Chapter 3- Crumpled Letters and a Quidditch Game

          Harry's day was the  busiest he'd ever had. Little League Quidditch had started, and a parent of one of the players on the "Tiny Terrors" had "accidentally" enchanted the bludgers to completely incapacitate the other team. Of course, the Ministry was on the scene immediately and then the Healers arrived. Harry Potter being one of them, of course. Now, exhausted and hungry, he walked back to his office to eat something and then check on his favorite patient.

          Draco Malfoy sat upright, eyes alight with passion as he chatted with his best friend Pansy. She, of course, had flooed directly to St. Mungos when she heard and was now staying in Malfoy Manor with Narcissa. Harry watched from the doorway, as Pansy caught his eye and then whispered something into Malfoy's ear that made him blush a crimson red that stood out against his pale skin. 

          "Well, I'd better head out. I promised Narcissa that back in time for afternoon tea, and I'd hate for her to think I'm the type of person to go back on my word. See you later, Dray."

Pansy flipped her dark hair over her shoulder and strutted out of the room with a smirk, headed to the floo.

"How are you feeling today? Nothing new?" Harry asked cheerfully, even though he felt ready to collapse from exhaustion, but the bright smile was still on Draco's face so he assumed he was not in copious amounts of pain. 

"Oh Potter, stop your nagging. I'm feeling perfectly fine, thank you. On the other hand, you're looking a bit worse than usual." Draco said as Harry sighed, and ran a hand through his extremely messy hair.

"Just a busy day, that's all. Most of the tests came back fine, except for a couple, but you'll be able to manage that with potions." Harry said, as he pulled up a chair and sank into it.

"So I'll be able to go home today? Aw, Potter, but if I go, then how am I supposed to remind you that your hair is always horribly messy?"

"I suppose you'll just have to owl me then, Draco." Harry grinned at the gobsmacked expression on Malfoy's face as he picked his tired body up off the chair and went back to his office to prepare Draco's official discharge papers. 

         Later that night, as Draco was sleeping soundly in his bed at Malfoy Manor, Harry Potter was laying awake trying to decipher the feelings swirling around him. He and Malfoy were not enemies anymore, not after the trial when Draco had come up to him and shook his hand and muttered a simple "Thank you." But if they were not enemies, then what were they? Friends? At first, Harry grimaced a the thought. But then, as he thought about it longer- having coffee with Draco, owling him after he'd had a busy day, he realized that maybe friendship with a Malfoy wasn't an awful idea.

Three weeks had gone by, and in those three weeks Draco had gone through twenty feet of parchment. How on earth do you draft a letter to your ex-nemesis asking for friendship even though the two of you have practically been friends for weeks? Not to mention the fact I'm bloody in love with him! Merlin's beard, I really have fallen far. If only Father could see me now. He thought, and almost smiled at the thought of what his father's face would look like if he found out that Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter were almost friends, not even what he would say if he found out how Draco felt about the Potter boy. Draco's life had been on a very tight schedule the past weeks, and he was sick of it. Eat breakfast, see the Ministry-assigned therapist (who was actually quite nice), eat lunch, draft letter to Harry Potter (and crumple it up), do an activity with whomever was assigned to babysit him, and then eat dinner and go to bed. He was allowed to use the bathroom of course- but the door had to be open and someone had to be watching him. Greg outright refused, but Pansy was eager as ever to watch Draco poop. Not really anything to write to Harry Potter about. Groaning, Draco crumpled up yet another piece of parchment and tossed it in a nearby bin.

           "Oh fuck it all." Draco yelled and stood up, intending to grab his broom from the cupboard when an idea struck him. He scrawled out a couple quick notes and sent them out with some of the family owls, and then hastily put on his hand tailored Quidditch robes, grabbed Pansy and Greg from their rooms and apparated to his Quidditch pitch, transfiguring their clothes into Quidditch robes.

         "Draco Lucius Malfoy! Why are we here?" Pansy said, stamping her foot with her hands on her hips. Behind her, Harry Potter and a crew of gingers apparated into appearance and Harry smirked and said, "Draco darling, you didn't tell me this was a surprise sort of a thing? Hullo, I'm Harry Potter." Harry held out his hand to Pansy, who shook it and sniffed, "Well you showing up certainly explains why Draco is wearing his best Quidditch robes. My my, you showing up explains quite a lot." She said, throwing her trademark smirk at Draco, who's cheeks were nearly as red as Ron Weasley's hair. Ron Weasley, who knew who he was going to be playing, grinned cheerfully at Malfoy and said, "Looks like you haven't got a full team Drakey-poo. Need one of us to help you out? Ginny came as well, she could probably join your team. You definitely need a professional if you even want to try to win." Draco glared at Ron, but before he could retaliate, Harry cut in and said "Alright, so the teams will only have one beater and two chasers. Draco and I will be seekers, and Ron will be my keeper. Draco, who's your keeper?" Draco replied, "Blaise should be here any moment- he said he was bringing someone." A couple minutes after Draco said that, Blaise apparated with a blond man hanging off his arm. 

        "Would you mind if Adam and I borrow some brooms? We were in the middle of some boring ministry function when you owled." They were both dressed up in wizard dress robes, but Blaise pulled a wand from his pocket and transformed their robes into quidditch robes. Adam smiled winningly at Blaise, and Blaise practically melted, while Draco's upper lip was curling into a disgusted sneer.

         "Of course you may borrow a broom. Here you go." Draco tossed Adam a Cleansweep Seven (an obvious snub, for of course the Malfoy's had better brooms than that) and Blaise one of the newer Nimbus models. Adam, after revealing he'd been a keeper for a couple years at Durmstrang, was chosen to be keeper of the "Slytherin Team." Ginny, being a professional Chaser, was given a Nimbus Two Thousand (Harry smiled fondly at it, but he knew that most of the newer brooms had quite an advantage over something as old as the Nimbus, so that evened out the playing field). Greg and George were Beaters, Harry and Draco Seekers, and Adam and Ron Keepers. As unhappy as Draco was about Adam's presence, he was still quite excited to be outside and about to play Quidditch with Harry. And his other friends, of course. In the middle of the game, when Gryffindor was winning by 5 points and the snitch had still not been caught, Astoria Greengrass showed up. Pansy and Draco were the only ones who did not show surprise at the fact she was there, but soon they all got used to her cheering on the Slytherins, and eventually the game was ended.

          "We won! We had more points than you!" Harry argued as Draco and him walked up to Grimmauld Place. "No way!! Even if you had caught the snitch Slytherin would've won!" Draco said passionately, as he and Harry stood on the doorstep of Grimmauld Place. "Oh please. It wasn't my fault the bloody snitch got stuck! It wasn't my 'precious family heirloom' as you put it that somehow ended up in a goddamn tree!" Draco took a step forward, obviously having taken offense to what Harry had just said. "Okay then, Potter, how about you take that snitch and shove it up your a-" Harry stepped forward at that moment, and then Draco noticed how close he and Harry were and-oh. He was staring at Harry's emerald eyes and all he wanted was to kiss him but he knew he wasn't stable enough for that, Harry could just be joking around, and as Draco was overthinking all that was happening, Harry stepped back. Awkwardly clearing his throat, Harry said, "I guess I'd better get inside. Kreacher gets worried when I don't eat enough before shifts." Draco started walking away, and turned to face Harry. "You have a shift tonight? Why didn't you tell me? We could've done that game anytime! Harry!" Harry smiled a wry smile and replied, "Oi, quit your fussing Malfoy. I'll be fine, I've lived through worse." Draco shrugged a bit sadly, and walked until he was at the end of the street, then apparated to Malfoy Manor. 

         When he got there, his mother greeted him with a pastry, but he couldn't eat. Still flying high from the Quidditch game, but also feeling so low at Harry's rejectio- no. He couldn't think about it that way. If Harry had invited him inside, he would've politely declined, because he knew he should not be in a relationship, but if Harry had invited him inside... Draco let his mind wander and soon he was awash in a puddle of misery, thinking of what he wanted and how it would never happen. When he first told Pansy, she'd laughed for a good thirty seconds before she realized he was being serious. Then she'd sobered up and started to explain how exactly Draco was going to seduce Harry Potter. Being a Slytherin, her plan was quite cunning, but it was impossible. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy? Nope. Draco went to his room, practically on autopilot, and was heading for the bathroom when he remembered he had nothing that he could hurt himself with. It's for your own good. It is for your own good. There are better ways to deal with this. Think of one. Think. Think. He thought. But all he came up with was climbing into bed and trying to pretend he wasn't in love with Harry Potter.
