Chapter 5

"Let's all play the 'which one is Hikaru?' game. So, can you tell which one of us is Hikaru?"
"Well, it's hard to say."
"You're identical."
"Many ladies have tried to tell us apart, but so far none have succeeded."
"That's the dumbest game I've ever heard of." Haruhi said to the Tweedle's as we walked past on out way to get some more tea.
"It's not that dumb." I mumbled too myself as I turned and began to walk away I got the feeling I wasn't going to want to hear the rest of the conversation. I could feel myself slipping, slipping into the past, stuff that I didn't want to think about. I went and packed up my stuff absorbed in my head as I went, I walked back over to see Tamaki waving a computer in Dee and Dum's face shouting at them.
"You bribed her, didn't you?" Tamaki accused them as I lent over his shoulder to see what was on the screen.
"Looking good Cuz." I winked at Haruhi as I laughed.
"You're imagining things."
"It's obvious that the photo's been altered." Dum told him.
"It was photoshopped?" 
"We did a pretty good job, huh?"
"We've got some major photoshopping talent.".
"You idiots! That's a waste of your skills! Have you no shame? But if you're going to do it anyway, can you photoshop her into this idol photo book? Hmm, please?"
"Don't be ridiculous, boss. Why don't you just..."
"...ask her if she'd wear an outfit like one of those?"
"Okay before you get all even creepier and start asking my cousin to do weird shit can I say bye to Haruhi." I put my hand up to stop Tamaki from talking then walked over to Haruhi. "Good luck, goodbye and I love you." I gave her a quick hug before beginning to walk away a coruse of goodbyes as I went.

"I'm back! Please tell that smell is food and lots of it I'm starving!" I shouted as I walked in and started taking off my shoe's.
"yours is in the kitchen. I already ate." Haruhi told me from where she was sat doing homework. I grabbed my bowl and joined her at the table. "have fun at the dojo?" She asked looking up as I sat down, I nodded beginning to shovel food into my mouth.
"What did I miss?" I asked in-between mouthfuls.
"Hikaru and Kaoru got in a fight." She turned to me and put down her pencil, I could see how concerned she was.
"That just doesn't make sense not with them, tell me everything from the beginning."

"Looking at the numbers, if the situation isn't resolved, I'm afraid we're going to have to stop offering our brotherly love package. We're down one pair of loving brothers. Oh, Haruhi, I just want you to know there's no reason for you to feel responsible. Even though it was your tactless comment that started this whole feud between the twins in the first place, right?" Kyoya said as we all sat down to discuss the fight.
"Clearly, he blames me for this." Haruhi turned to me.
"It's weird for Hika-chan and Kao-chan to be fighting like this. It's never happened before." Honey said sadly as he played with Usa-chan moving his arms up and down.
"They've never fought before?" Haruhi asked looking at Honey over my head which I had laid down on the table.
"I've known Hika-chan and Kao-chan since we were in pre-school. We weren't in the same year, so I never really got to talk to them. But I remember that the two of them always played together." Honey continued to play with Usa-chan.
"Yeah, that's true. I mean, I've only known the twin since they were in middle school, but they definitely stood out. It seemed like they kept everyone at a distance except each other. Believe it or not, they were even more warped back then. When you stop and think about it, maybe this fight is a good thing for them. Maybe it means that the twins are expanding their horizons a bit. We should just leave them alone and let them work it out." Tamaki told us from his spot across the table.
"Something about it just doesn't feel right the amount of effort they have put into hating each other, arguments are different with siblings that are close especially twins." I added my input sitting up to have a sip of my tea, so I would have something to do with my hands.
"Who knows? Maybe it is a turn for the better. But if this really is their first fight, they probably need someone to tell them when it's time to give in and call it quits. And if they've never fought before, would they even know how to make up?"  Haruhi placed her hand on top of mine giving me a small smile once she finished talking.

Once the Tweedle's entered the club room it was chaos again throwing things back and forth an endless stream of insults. I was somewhere between confusion over the fight and being completely livid at them for the stupid selfishness of it. "Don't you guys think that maybe it's time you give up all this fighting? It's driving me insane." Tamaki said to them looking like he was on the verge of losing it.
"What'd you say? It's driving you insane? You've gotta be kidding me. How do you think I feel right now? Every time I look in the mirror, I see his face. I'm sick and tired of constantly being mistaken for you, Kaoru! The truth is I hate your guts!" Dum shouted back at him. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears, I began to shake as I clenched my fist trying to stop myself from losing it. Haruhi placed her hand on my fist forcing me to un-clench it so she could hold my hand.
"You took the words right out of my mouth. In fact, I hate you so much I bought this, Belzenef, the curse doll. I'm going to complete the curse, Hikaru. I'm going to write your name on his back. From this day forward, you're going to experience nothing but misfortune and sorrow!" Dee Shouted at Dum.  I was just about ready to spring forward at beat them both senseless when Haruhi let go of my hand and sprang forward instead.
"Would you guys knock it off? What do you think you're doing? You don't bring something like this into a petty fight. Both of you are at fault here but what's really sad is that you brought everyone else around you into your big mess! Now apologize to each other! If you don't make up right now, I'll never let you come over to my house. Have I made myself clear?" Haruhi snatched the Belzenef doll away and smacked they both on the head losing her temper more than I've seen in a while.
"So, then what you're saying, Haruhi, is that if we make up, we can come over to your place?" They said snapping back to their usual playfulness.
"I'm so sorry, Kaoru. Even though I was just following our script, I said such awful things to you. I'm not fit to be your brother."
"Don't say that, Hikaru. I was so worried. I couldn't live with myself if I ever thought I had hurt you."
"Kaoru, I'll never let you go again."
"Hikaru." They through themselves into each other's arms. I felt tears pricked my eyes as my frustration began to bubble over, I knew something wasn't right about the fight, yet it still got to me and the fact that it was an act was almost pissing me off even more.
"You gotta be kidding. You mean you guys were faking it this whole time?" Honey shouted at them, Haruhi and Tamaki both just looked completely drained.
"We didn't have anything else to do. We were bored." They said before turning to us and sticking there tongues out. 
"Bored! You were BORED! You are fucking selfish assholes!" I shouted at them using all my strength not to let myself cry before grabbing my bag and leaving, it was all I could do not to go ape shit on them.

It was dark out by the time I went back home no clue what time it was or how long I'd been out.  "Lexi is that you?" Haruhi called out the minute I closed the door, loud footsteps rang out throughout the apartment as I sat down to take off my shoe's. "Where have you been? Everyone was worried when you stormed off like that" She got down on the floor and hugging me from behind resting her head on my shoulder I could feel her shaking slightly as she did so.
"That's nice." I told her as I removed her arms from me and stood up. I knew I would feel guilty in the morning, but I was just so tired and numb I just couldn't bring myself to really care. Haruhi stopped me as I began to walk to our room and moved my hair out of my face to get a look at the fresh bruises that were forming.
"You said you would stop doing this Lexi! if the school finds out they will kick you out! Your smart I know your grieving but if you don't stop... if..don't." By the end of shouting at me she was sobbing clinging on to my arm to stop me from walking away.  I pulled my arm out from her hands and hugged her kissing the top of her head.
"I'm sorry, I promise the school won't kick me out, now it's late you should go to bed I've just got to get ready then I'll go to bed too okay." I told her cupping her face and kissing the tip of her nose like I've always done when she's upset.
