captain Jean Arsenault. He even let me sit in the cockpit! I sent a thousand pictures to my mom.

"Heya, bitches!" I hear a guy who I assume is Niall yell as we head down the stairs of the plane. The girls run to him as I struggle with the luggages. Since I didn't bring any luggage with me, Luna and Astrid made me carry theirs. I look up to face Niall— OH MY GOSH THERE IS RED CARPET THIS IS SO COOL.

A guy in a fancy uniform goes up the stairs to me, offering to take the luggages. He carries them as if they were the lightest things to exist. I walk down the stairs, amazed that there's actually a red carpet! I feel like such a celebrity. The view here on top is just... wow.

When I finally face Niall I stutter, "H-hi" and I mentally face palm. It's my first time meeting him so I am quite nervous. I lend out a hand for him to shake but he pulls me in a hug.

"No need for formalities, Sebastian." He says and I feel myself relax. He seems like a fun, chill guy.

"I'm the youngest out of the boys, just two years older than you. I bet we'll get along pretty good." He pats my back and we all walk to the elevator. 

"Hiii! Welcome to the elevator. Try not to get chilly in here." Voices of young boys speak when Niall presses the "close" button. Luna and Astrid laugh while I look at them, amazed. I didn't know elevators can talk.

"Sorry, I thought they removed that already." Niall chuckles, looking embarrassed. I'm assuming those voices belonged to the five boys. They sounded so young it was adorable.

It's extremely spacious. At least 30 people can fit in here. It's also air conditioned, "Guys, look up!" Astrid speaks. I look up and sure enough, a mirror is right above us.


The doors open slowly and my jaw drops. I look to the girls with wide eyes to confirm if we were seeing the same thing. I daydreamed about this room everyday when I was fifteen.

"Welcome to the gaming room." Niall smiles, motioning us to step inside. It's a huge dim-lit room filled with, well, games! A huge pool table is in the middle of the room.  As we walk through , we're surrounded with numerous arcade games. Seriously, if I live in this house I'd never leave.

Please please please let us stay here instead of a hotel. Even just one night here would be the dream.

I can see Astrid trying extremely hard not to run to every one of the games. Honestly, me too. But I don't wanna risk breaking or even scratching anything. As we head to the double glass doors, to the right, a play station is set, a ginormous flat screen tv is on the wall and endless games are displayed on the brown shelf beside it.

Much to our dismay, we step out the gaming room, and the bright chandelier immediately hits our eyes. I've never been to a home this beautiful! It looks like a fancy hotel lobby.

"This is living room number 1"

Number 1?! We barely had a living room in our house for fuck's sake.

The couch that was in the middle of the room which is on top of a freaking white circle thingy starts moving and turns to us. Harry is then revealed to be lying on his side with one hand holding a remote, the other supporting his head.

"Welcome to my humble abode." He speaks with a "sexy" voice. Luna shakes her head and Astrid grins widely at him while I think about how great it would be to lay on that couch as it spins endlessly.

"Actually, it's not mine but I like to pretend it is." He mumbles, standing. He heads towards us, stretching the remote to me. I look at him confused but I hesitantly grab it.

"Uhm... where should I put it?"

"I know you wanna lay there, go on."

Harry's now my favorite person. I tackle him in a hug before running to the couch excitedly.

"Me too! Me too!" Niall yells. Oh we are definitely going to get along.

Louis' POV

Everything was great. The moment I entered the cafe the smell was like a breath of fresh air and I got greeted by an overly excited Niamh. I helped bake my favorite cookies, red velvet with cream cheese filling. I was gonna have one for my self, but I caught Niamh trying to catch me.

I accidentally served chai latte with almond milk instead of coconut to this brunette gal and well, she threw a fit. I ended up paying for her drink myself, it was no biggie but I wish she could've been less of a brat. Niamh resorted into having me work at the kitchen for the rest of my shift. But after that interaction, everything turned into shit for me. When I helped with the chocolate chip cookies, I added salt instead of sugar. I spilled oil on the floor and slipped, It was the hardest cleanup I've ever done. Then, when I was about to finish decorating a cake, the bag exploded, so I had to restart. The list goes on.

I'm convinced the brat casted some black magic on me. She was yelling as she threw the drink that landed on my Hermès shoes.

I wanted so bad to yank her ugly ass hair that was as ugly as her personality, but I just imagined her as Amara throwing her sippy cup at me. I prayed for her to trip on her way out. Sadly, she didn't but her time would come.

I'm currently at the very back of the kitchen wiping my tears because I forbid anyone seeing me cry like a baby at work. I dust the remaining flour off my apron as I stand.

"Oh Lou..." My eyes widen when I see Niamh right when I turn around. Just when I composed myself, I start crying again on the crook of Niamh's neck when she pulls me into a hug.

"It's alright, everyone has bad days. You have no idea how many times I've put salt instead of sugar." She laughs, and I giggle, breaking the hug.

"I'm still sorry." I mumble, looking down.

"Hey, hey it's alright don't worry. I know how you feel, I've experienced all the shit you've gone through today, just not all at once." She mumbles the last part with her eyes looking sadly at me. "It's been a tough shift, huh?" She sighs as she pats my tears off with her sleeves, and I nod.

"Go on, pack your things, and go home." My head snaps to her.

"Am I fired?" I say, trying not to cry. I love working here.

"No, Lou! I'm telling you to go home early and have a rest!"

I grin at her widely, feeling relieved. I engulf her into a hug before running to the employees' room to get my things.

Lover: Hey, H can you pick me up now? I got off early

I frown, reading my text that was sent thirty minutes ago. I've been sitting in a plastic chair next to my things, watching reels on instagram as I eat the red velvet cookie Niamh gave to cheer me up.  Another fifteen minutes passes and I've already finished my second and last cookie. Harry still hasn't read my text.

M. Louis: Bella, can you please pick me up at the cafe

I send her my location. I usually drive myself but I don't have my car now and even if I did, I'm too tired and lazy to do so.

Bella: On my way, monsieur🫡

I smile before closing my phone and heading to the kitchen to may or may not steal a cookie.

Harry's POV

The room erupts into cheers when the blocks finally all fall after Luna pulls one on the remaining bottom center. We've been playing games since they got here. Our job can wait tomorrow.

Everyone stops, and the room gets filled with silence when Louis steps in the living room.

Fuckfuckfuck Louis, I forgot about Louis!

"Lou!" Niall and I exclaim at the same time, except he was excited, and I was terrified.

Louis' smile completely falls, his stare frozen somewhere behind me. I turn around and see the three. Just when I got up, Louis bolts out.
