Chapter 8

Waking up in his arms the next morning was amazing. He was still asleep but I had to pee. I pried his hands off my waist and ran to the bathroom. I did my business and ran back to the bed.

Samuel was still asleep when I ran back in. I jumped on him and started peppering kisses all over his face. He woke up and tried to get me to stop.

When he couldn't stop me he grabbed my face and smashed his lips to mine. I pulled away smiling.

"Good morning." He said smiling. I nodded and got comfy in his arms. We sat there making conversation every once in awhile.

Me drawing patterns across his chest while he played with my hair. I finally got my phone out after a while and saw how late for school we were.

"Let's just skip." He said when he saw the time on my phone. I nodded agreeing with his idea not wanting to leave yet. 

After a while we became hungry so he gave me a piggy back ride to the car. We drove around looking for a place to eat. We found a fast food restaurant and went through the drive through to get burgers.

We drove around the city and talked about what ever came to mind. Not wanting to go back to our own houses we went back to Guzmáns.

Little did we know someone was there waiting for us.

Really sorry about how long it took me to write this. And all that wait for such a short chapter I feel bad but oh well.
