I tried to be as normal as I could.  Connor, Riley, Toby, Thomas, and Ryan were just sitting there having their coffees.  I'm not gonna lie, I really wanted to run away from this place.  But no way, how could I leave Tanya alone.  It's only the first 3 minutes of our existence here in this party and I've already wanted to kill myself.

"Beautiful."  He mouthed at me still didn't stop clapping his hands.

I just nodded politely then bowed my head all the time.  I can't.  My goodness, what is happening on earth.

"We want more!"  Riley shouted breaking the silence.

"Hahaha."  Tanya laughed awkwardly.  "What are you guys doing here?"

"Morning coffee?"  Riley kept talking to Tanya.  And I just tried to keep calm, watching these love birds talking.  I can look at Riley and giggled, but not a chance to do the same with Connor.

"Okay guys, since those guys right there request another song, let's sing Begin Again by Taylor Swift."  Tanya gave another opening speech for next song.

I bowed my head all the time during this song.  First, because I wanted to look away from Connor.  Gosh, he's the one I've been anonymous to so far.  He's the one I love, only one in this world.  Tell me how to face his beautiful eyes.  No.  I want to cry even now.

Took a deep breath in the mirror
He didn't like it when I wore high heels
But I do
Turn the lock and put my headphones on
He always said he didn't get this song
But I do, I do

Walked in expecting you'd be late
But you got here early and you stand and wave
I walk to you
You pull my chair out and help me in
And you don't know how nice that is
But I do

And you throw your head back laughing
Like a little kid
I think it's strange that you think I'm funny cause
He never did
I've been spending the last eight months
Thinking all over ever does
Is break and burn and end
But on a Wednesday in a cafe
I watched it begin again

You said you never met one girl who
Had as many James Taylor records as you
But I do
We tell stories and you don't know why
I'm coming off a little shy
But I do

And you throw your head back laughing
Like a little kid
I think it's strange that you think I'm funny cause
He never did
I've been spending the last eight months
Thinking all love ever does
Is break and burn and end
But on a Wednesday in a cafe
I watched it begin again

And we walked down the block to my car
And I almost brought him up
But you start to talk about the movies
That your family watches every single Christmas
And I want to talk about that
And for the first time
What's past is past

And you throw your head back laughing
Like a little kid
I think it's strange that you think I'm funny cause
He never did
I've been spending the last eight months
Thinking all love ever does
Is break and burn and end
But on a Wednesday in a cafe
I watched it begin again

But on a Wednesday in a cafe
I watched it begin again

I opened my eyes at the end of the guitar strum.  Okay, won't lie to myself either but I wanted to see where Connor was.  Yeah, he's still there, staring at me.  I really wanted to let my eyes off from him but I was stuck.  Him too.  So there was this moment between me and him while we stared at each other.  Weird.  He's dating my sister.

I still stared at Connor until this one guy beside the stage attracted my eyes.  I looked at him.  Bam.  Jason, winking at me.

"Nice job, Diana."  He whispered.

"Thanks."  I smiled awkwardly.  I looked at Connor again.  He frowned.

"Great show, guys!"  Toby clapped his hands louder.  Tanya and I just bowed politely.

"I hope that song was for me."  Jason...seriously tried so hard.  He whispered again, which probably only Tanya and I who can heard him.

"Uhm..."  I gave the most awkward grin ever.

"You can take a break."  He winked.  I don't know what on earth was going but he winked a lot at me, like in every word he said.

"Thanks."  We both nodded and put our instruments on the floor.

"Hot chocolate please, thank you."  Tanya ordered to the barista.

"On it!"  This kind barista that we lately knew named Mark soon worked on Tanya's order.

We sit by the boys' table side.  We didn't really join them though, but since it's 5 of them and one small round table didn't fit, then looks like we were sharing table.  Toby moved to sit on my side.  Ryan put their table closer to ours, and the other boys followed rounding the tables.  Riley found his spot on Tanya's side, which also on my left.

"That was really cooooool!"  Toby put his left arm on my shoulder.

"Yeah?  Thanks!"  I pinched his cheek because he's like Popeye the Sailor.

"Yeah!  I didn't know that you can play piano and guitar!  That's rad!"  He shouted again.

"Then what?  I should join the band?"  I chuckled.

"Heck yeah.  Because Toby needs asisstant with the electric guitar!"  This dork laughed louder.

"I can just help you but no, not joining the band."  I drank my water.

"Why only having water in Starbucks?"  Connor suddenly asked me, staring into my soul with that blue eyes that were being hit by the sunlight.

"Because I don't feel like drinking any caffeine today?"  I finally answered.  I can tell Tanya held her breath too.

"Oh."  He nodded.  "How you doing?"

"Pretty cool, I guess."  I smiled.  "How you doing?"  Yeah, just like the one in the letter.

"I'm good too."

"Don't you want to ask where Ariana is?"  Tanya added.

"Nope."  Connor looked at Tanya.  We're confused at his answer.  "Because I know where she is."

"Ah yeah make sense."  Thomas rolled his eyes.

"Well, where did you guys go?  I haven't seen you in a decade."  I asked Thomas and Ryan.

"Me?  Had a date with my cats.  You know, being a responsible father."  He chuckled.

"Me?  Uhm..."  Ryan was thinking.

"Ryan's just back at home drinking the protein shake all the time."  Riley burst out laughed.

"Oh!  How did you know?"  Ryan pouted.

"Because I joined you, baby..."  Riley smirked.  Everybody laughed, including me, except Connor.

"What is it?"  I confronted Connor.  Heck Diana, go kill yourself.

"What?  Nothing."  He shook his head, drinking his coffee.

"Connor's checking his soon-to-be sister in law."  Toby broke the ice.

"Right."  I nodded then bowed my head on my phone.

"What's it with you and that guy though?"  Thomas asked me, pointing to Jason.

"Wait what?"  I choked.  "Nothing happens."

"That guy...I think he likes Diana."  Tanya, Tanya, Tanya, I will kill you.

"Nooo, he's not."  I whisperedly denied.

"Hey he might be.  Look at his eyes.  That's the eyes of falling in love."  Toby teased.

"Stop it Popeye, he's not."  I pouted.

"What do you think, brother in law?"  Ryan poked Connor's shoulder.

"He needs to do a lot before that."  Connor smirked.

"Means you allow him, if he 'does a lot'?"  Thomas added the tension.

There's this heartbeat of me that beats faster than it should be.  It's the very first time I would hear from him directly, about what he thinks if I ever got my own boyfriend.

"Uhm...  Yeah, anything that makes you happy."  He said, finally.

And finally, my heart's broken again.  It's not Jason that I want, Connor.  If you only knew.
