Chapter Eight

*some swearing in this chapter....okay a lot of swearing.*

*Third Person pov*

'Yes I am my little girls father but we can speak about that and your torture later' Lucifer calmly says while punching a griever off the bridge.

'Torture us?' Newt asks worriedly as he blasts a griever back with a spurt of boiling water.

'You let my daughter be captured and tortured, you thought there wouldn't be any consequences from her father?' Lucifer asks amused.

'We didn't mean to-' Damon tries to say.

'Silence' Lucifer firmly says holding up a hand, 'we can have this discussion once we've found her.'

Crystals mates nod and carry on fighting the grievers until Minho calls out that the door is open.

Everyone who has survived follow through the door, Castiel and Lucifer take the lead following the connection they have to Crystal.

Suddenly before they enter a door, a scream of pain is heard.



*Crystals pov*

Endless torture and pain is all I've felt, Ava never lets up. She's tested my powers until I can barely create a breeze and I feel drained to the bone.

I can hear shouting and fighting but I can't make a sound because I know that Ava will retaliate by hurting my mates.

'Crystal?!' I hear someone call my name but I must imagining it, I thought everyone was still in the Maze.

The door flies open and I it can't be.

'Dad?' I croak out.

'I'm here pumpkin it's okay' He softly calls before taking the chains off me and I fall into his arms.

'My mates?' I ask, I need to know they are okay.

'They're alright Little One, they are just dealing with the people who locked you up' Castiel says coming into the room. feels weird to say that but it also feels right. Dad picks me up and Cass puts his hands to my forehead.

A bright light starts to emit from his hands and I can feel my injuries fading away, my magic starts to restore and I can feel my energy returning.

A breeze starts to pick up and I smile at the familiar warm tingle of my magic.

Dad gently puts me down and I wobble a little but I can stand on my feet again. I summon a pair of black sweat pants and a matching hoodie to put on, I know I may look like shit but I frankly don't give a crap.

Damon and Enzo come in and drown me in cuddles, they stuff their noses in my neck and I laugh at their cuteness.

'What are you guys doing?' I ask confused.

'You don't smell like us' Enzo replies, his voice muffled.

So one by one each of my mates came and did the same thing, even Newt and Minho.

Dad, Cass and strangely Maze come back in with Ava and my mates growl at the bitch.

'For once myself and my brother agreed on something, we thought you should be the one to deal with her' Cass says darkly.

'I voted for gutting her open like a fish' Maze says menacingly, she walks over to me and gives me a hug.

'Good to see you again kid. I used to babysit you when your dad was busy torturing in hell' she explains to me.

'Why don't I remember?' I asked confused and Elijah rubs my arm comfortingly.

'We can get into that another time' Dad says, glaring at Maze but I don't understand why.


'Pumpkin' He says lowly.

'Fine' I pout at him.

I turn my attention to Ava and I suddenly have an idea.

'I've always liked Five Nights At Freddy's, and I've always particularly loved Purple Guys death' I smirk at Jeremy.

'Ah yes that is a rather good one for this fucking bitch. Do you think you could?' He laughs at my idea and I see a menacing glimmer in his eyes.

'Lets find out'

I concentrate on the suit I want and when it appears I'm surprised at how large it is.

'Angel, I think I know what you're up to' Damon chuckles.

'I don't understand mate' Klaus says to Damon confused.

'Just wait' He smirks.

I lift Ava into the suit with my magic and she starts to panic.

'We can sort out a deal, please stop what you're doing!' She pleads with me.

'Stop moving so much' I command.

She stops failing immediately and I raise an eyebrow at how she instantly followed my orders.

'Huh' I say confused, I see Cass, Maze and my dad exchange a worried bu knowing look. I'll question that later.

I quickly say a spell so then Ava's spirit will instantly go to hell and I close her up in the Springtrap suit.

'Truly magnificent' I hear Kai mutter happily.

'Move' I command.

She starts to flail about and I hear the satisfying snap of the spring locks go into place, the crunch of bone as her spine is shattered fills my ears.

Blood starts to seep out of the suit and pool into a large puddle on the floor. The suit falls to the ground and Ava Paige is no more.

'Certainly unique' Maze laughs and I giggle at her words.

'She really is your daughter' Cass sighs to Lucifer smiling.

'Yes she is'


After saying goodbye to Cass,Dad and Maze who had to return to their dimension, we go back out to the gladers who stare at their surroundings in amazement.

The army people are about the come in but I don't know who they are, I knew I should've watched the second movie.

Right on cue they come barging in but they train their guns on me.

'We know what you did to the glader Gally! We have you surrounded, surrender now!' They shout at me and I start to panic.

I can't do any damage to them because of the plot.

'Thomas remember what I told you!' I call out to him before a familiar purple and blue light envelops my mates and I, he gives a nod before he disappears from my sight.


'How are Jeremy and Damon doing' Thomas asks me as I walk over to him.

'Stable but I'm not sure for how long. But thats not why I'm here' I tell him firmly. 'Remember how I explained to you that this is a series of movies and books in my universe?'

He nods his head and looks at me worriedly.

'Thomas you were supposed to run into that Maze to save Minho and Alby, you are supposed to lead them out of the Maze. You're the leader and when I leave you need to step up for that job because only you can do it.' I tell him softly.

'No I can't, I can't do that' He panics.

'Thomas...Tommy, I promise you that you can do this, I know you can. You will get them to safety and you will do good.' I wrap him in my arms for a hug and I give him a pendant of a steel wolf.

'You can use this to contact me, just say my name and you'll hear me in your head. You can keep in contact and talk to me if you need it. You can do this Tommy, I know you can'

*end of flashback*


So that's the end of this book!!

My next book will be called Destroying The Plot 3 and a new chapter shall be posted shortly.

It will be a short book as I've decided to do long chapters which will mean fewer chapters.

Crystal will also have three new mates in the next world which is.....twilight breaking dawn part two.

Teen Wolf shall be coming soon I promise as I'm very excited to do it but I'm watching through it at the moment as I've never seen it before. I'm currently on season two episode five.
