Mia woke up at around 3pm with no more headache. She grabbed her phone off of the bedside table and turned it on to see she had a message from Trent.

Trent 🥰

Hey baby. You fell back to sleep and I didn't want to wake you up so I just let you rest because I know you needed it before the game. Just don't be late please. I love you and I'll see you later. Ps. I can't wait until tonight 😏

Mia rolled her eyes at the last part before jumping out of bed and getting changed into Trent's jersey. Kick off was at 5pm and luckily the game was at home so it wouldn't take her too long to get to Anfield.

She put her shoes on and a jacket before grabbing her bag and phone. Mia quickly messaged Perrie to make sure she was okay after last night. Perrie wouldn't be at the game as the baby could come any day now and she didn't want to risk it so now would be the only time Mia would be able to talk to her.

She put her phone away before getting in her car and driving to the stadium.

She pulled up in the carpark before grabbing her stuff and walking inside. She was a little early so she wouldn't be able to go into the boxes yet but luckily she was able to watch the boys warm up.

Mia pulled out her ID before showing it to the security guard who escorted her to the pitch.

"Thank you," she said when they got there.

She went into the stands and sat down in one of the seats as she watched the Liverpool team and Fulham team warm up.

Mia was in her own little world when she noticed someone sit down next to her. She thought it was a fan just finding their seat for the game but when she looked up she realised she was totally wrong.

"Jürgen hi," Mia said as she held her hand out for him to shake.

"Mia right?" he asked wanting to get her name right.

She nodded her head before being pulled into a hug.

"It's nice to finally put a face to the name. Trent talks about you alot during training and in the chaining rooms," he laughed.

"It's nice to meet you too."

"So what do you think. You think the boys will win tonight?"

"I hope so. I know how much this means to Trent. If they don't win he will put all the blame on himself and he'll never live it down," Mia explained.

"Well let's hope for the best then. Anyways you should probably head up to the boxes. They're probably gonna let the fans in soon," Jürgen told her.

"Can I just say good luck to Trent first?" she asked.

"Go ahaead."

Mia jumped up from her seat before making her way down to the pitch. She saw Trent stood talking to Hendo probably getting some last minute tips. Jordan noticed Mia but didn't say anything to Trent.

"Oh hey Mia," Hendo said once they had finished their converstaion.


Trent turned around confused as Hendo left the couple to talk.

"What are you doing here?" Trent asked as he picked her up and spun her around.

"I thought I'd come and say good luck before the game."

Mia pressed a kiss to his lips before pulling away not wanting a full on makeout session infront of the Liverpool and Fulham boys.

"So good luck," Mia said as rested her hand on his chest.

"I'll see you later okay," Trent replied as he kissed her forehead.


He brought her in for one last hug before whispering int her ear.

"I can't wait for tonight."

Mia's cheeks reddened as she got butterflies in her stomach.

"I love you baby."

"I love you too."

With that Mia made her way into the box she was stayign in with some of the other WAGS.

"Mia," she heard someone call.

She turned around to see the Alexander Arnold family sat at one of the tables.

"Omg I haven't seen you in forever."

Dianne and Mia exchanged a quick hug before they took a seat at the table. She greated the rest of the boys before turning back to Dianne.

"I can't believe I haven't seen you since christmas. It feels like so long ago. I mean you're engaged now," Dianne said with a smile on her face.

"Yeah," Mia sighed also with a huge smile on her face.

She showed Dianne her ring before continuing conversation.

"Oh I have been meaning to send you our RSVP to the wedding but I keep forgetting."

"Don't worry about it. I didn't think you'd miss it anyways."

"Miss my baby's wedding. Never. And I guess Trent's too."

Mia let out a laugh causing the boys to look at her and Dianne starngely not knowing what they were laughing about.

"I have some news to tell you," Mia said excited.

"Oooo I love some gossip me."

"She really does," Michael butted in,

"Well me and Trent are trying for a baby."

"I'm gonna be a grandma?" Dianne asked in the cutest way ever.

Mia nodded before being pulled into a hug again.

"I'm gonna be a grandma," she repeated.

"Well I'm not pregnant yet but we're gonna try tonight so hopefull you will be very soon."

"Thank you Mia."

"You have nothing to thank me for."

"No really. Thank you. I mean I have never seen Trent so happy. When he's with you it's like he's a completely different person. He loves you so much and I can't wait for your future together. You're going to be the best wife to him and best mother to his children. I can't wait to call you my daughter because honestly you are apart of this family and I can't wait to make it official."

"Dianne. You're gonna make me cry. When I first started dating Trent I was kinda scared that you wouldn't like me. But knowing that you think of me like family is all I ever wanted. I can't wait to marry your son and start a family with him. He's perfect in every way possible and I hope he knows that."

Dianne and Mia hugged eachother once more before the game started. Both teams walked out onto the pitch before Liverpool's anthem began to play and the game started.

By half time it was 1-0 to Fulham leaving the Liverpool boys a little disappoined. When the second half commenced the boys were putting in alot of effort.

Hendo passed the ball to Trent and he sprinted with it down the right wing. He was almost near the goal redy to pass to Salah when one of the Fulham players tackled him. At first it didn't look too bad until Trent fell to the floor and didn't get back up again.

Mia ran as fast as she could to the front of the box to get a better look.

"Please get up baby. Please," Mia mumbled to herself.

Trent soon sat up but he couldn't move his leg. The medics ran on and took him off the pitch putting a substitute on.

"Can I go see him?" Mia asked Dianne.

"You should be able too. Be careful though Mia."

Mia said goodbye to the family before making her way to the medical room where Trent was sat on one of the beds while a medic took a look at his leg.

"Mia thank god your here," Trent said as he grabbed a hold of her hand.

Mia could see he had been crying and couldn't imagine how much pain he was in.

"You'll be fine bubs."

The medics finally came back in with the results.

"So it looks like you've pulled your hamstring. You're gonna have to be out for 3-4 weeks on bed rest," he told them.

Trent let out a frustrated groan before being handed some crutches so he didn't put too much pressure on his leg. He slowly stood up off the bed with Mia's help.

"You've got it baby," she told him.

"Mia," she heard someone shout from behind her,

"Hey Alex. Whats up?" she asked.

"Perrie's gone into labour."



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