chapter 1

I drove to the studio where they filmed capital, I brought Gracie with me so I wouldn't feel awkward. We got let in by the security and parked up. We headed in to the studio and I saw Roman.

"Roman" I said going up to him

"Hollie" he said and hugged me

"How've you been, it's been forever" I said

"I know, I was going to text you to see if you wanted to go on a night out or something but here we are"he laughed

"So who am i doing the interview with"

Just then about five men walked in, really loud men.

"Right since your both here, shall we get started with interview" Roman said

Ten minutes later we were going about aitch's new single 'baby'.

"My little sister listens too it all the time, when I go over to my parents house that's all I hear" I laugh

"How old is she" Roman asked

"I think she's 16" I said

"Oo she's a bit too young for me but you however" aitch winks at me making me blush

"Moving on, Hollie let's talk about your new album, what's it about" Roman said

"It's called Gatekeeper and it's got two different meanings so one of em I ain't telling youse, sorry, but the other is that the album is about my last breakup. I though he was one thing but really he was the complete opposite" I said

"If you don't mind, what happened" aitch said

"So basically he cheated on me with someone who I thought was my best mate then they lied to me and I gave em both a second chance, but two weeks later I found em both in my bedroom having sex so I told em to get out and now they're dating, so shout out to Liam Ingham and Yuvone Harris for making my life 10 times better without you both in my life" I said

"Woahhh, this lass is badass" aitch said

"Just stating the truth"I said

"Well this is Hollie with before he cheats " Roman said

As the song played, I gathered all my things and me and Gracie left the building but I could hear someone chasing after me.

"Hollie" Aitch grabbed my arm lightly.

"Hiya" I said

"Hiya, by any chance can I have your number darling" he said giving me a big smile

"You have my insta don't you" I asked

"Yeah" he said

"Message on that" I winked then walked away.

I went back to Gracie and giggled, god I sound like a school girl who's crush just made eye contact with her.

We drove down the motorway, blasting my songs from my new album and then we arrived to my house.

I sat on the couch and check my Instagram and noticed I got a message off Aitch.


Playing hard to get are we?
You'll regret that later on Holls x


It's a nickname, only I can use x

Too bad my brother calls me that x


Holl it is x

Well holl, you wanna go on a date
With me?x

What you planning on doing with me
I'm a head women to please x

I was thinking why don't we go see
The new marvel film, then come
Back to mine x

Sounds good x

I'll pick you up Thursday at 8pm,
Wear something sexy x

Will do x

Gatekeeper Album/playlist

Go~cat burns
Gatekeeper ~Jessie Reyez
Moral of the story~Ashe
Love me or leave me ~little mix
Reckless~madison beer
Fingers crossed ~lauren Spencer Smith
Before he cheats~. Carrie Underwood
