Part 2

Cassia Path (Part 2)

Saturday evening arrived sooner than you would have guessed. The week had flown by and you had occupied yourself, for the most part, worry seems to be put on the back burner for once in your life.

It was pretty nice as well, not having to constantly feel like every choice you made had a more severe effect than what you initially thought. But instead just act like a normal support class student.

Hatsume, of course, was thrilled when the both of you got to work together once again. This time with her asking for assistance trying to properly give Shinsou's costume enough of an armor to protect him but still allow the male to move enough.

And on the other hand, every time you had run into Kaminari- whether it be the hallway or in the cafeteria- his cheeks and yours always flushed. But as expected, the two of you were still on for tonight... and surprisingly to yourself... you were looking forward to it.

Dating had never been something to cross your mind. And if you were being honest, you had never seen yourself as the type to settle down with a partner and rely on someone as much as you relied just on yourself.

It wasn't that you were some sad and overused 'destined to be an old cat lady', but rather that... you couldn't see someone falling

Your personality had at times been described as overbearing, too much, bossy, arrogant, and much worse. And eventually when those traits were all you heard through middle school you started to assume you were a lost cause.

Emotions had never been allowed on friendly terms with you... so now allowing your heart to have this one night was a bit strange. And even stranger was how Kaminari had described you earlier this week... as if... as if you truly possessed the traits he had seen.

And if you did... why did no one else see them until him? Was he one of the few people who had seen the real you behind this front you had forced upon yourself After being through too much and too many emotions to bare and show.

"Hello?" Hatsume's voice pulled you out of your little daze and you turned to see she had fished some things out of her closet.

"I'm sorry, what?" You shook your head and focused back on the girl.

"I said since you only own the school uniform, t-shirts, jeans, and sweats... what do you think of this?"

She held out a few dresses or nice tops with good looking pants. You scanned over the fabrics in her arms trying to decide. Finally, you sighed and turned away from her gaze, sad eyes looking at the floor of Hatsume's dorm room.

"We're not the same size..." You huffed out a confession.

Hatsume stomped her foot, throwing open her closet doors further and this time pulling out another item. You couldn't help but be left in awe as she took a soft rose pink dress and held it out in front of you.

"Not too bad... I can tailor this before you leave."

Hatsume sat down, taking out the supplies she needed and began to turn on the sewing machine. You watched as she inserted thread, bobbins, and a measuring tape and began to work steadily.

"Wait!" You waved your arms. "Since when do you know how to sew?"

Hatsume snorted, pointing to her bed. On top of it sat an old doll, more than likely from childhood. The doll had the same pink hair as her owner dressed in a cute little outfit of shorts and a frilly top. After observing the toy, you looked back at Hatsume, face obviously confused.

"I learned how to make clothes for my dolls when I was little. Some of the first things I made. And then... as soon as I got older... I moved to working on machines more. But... now I'm kinda glad I learned how to sew, as it does help with making hero costumes after all-"

She turned to look at you smiling brightly as the machine hummed behind her. "-or helping a clueless friend get ready for her very first date."

You puffed out your cheeks. "God... why did I make you my only friend? I want a redo!"

"Too little too late, (Name)-chan." Hatsume chuckled. "You're stuck with me!"

You sighed and shook your head in an over-exaggerated manner. She might be a bit insane at times when the time proves right for her and she might at times forget basic things about you... but Hatsume was always by your side when it mattered most.

She was a good friend. And an even better supporter...

"You've grown up so fast, (Name)!" Hatsume called from the sewing area, wiping away fake tears. "I can't believe you're about to go on your very first date!"

"Stop acting like my mom... it's creepy as hell." You shivered, thinking of how your mother would have sprinted over here if you had told her about what you would be doing tonight.

She was dedicated to you, as any good mother would be. One minute she's trying to comfort you, the next she's encouraging you to get your shit together and change the world for the better. Who could ask for a better mom?

"Well... I have to be something to you since you still deny our God-defying friendship!" Hatsume chuckled loudly, her fingers working fast against the threads.

You rolled your eyes. Maybe she would settle for mom friend? Because Hatsume sure was an interesting mix of both... with just a hint of mad genius thrown into the mix when the time was right or she truly was sleep deprived.

"So are you excited?" Hatsume asked, tossing you the newly tailored outfit and smiling brightly. "Go on! Go put it on!"

You nodded to her and continued on to the bathroom, keeping the door open enough to continue talking. Hatsume could be heard digging through her closet again, mumbling something or the other about shoes or the like.

"Yeah... I actually am a bit excited. Kaminari's a really sweet guy."

"What can I say... another person to add to the '(Name) is cute and you better believe it!' club is always welcome by me!"

You scoffed at her words in a humorous way. "You're gonna beg me for every single little detail about the date as soon as I get back... aren't you?"

"Don't be surprised if we stay up all night talking. That's all I'll say on this."


"Crap! Crap! Crap!" The electric blonde shouted as he dug into his closet. "This has holes in it! This hasn't been washed in wayyy too long! And this one has stains on it!"

He threw himself onto his bed after giving up on his closet. Of all the times he could forget to do his laundry... it had to be this week... it had to be today. He knew his mind could be cluttered and easily distracted a lot, but when it mattered most he always pulled himself together! Well... every time except this time...

"I need expert advice..." He mumbled sending an emergency text to the group chat before praying they would find mercy on him today of all days.

Within minutes, there was a rushed knocking coming from the outside of his door. Kaminari dragged himself to the door and let it open to reveal his friends. Kirishima and Sero were looking ready to do everything in their power to help. Mina looked curious as to what this emergency was. Jirou looked ready to be entertained by Kaminari's self-called 'crisis' and Bakugou... Bakugou looked to just be here cause someone dragged him along despite his swears and protests.

"What's the crisis, dude!" Kirishima hollered.

"It better be good... Momo and I were just about to go see a movie." Jirou muttered, sad to have to put her plans on hold for this blonde dork.

"I..." Kaminari began, drifting off as his eyes darted to the sad and messy state of his room. "I... don't have anything to wear on my date."

"...wha-?" Mina blinked, head tilting to the side.

"You have a damn shitty idea of what a 'crisis' is dunce face..." Bakugou grumbled, shoving him aside and walking into the mess that was Kaminari's dorm room. "Let's get this shit over with so you'll leave me the hell alone."

Everyone followed in after the explosive blonde and before the straw blonde could mutter a single word, Kaminari had been dragged away by Sero and Kirishima while Bakugou and the girls began to look through what was decent looking and smelling.

"Not that, it looks like shit, earphones." Bakugou turned down a top Jirou showed him.

Kaminari blinked, looking towards Kirishima who was patiently sitting on Kaminari's bed and scrolling through his phone as the fashion trio worked. Sero seemed just as accepting of this fact, meaning Kaminari was the only one seemingly out of the loop here.

"So is anyone gonna tell me how and why Blasty knows fashion? Or is this one of the things we're just accepting...?" Kaminari whispered to the ravenette and redhead next to him.

Sero chuckled as Kirishima nodded. "Bakugou's parents are in the fashion industry. They're the ones in charge of the Ikaigi line."

Kaminari's jaw dropped. "Y-you mean the most popular line of clothing for teens and young adults? H-his parents... what?!"

"He's full of surprises... that's for sure." Sero mumbled.

"At least he's defying the stereotype placed on him." Kirishima rose a fist. "Like a true man!"

Kaminari turned his gaze back to where Bakugou was scolding Mina for something. The pink haired girl was waving her arms around. Jirou was using a drumstick that she had found buried somewhere to move away from a stray sock.

How the three of them were still willing to go through his nasty closet and not yell at him yet was a miracle. And maybe by some other miracle... he had actually made some dedicated and great friends despite all his shortcomings.

And along with that same line... he had also gotten a date with a sweet girl who he couldn't help but try to impress. He could only hope his cheap date would work out... he barely had 3000 yen to his name right now.

"Oh ho ho~" Sero laughed. "Someone's already blushing for his date!"

Kaminari immediately felt little sparks shoot from his body, the stray ones making both Kirishima and Sero move away for fear of getting shocked by accident. Kaminari's blush only worsened.

"I wouldn't do that on your date..." Sero mumbled.

"I know that!"

"Do charge her phone though." Kirishima nodded. "It's a nice gesture!"

"I have more uses than just charging phones you know!!!"

"Shut the hell up over there!" Bakugou hollered, catching Kirishima's eyes. "And not a damn word out of you, red crocs!"

And just like that, all three boys shut their traps while the fashion prodigy and his two fabulous assistants did their thing and attempted to save Kaminari from himself yet again...


He adjusted the tie once more, making sure he looked presentable. Bakugou had said that his uniform tie wasn't obvious and that the brown shirt under the black jacket was fine. At least the blonde let him wear jeans. Though it was the only kind of pant he owned aside from sweatpants.

He should have enough for a very cheap date night for two... he could only hope the support class genius went for it. He wasn't the most romantic in terms of actions and certainly not in material things after all.

He had never done this sort of thing before... so he was really diving in blind. No idea how to act on a date. No idea how to talk on a date. No idea if he was even dressed right for this date. Maybe he could call it off now... that way you wouldn't be-

"Sorry, I'm late." Your voice nearly made him jump. "Hatsume kept having to add one 'finishing touch' after another. Finally pried her off of me."

Kaminari turned to look at his date, seeing her dressed up. Her pink dress making her look Goddess-like with the rays of sun hitting her perfectly from behind, and that shy and almost unsure looking face she was giving to the ground as her foot sheepishly rubbed against it.

"I-it's fine." He breathed out, not even realizing he was peeking until after his voice hit his ears. "You look... wow."

You laughed a bit, knowing that maybe you had fried his brain a bit with the cute outfit Hatsume had insisted on. You walked near Kaminari and he quickly pointed outside of the gates to UA. You nodded and followed his lead, excited to see exactly what he had planned for the night.

The first hour of the date was quiet between the two of you. Some older couples calling the two of you adorable by how cute and sweet and most importantly shy you were being around each other.

And so when you had finally made it to the park near where Kaminari had taken you, you were excited to get away from peering eyes. While being nice... people who didn't mind their own business did get on your nerves after a while.

Kaminari fished around the backpack he had brought with him, which was also carrying the food he had bought for you ten minutes ago at the eatery. He laid out a nice blanket and began to put the food and drinks down as he motioned for you to have a seat.

You did so, happily taking the chicken McNuggets from him with the dipping sauce of your choice. A milkshake and fries set up next to you as well, while Kaminari began to eat one of his two burgers. His own milkshake and fries being placed near yours. On the side were two bottles of water just in case.

"So, why the park?" You asked, obviously not wanting to embarrass him as he seemed already a lot of that from taking you to McDonald's for dinner on a date.

"T-they show free movies here every Saturday night. It starts in an hour, but until then we can eat and talk and stuff I guess. If you want to that is!" He practically shouted.

You nodded and grabbed your milkshake, taking a long sip of the sugary beverage. Kaminari thought his own chocolate shake was looking pretty tasty at that moment as well, so he decided to try it himself.

You watched as he popped the lid off, taking a sip before tossing a fry into his mouth as well. You blinked in confusion watching him mix the two together, awe and a bit of shock on your face.

"Do potatoes and ice cream taste good together?" You asked him, a bit concerned.

"Hmmm?" He blinked, mid-bite in his burger. He swallowed quickly and nodded. "Yeah! Fries and milkshake together are the best! You have to try it!"

You nodded slowly, raising a fry up and looking back at your electric date. He nodded eagerly and you placed it into your mouth. And before you chewed on it, you took a sip of your shake, letting the flavors mix.

Your eyes lit up and you turned the gaze of (eye color) back to where Kaminari was hiding back laughter at your face. It was of pure delight and shock, much like what a small child would give.

"I take it you like it then?" He teased you, eating a fry of his own.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but..." You covered your mouth and shook your head. "That might be the best combination I've ever had. The warm saltiness of the fry counteracts the cool sweetness of the milkshake perfectly."

You quickly tried it again before returning a look back to Kaminari. "You are a genius, Kaminari-kun!"

He choked on the shake, turning to cover his coughing mess before looking back at you. You remembered that once again, no one had really called him smart up until this point... so it looked about time to once again give him the speech on how you could see his own smarts.

The blonde seemed to get further flustered by your blunt kindness as the night went on, and even as the movie began you couldn't help but notice how the conversation had begun to die down and how Kaminari started to speak less and less.


The stars were hanging in the sky, the sounds of crickets and the occasional barking dogs having sung to you and your date as you both made your way back to UA. The night air for spring was a bit brisk, but luckily the borrowed jacket hanging from your shoulders kept you warm.

Kaminari was next to you, shuffling not too far from you... but further than you assumed he would have. In fact, ever since you two had eaten and watched the movie in the park... he had gone uncharacteristically quiet.

His usual chipper voice and soothing laughter missing once the last joke from the comedy movie had been told and the credits rolled onto the screen. And you couldn't help but worry that maybe you had done something to make him upset.

He led you towards your dorm hall, pausing in front of the entrance door and nodding to you. You waited for him to speak up or say something... so when he turned tail and started walking back to his own class' dorm you were really thrown through a loop by him.

"H-hey!" You hollered, following after him. "W-wait!"

Kaminari paused, almost in an unnatural like fashion. And when you finally were back by his side, he seemed to be holding his fists together like he was attempting to keep himself under control.

"I-is everything alright?" You spoke, tightening your hand into the borrowed fabric.

"Y-yeah..." He mumbled, voice attempting to sound normal, but the sadness stuck in it too much for his liking. "I-I just..."

He trailed off, turning slowly to look at you. His lips quivered and his eyes darted back and forth from your own to behind you. He seemed to be having much difficulty producing his words by the actions he was unintentionally showing you. He was truly an easy read.

"I-I'm sorry..." His voice cracked, and he rubbed his eyes free of the building waterworks.

"What are you apologizing for?" You asked, taking his hand and having him lean against a tree with you near your building.

Slowly he began to slide down the bark, your form gliding with his. The two of you sat in silence for a moment. He was forming his words the best he could, and you had no issue waiting for him. You never minded the silence among friends... despite it, you always could feel them near.

"You deserved to go on a better date. You deserved a better date than me..." He mumbled out softly, running a hand through his locks.

You watched as he did so continuously and you frowned deeply. His black stripe continuously breaking and then reforming among his locks from his constant ruffling. You squeezed his hand making him cease his movements. He turned to look at you, seeing your gaze looking at the stars above you.

"You know... when I was little my parents never let me eat fast food. They thought it would bring my mood down further than it already was. That's what I get for being raised by a therapist and a nutritionist growing up.

I never really had many friends either. So whenever I went to the movies, it was either just me or with my parents. I've only really become friends with Hatsume since last year... But we've never gone out to see a movie outside of homes or dorms."

Kaminari nodded slowly as your eyes met his, and you gave him that small and gentle smile you gave off so rarely... but did so so beautifully. He felt his chest weaken and then harden one second after another. This girl was too cute... she would be the death of him.

"But... tonight, thanks to you... I got to eat at McDonald's for the first time. I got to see a movie somewhere and with someone special to me. And even now... whenever I'm with you Kaminari... I feel like I'm able to do all the things I've always wanted to try or do.

I know you hate it when people refer to you as a child... but honestly... your childlike wonder and awe in almost everything are so precious to me. The way you're able to make a simple fast food meal a fun experience, how you know the best place in the park to watch a movie and even how you can use a school uniform tie and have it tie the entire outfit together... it's amazing and it's you.

The way you refuse to let that child in you die and instead allow yourself to mature, but still be youthful at heart... it says a lot about you. And to me, it only says good things... especially now that I know you. That's why I'm glad my first date was with you. Because I can't think of anyone else I'd rather have had it with. And so... if you don't mind... I'd like to have one more first with you tonight."

Kaminari began to open his mouth to ask you what exactly that would be, however as he felt your palms slowly glide up to his cheeks he knew what was coming. He closed his eyes out of instinct, pink dust rising to his features.

You were soon close enough to have him be able to feel your light breathing near him. And then slowly but surely, the new added pressure was on his lips. You moved against him slowly, trying to properly do this... but having no experience was clearing shining through your actions.

Kaminari, however, couldn't care and soon he pressed a hand to your back and scooted you closer to him. His free hand twirled in your locks, feeling the thin strands tickle him as he moved through them. His lips moved in sync once he understood what you were doing.

The awkward teeth were gone, the tilting of both your ears showing that the two of you were slowly getting the hang of it. And then, towards the end when he was feeling especially daring- he trailed his tongue along the bottom of your lip. Some part of him obviously hoping to deepen this small connection with you and hoping for a bit longer.

However, you seemed ready to break away. Your nerves have not given you much air, to begin with. And as you pulled away from the kiss hungry blonde, you could see that childish pout on his face. And you chuckled at him, pressing your forehead to his own.

"At least take me on a second date before you stick your tongue down my throat? Okay?"

He laughed, kissing your nose gently. "Yeah... I get it. I don't wanna rush either... I do have a promise to fulfill to you after all. You did go on this date with me."

"Well..." You closed your eyes and felt a tint of pink coming onto your lips more than it already had before. "...after we do what we need to... let's go on another date."

"Yeah... that sounds good." He mumbled, ducking in low once more.

And as his lips hit yours again, you couldn't help but allow yourself to be consumed by his kisses. His sweet boyish attitude and bubbly laughter were too addictive to your cynical ears... and you saw yourself wanting to have it constantly.

He had already been a need for helping save the future... but now... now your heart had made him into a want for your own personal desires.
