Teleported To Twisted Wonderland- Chapter 1

"Yes! Otome  just uploaded the new episode/part of the Ignihyde Chapter!" Lena Tabitha exclaimed.

Lena Tabitha is just a normal 19 year old girl living her life in her ordinary house, living with her parents and two little sisters. She doesn't really get along well with her family members, but she doesn't really mind it anyways. Who needs people in real life when you get 20 something handsome boys who make you smile 24/7?? She stays mostly in her room and keeps her pride  down low, where no one can see and she masks it, with the help of Twisted Wonderland's endless number of handsome boys.

Lena has two personalities; outside she is this socially awkward, boring, shy and just an all rounder victim of everyone else who insists on stepping on her to get where they want to be, but inside her house, she is this crazy, loud, attention seeker and otome games obsessed girl, who obviously strives for the handsomeness of the 2D world she would die to just go in. In her mind, she has written over hundreds to millions of situations and date ideas of the boys in Twisted Wonderland, actually getting teleported to NRC, having magic and just being able to have conversations with the boys but she never even thought that her imagination could be a reality.

It all happened after a tiring day at college, she was never one to look forward to college, she is literally doing it because the people around her seem to enjoy the idea of forcing her to go. People ask "You are excited to go to college, don't you want to go to college?" She just nods and smiles, because she's just sick and tired of being asked the same question over and over again. She's just traumatised by what happened in her elementary and high school years and thought that she has finally gone through that hell, she has to go through that same hell hole for another four years?! But she doesn't have the courage nor power to go against it, so she unwillingly goes for what the majority of people around her wants to.

She hates just the thought of presentations, group works, just anything with the word 'talk' or 'socialise' in it. But the sooner she starts it, the sooner this hell hole will be over right?

She arrived at home, tossed her bag on the floor and jumped in bed to watch another one of Otome's Twisted Wonderland videos. After a while, she got tired and without realising she fell asleep out of exhaustion.

When she woke up, her family; mother, father and sisters and herself were in a different setting, they were not at their home anymore. While the other four were being confused at where the hell they were, Lena was internally screaming and fangirling, also at the same time rubbing her eyes in disbelief, she was in NRC! The NRC she has been dreaming of going into for months! Before her parents could ask her what was going on, a voice echoed through the room, calling every new freshman to assemble in the middle of the room to get sorted to their dorms, at that moment she was worried that she would be like Yuu in the game and would just be Crowley's "assistant" due to her magicless self, but she was mistaken when she saw herself  wearing an NRC robe that everyone else was wearing and indeed at that moment, she felt that there was something definitely different about her, on the inside and she  thought, maybe she does have magic now.

Her family decided to just go ahead and follow her as she followed the sea of students who are now gathered in the middle of the room. Before long, the dorm assignment started, Ace Trappola, Heartslabyul, Jack Howl, SavannahClaw, Epel Felmier, Pomefiore and the mirror went on sorting each and every student. Then, she finally heard her name called, "Lena Tabitha!" Her family were of course shocked and confused at the same time, but she was gleaming with excitement to see which dorm she will get sorted in. Obviously she  took the dorm assignment quiz millions of times, but of course she  want to see the real dark mirror say her dorm by itself. "Lena Tabitha, you are sorted into the dorm founded by the diligence of the King of the Underworld, Ignihyde!" She was of course internally squealing with excitement as she went to Idia's direction.

Time skip after the sorting ceremony is over.

"It looks like everyone has been sorted to their respective dorms, hmm. But it looks like we have some extra guests left, let's just assume they're also students and ask them to go towards the dark mirror and see what dorms they are sorted into." Crowley informed everyone in the room.

Her  family went towards the mirror and of course they had no magic at all, unlike her  who got sorted to Ignihyde. Of course she was lowkey happy at the fact that they are less special than her now, she had magic and they don't. They've always been ignoring her feelings and forgetting what she told them about her thoughts about certain things. Now this is what they deserve, to be seen by everyone who has magic, and in a world where not having magic is impossible, as someone lesser than them (The people of TW).

Of course, they tried to go towards her, she suspected this and hid under the huge ass hood the ceremonial robes came with, sneaked out behind the room and into the nearby corridor, waiting for the storm to pass through. Of course, since they had no magic and no one knew them, the people there thought they were lying so they were now forced to stay in the broken and old Ramshackle Dorm... though at this time period it's impossible to be called a dorm. She sneaked through a window and saw the difficulty unfold and once it had been cleared off, she sneaked back in, just to avoid suspicion and luckily everyone was so occupied by her family, they didn't notice she was missing.

After a short briefing by Idia, they were all escorted to their room by him and since he told them they can choose any room they wanted, she chose to stay at the most farthest back of the dorm, just in case her family come looking for her, that way she'll have some plan to get away from them. The moment she arrived at her room; the room that she chose, a blue bag was already set in there. Inside were all the things she needed daily, extra clothes, uniforms, dorm uniforms and some other stuff like toothbrush, hair comb etc. Of course, since her dorm is in Ignihyde, they already provided the rooms with high tech computers, that of course based on it's high quality needed  magic, and each person has their own magical aura to their magic, kind of how like a personal password is like, so no one will be able to hack to another's computer without the owner knowing. Obviously Lena was too excited for school the next day and couldn't sleep so she decided to think over her plans for the first week.

By the middle of the night she at least came up with a few ideas on her mind, she'd first try to befriend Silver, maybe by helping him a favour or something to help her with pe since obviously she has  never rode on a broom and he is the only one who will help her without any annoying additions, she was thinking of working in Mostro Longue too, mostly three times a week to get money and since she can't cook myself, she'd  go to Heartslabyul or Scarabia to get free food. After she was satisfied with her plans for the first week, she slept soundly, as if she was a baby.


I was re-watching Sam's New Year's Sale out of boredom and suddenly this idea came to me. What if an otome game obsessed (especially TW) girl came into the TW universe with her parents who knows literally nothing of the game? And what if her whole life, she has been doing everything her family asks her to do as she has no courage to "say no". Like, how will her family get to talk to her when they know nothing about the place, and even before even getting the chance to talk to anyone, everyone already has this impression on them. I mean suddenly discovering random people who are obviously not of age to learn in NRC appear, not only that, but they also have no magic. Something that the TW universe obviously has and prioritises in, obviously they'd have their guard up and not talk to them as they are just shocked or just scared of these unmagical people. I'm always having writer's block when writing a fanfic which is why most of the fanfic I write isn't completed, so this here is a rare chance for me and I really hope I can finish this fanfic. I also hope that you will enjoy reading this fanfic as much as I enjoyed writing it.
