Come on, now!

Hey Ashaangians

What's going on in Wattpad? What's the issue between readers, readers and authors? I thought of giving an update and add this note but I'm stuck in personal and professional life with something. Will try to update soon.

Long note!

Just because he does a MV with his co-star, does that mean he's in a relationship with her? How absurd it is! Yes, it is frustrating to watch him promote that MV which he signed to act & promote. Its my choice that I skip this MV n I did. It's up to you whether to watch it or not. That's okay.

But what's not okay is to put him down just by thinking everything's over! Have you people not watched last week's cwc clip? Didn't you watch she clapping for him with a smile? Didn't you watch him and Pugazh Anna interacting in the live or Pugazh Anna's reaction when he got AK's clip? Didn't you watch people turning to her when his name came? Didn't you see Kureishi Anna following AK in Insta?

Didn't you see her SIL following him? (if he indeed hurt her then why her SIL follows him in Insta? ) Didn't you see Nandhu cheta liking T's pic? (If T indeed created a problem btw him n her, why her bro liked that T's pic?) Same with Darshan Anna as well. Didn't you see her going private unlike the open book that she was before?

Didn't you see Mani ka warming up to him? Didn't you notice that Anusha's her stylist? Didn't you watch her asking for a relationship advice from Damu pa's wife? Didn't you watch her talking mostly about marriage? There are hundred instances like this which gives hope. You want to turn blind to all these just because of that MV?!

What more do you need, to watch them walk around hand in hand or post each other's pictures in stories, announcing to the world that they are together? If YES, then WAIT. Keep that HOPE alive. Hope. Believe. Magic. Right?

If you don't want to, then that's your choice. Let this go, let him and sk go peacefully. But stop associating him with that T! Don't pile up more and more rumours and hurt both AK and SK. It'll affect them both! They deserve better than this from their fans! Ipdiye panitu irunga. Even if they decide to come out one day, they'll get scared by us so much that they might not!

Understand that they both are humans and not our puppets to dance to our tunes and wishes. They are just like us. Let's say I'm in a relationship and I have a problem with my guy. I would want only me and him to sort it out. I wouldn't want others to be involved in it! Similarly when we are in good spaces I don't want to hear everyone talking negatively about us being together. It's one thing to ship them and another to poke in n try to solve their relationship!

Idhuku melayum if you guys want to blame him, linking him with T, then go. Your choice. Hurt the human you stan or love dearly just because you assumed him to be with someone. But remember if you hurt him you are going to hurt sk n also you.

Yes it is frustrating to watch him promote VM so much to see him with T, to watch him promote Makka Makka less. Enakum agudhu. Naanum polamburen kovam paduren PR gimmicks lam panradhu lam but I won't give up on my brother over something he isn't guilty of. Believe me when I say T isn't an issue. Rest is upto you. Just ignore.

Being his fan or her fan, we used to defend them outsiders ta irundhu. Ipo fans ta irundhe defend panra nelamai!

You throw anything at me, I'll defend Ashwin and Sivaangi and I'll continue doing so!

Happy June 20th!

Hope. Believe. Magic.

Nan ~
