01. Marry Me

01. Marry Me (Dramione)

Summary: Hermione Granger wants to get married and start a family of her own. But her future plans of wearing a wedding dress are shattered when Ron breaks up with her suddenly. Draco Malfoy doesn't want to get married to save his life. But his fun single life is short lived when his mother asks him to marry Astoria Greengrass. Maybe he just needs to bring someone home that he knows his mother will disapprove of - Granger.

Author: escapism-

Link to personal page: https://ffnovel.com/author/escapism- 

Code of story: 27093328

Link to story: https://www.wattpad.com/story/27093328-marry-me-dramione-completed

My review: It's been ages since I read dramiones,  I started reading them when I was 11, and stopped after two years because there are so many more fantastic worlds to read about, right? So here I was, craving for Dramiones after years of starving. I start to make research for completed dramiones - because there is nothing worst than an incompleted story that takes ages to be updated - and I fall on THIS one! 

One word: Merlin. This story is so fluid and smooth and I love every single bits of it. Everything seems to be falling into pieces, and it even seems logical that Draco wants to use her at first and then that she uses him to have sweet revenge on Ronald.

I love how they feel confused but that there isn't much anger, it's really more about uncomprehension. Plus, I've got to say it's amusing to read about mature adultes something acting like child, and making mistakes. It's even funnier to read such adultes whom have accomplished so much in there life already. Plus Pansy and Ginny are hilarious, and the grammar is impeccable. 

Way to go! Don't be surprised, the next chapter is another fanfiction from the same author. She's just wo awesome, I read them both within 5 days. 

Status: Completed. 
