Just The Way I'm Not

('cos when it hurts it hurts, we wonder if it's worth it, but when it works it works, and when it's broke it's perfect)

After what happened on the pier, we decided we were going to try being together again and just see what happened. He dropped me home that night and we kissed on the porch before I went in for the night, and I promised to call him when I woke up the next morning. As I came in, my mom was sitting at the breakfast bar looking towards me with a worried expression on her face.

"Hey Mom, what's up?" I asked heading to the fridge and pouring myself a glass of orange juice. She let out a sigh before beginning one of her 'mom speeches', so I sat down opposite her while sipping my OJ. "Jen sweetie, I don't want you to rush things with Alex, you two have history, and it's very...fragile. Everyday after you left him or your other guy friends would come over and ask if I had heard anything from you or if you where ever coming back, Alex was especially broken. Everyday he looked more and more lost until they left for tour, then I just got calls off him and Isobel. You didn't just leave him behind, you left everyone." I sighed. I knew she was right. Alex had even called me on my cell every 10 minutes for a few days until I changed my number. He'd left countless voicemails begging for me to call him back, and I never did. All I could say back to my mom was "I know." Bowing my head down, before realising she wanted me to say more than that. "Look," I carried on to say "I really like him, and he for some unexplained reason still likes me. We aren't going back to what we were like straight away, we're...going at it slow. I don't plan on leaving either. Not again. I've learnt from my mistakes." She nodded at me understanding, before I left and went up to bed after the long day.

I awoke the next morning feeling a weight next to my side, and being confused, I slowly turned so i was lying on my back before sitting up and seeing Alex purched on the side of my bed just...watching me. "Good morning sleeping beauty..." He said smiling, bending over to kiss my forehead. At this point I was still very confused and just looked at him with a puzzled expression on my face. "Erhm, Alex why are you in my room?" I asked as politely as possible, without sounding too freaked out. His first response was a stifling giggle and smiling. "Your Mom let me in before she left about a half hour ago for work, which means..." he said as he got onto the bed on all fours and crept up the bed until he was hovering directly above me and I could feel his breath as his lips barely touched mine. "Alex..." I whispered, trying to control myself from pulling him down onto me and kissing him, I gazed into his cheeky, dark eyes as a smile began to form on his face and he began to softly kiss my neck. "Don't tell me you don't tell me you don't wanna do this..." he said between kisses as I tried to hold in my groans. Man, he really knew how to play me.

I managed to put my hands on his chest and push him up enough so I could stop him from going any further. "What happened to taking things slowly huh? We don't wanna jump in there and go back to how we were." I sighed and looked down. I crossed my legs underneath him and he sat up and looked at me glumly. "I'm sorry, I just can't believe you're back here, with me." He took my hands in his and started playing with my fingers as he carried on, "I mean, I know we said we'd take it slow but I can't help it. I...I lo-" My head shot up and a look of horror came across my face as my eyes grew wide and I took my hands out of his and cut him off. "No Alex, no you don't. You can't say that after less than a day together okay? Please don't...please." I begged. He sighed and took my chin in his hand and pulling my lips to his so we could kiss. "I love you." He said after the kiss, before I could stop him. "I want you to know, before I have to go on tour." He choked. That's when I realised that Alex wasn't the same guy from five years ago. He was now a successful musician with his best friends. I sighed and admitted defeat at this point, not wanting to hurt him. "When do you go?" I asked, not knowing whether I wanted an answer. He hesitated before answering. "Thursday, so uhm...2 days." I looked at him in shock. I thought we'd have longer than that before he left.

I fell back onto my bed and let out a sigh, staring at the ceiling. I didn't want him to leave, but I knew he had to if we were gunna make this work, I wasn't going to be selfish and ruin his dreams. I felt him move on the bed as he placed himself over me again looking concerned. "Hey, maybe you could come with us, then it wouldn't be so hard for us both..." He suggested, but I knew this was a bad idea. "No, you need to go without me so we can see whether we can cope being away from each other. Anyway, I think I should try and settle here before I go anywhere, atleast for a few weeks. I could meet up with you somewhere though." I offered as a compromise as he smiled above me. "Yeh, gives me something to look forward to.."He began before kissing me. I groaned, but didn't stop him as we went further.

So that was it settled. Alex was leaving Thursday, I was staying here for two weeks before joining the guys in LA for the last two weeks of tour and while he was away I was looking after Baz and Peyton. When I met the guys later that day, they all welcomed me and I was introduced to the new members of the crew that had joined since I left and we all got on well. It seemed Alex wasn't the only one that was glad I was going to join them on tour in a few weeks, as both Zack and Flyzik had big grins on their faces when we told them. Jack seemed hesitant, and when Alex went to talk with Colussy and Flyzik he pulled me to one side of the room with a concerned look on his face. "I hope you know what you're doing Jen. Alex is my friend -like I hope you are- but he has a reputation remember that. I just don't wanna see either of you hurting one another again." He admitted, and I nodded.

"I know Jack, before me and him got together the first time I saw what he was like, and I'm sure that he used to do it on tour, but I trust him. He wouldn't hurt me like that after what we've been through over the past few days." I said, and he nodded, smiling at me before whispering "I'll keep him in line, don't worry." He winked and went over to Danny to 'sexydance' as he called it to thebackground music as I watched laughing.
