"There, you're good now stand up" Louis sighs after tying Niall's shoelace, looking at the perfectly tied lace. "Thanks lou, love you" niall says engulfing louis into a tight hug. "love you too, now get off me"
The two then walks to pe class, to hear their teacher's annoying voice.

"We'll be doing some excercise today, I want you all to do as many laps as you can but 3 is the minimum, do some 5-10 minute jumping jacks, then after that, just do whatever. You may use the equipments available just don't break anything and do not disturb me." Mr. Davis' instructs the students carelessly then going back to look at his laptop doing god knows what

PE's the students favorite class since they usually don't do anything and they could just do what ever they please. Plus, their teacher doesn't really give shit about his job. Sometimes they wonder why he was even qualified as a teacher

As usual, the students didn't do as instructed and just went on with their phones

"Ya thinkin what i'm thinking?" niall says mischievously to his bestfriend


"ugh let's see what mr. davis is doing"


"because, why not. don't you get curious? he's always in his bloody laptop for crying outloud"

"fine. but how?" louis says, eager to hear his bestfriend's plan

"it's easy, let's just walk slowly, sneak to his back, then peak at his laptop."


"I did not just saw that"

"I think i'm going blind"

"fuck you and your ideas niall"

"wish we could turn back time to the good old days" niall sings hoping to forget what he just saw

"i need bleach for my eyes"

"why?" a familiar voice suddenly pops at the 2 best friend's back.

"nothing lucca" louis says fighting the urge to roll his eyes when he sees another of his classmates listening to their conversation

"look at Mr. Davis' laptop" niall smirks at the two



"Mr. Davis' watching porn!" someone suddenly shouts. All students suddenly looks up from their phone, now interested at whatever is happening.

The startled guy snaps his laptop shut almost breaking it upon hearing the student. He looked up with horror in his eyes being caught red handed, to see his students all laughing their asses off. Some even saying;

"straight or gay?"
"send us the link"
"you enjoying yourself sir?"
"is that why you're always on your laptop?"
"do not disturb me aye"

Coincidently, a teacher was entering the gym, hearing everything, and all the commotion in the room.

Let's just say, it did not end well for Mr. Davis


Since it's lunch, louis is now watching one of harry's interview with one of their good friends, james corden beside niall who's eating a tuna sandwhich, constantly sipping on some cola, and fries waiting to be eaten when someone rudely interupts him

"are you watching that guy again?" lucca suddenly says

"he has a name lucca, it's harry."

"okay, why do you even watch harry anyway he's not even attr-"
lucca didn't get to finish his sentence when louis suddenly stops him, niall then hearing the two guys infront of him, suddenly stops eating to pay attention

"don't even finish that sentence. First of all, he's hot as fuck. A very gorgeous and perfect human being, more hot than you'll ever be, if you even are." Louis scoffs. "Second, he's also very talented and a decent human being who actually knows how to mind their own buisness" louis finishes, throwing daggers to the guy infront of him.

No one should say anyshit to his husband

Lucca, not expecting Louis' sudden outburst just muttered an "okay" then stood up and walked away stunned.

"AHAHAHAH yeaaa get it lou"

"he deserves it" louis muttered

"that he does. That was awesome lou. Wait 'till harry hears about this" niall says, smiling smugly
"I was sick of him anyways" he added.


Guicciobsessedmf 💚: baby

Louu💙💙: what love?

Guicciobsessedmf 💚: i love you

Louu💙💙: i love you too darling. Is everything okay?

Guicciobsessedmf 💚: i heard what you did

Louu💙💙: niall

Guicciobsessedmf 💚: yup!

Guicciobsessedmf 💚: i'm so proud of you lou. It was bound to happen anyway, with all the stuffs you've been saying about him, he sounds annoying. Also, thank you

Louu💙💙: yea, he just pushed my buttons this time. No need to thank me love, no one should say nonsense and shit about you especially right on my face.

Guicciobsessedmf 💚: aww my caring little hedgehog getting protective😌

Louu💙💙: shut up idiot

Guicciobsessedmf 💚: HA! but you love me

Louu💙💙: yes haz i do, very much.
