It was true, when they were started chatting it was purely for homework. Then inside jokes and playful flirting got involved. More of their personalities seeped through every individual message. Texting anonymous became a drug that they both got addicted too.

Stan feels he judged Richie too harshly at the beginning. He admired him more than anything for his bravery. For being himself and standing up for others, things Stan had never let himself do out of fear.

Stan still admired Richie. He hide like a coward but Richie dragged him to the old janitors office to speak because Richie had a voice and he used it.

The memories of him and Richie flashed through his mind on replay. When they met at the quarry. When Richie gave him his dumb marshmallow nickname. To when they got paired up and spent so much time together working on their project. The sleepover that seemed to ruin everything. All the way until now.

Stan truthfully misses whaat they had before. He can tell Richie does too. The darker haired teen can't act for his life, all his emotions were so genuine. The silent plead for Stan not to shut him out again was magnified in the large glasses.

"When we first met I hated you. I don't think I do anymore." Stan finally said. Richies eyes met with Stans and they stared. Richie processed the words and fought back the grin trying to force its way onto his face.

"I fell in love with anonymous not knowing it was you," Stan continued at Richie's silence. "But now that I know it's you, the feelings haven't changed. And that confused me a lot."

"It's still confusing me too." They never broke eye contact and there was no lies.

"Figure it out together ?" Richie held up his pinky and Stan wishes he would have counted how many times he's rolled his eyes since he's been here. Yet he does interlock their pinky's and shake. Richie smile makes Stan smile.

They talked a bit more, but it wasn't anything important anymore. Catching each other up on their small lives without the other. It came so naturally to talk to the other again. Like they had never been apart. Their time together was ruined by the school bell but was fixed with a promise of going to the park together later.

Richie unlocked the door (which Stan had smacked him for because it could be counted as kidnapping). Stan was almost out the door when the other pulled him back and pressed an affectionate kiss to his lips.

Stans eyes fluttered closed and pulled Richie closer. The kids lasted merely 8 seconds, but they were the best 8 seconds of their lives. Richie ran to his class as Stan stood there dumbfounded.

He kissed Richie Trashmouth Tozier. Richie fucking Tozier. Stan touched his lips with a finger. They felt tingly in a good way. It was so amazingly euphoric.

Stan was in love with Richie Tozier. Richie Tozier was in love with Stan. They had both just kissed each other.

When Stan came back to school this year, he hadn't expected he would have fallen for the guy he swore he hated or be planning to go on a date later. Surprises are fun though.

Richie fell asleep that night around 10pm. He was tired and emotionally exhausted from the conversation earlier and his and Stans date. They hadn't done much, they walked around the park and Stan tried to teach Richie bird watching. That hadn't been very successful but it was amusing seeing Stan get annoyed with Richie did something the complete opposite way he had told him too.

The dark haired teenager was woken up by his phone buzzing beside his bed. He sat up and grabbed his glasses before turning on the phone. Richie winced at the brightness and turned it down before seeing what the notification was.

1 new message

He decided to check who was texting him this late since he was already awake now. He entered the passcode and went to his messaging app.


Dear Anonymous,
I love you

Words so simple. They held a weight to them, it kept Richie grounded when he wanted to just float up to the sky from happiness.

From the right person those three little words meant everything. From Stan, they meant more than everything.


Dear anonymous,
I love you

I love you too :)

Stan heart raced as he put down the phone. Before he could unsend the message Richie had replied. His cheeks burned but not in an unbearable way. It was like a cozy blanket that could keep him safe from the monsters in the closet.

Stan mentally slaps himself. He could have had this for longer if he had just been brave. He didn't want to dwell on the past though. He had this now and he was happy.

They were both finally happy.

AND THATS THE END :)) I'm surprised I finished this ngl but I did pog! I hope you enjoyed this story and I love all the wonderful comments and support I've gotten while writing this.

Anyways now go read my one shot book <3 love you all

Published: April 11 2020
Finished: April 27 2021
Reads: 1.6K
