chapter 2

Previously in the last chapter

As I walked by him, I smirked and continued my way to my first class. Halfway down the hall someone grabbed my arm...

I turned around to see Lu. She seemed upset so it was probably best not to provoke her.

"Do you see this?" She asked pointing to Guzman and Samuel doing a bro hug.

"I thought Guzman wanted him dead." I replied.


Samuel P.O.V.

I noticed Guzman walking towards me. He stopped in front of me and we did a bro hug. Our plan had worked. Polo was arrested for Marina's murder, Nano was cleared we could move on. Or so we thought.

The hall went silent and everyone's heads snapped to the stairs. Walking down them was Polo.

"Impossible," I muttered under my breath as he got down the last step. I looked over at Guzman to notice him shaking and clenching his fists. I grabbed him by his shoulders and maneuvered him around people to first period.

Passing Carla talking to Lucrecia on the way. We made eye contact but she quickly looked away.
