Chapter 22

Calling it the medical wing somewhat exaggerates the size of the space. In reality, it's just a corner room with access to the outdoors. The room itself is fairly large, with ten moveable beds separated by privacy screens and evenly spaced on both sides. The ceilings are high enough to create a draft and the windows are big enough to provide ample sunlight. 

The medical wing is well-equipped to deal with almost any physical ailment, but it often remains empty. After all, demons are fast healers and most would rather turn to magical solutions in the case of any serious injury. As the only living human in the entire realm, I've probably spent more time in the medical wing than anyone else. Usually, for small things like period cramps or ankle sprains from combat training.

Today, however, the space is bustling with activity. There are black-clad nurses scurrying to and fro, seemingly anxious over some kind of emergency. Separating my hand from Elizabeth's, I ask the nearest nurse, "What the Heaven is going on here?"

The woman barely pauses long enough to stammer out, "The king's been poisoned," before continuing in her mad dash to...somewhere. The only 'king' around here is Lucifer, and very few people actually refer to him as such. He used to demand that everyone call him by the prestigious title, but Lilith put a stop to that as a way to humble him. Now, the title is more of a joke than anything else, but the nurse seems awfully serious about the whole thing.

I look to Eli for her response to such an alarming statement, but she's too busy laughing to provide any answers. Maybe this is some kind of psychotic break? Like an, 'if you don't laugh, you'll cry' kind of moment? Or, wait. Didn't she say something earlier about convincing her father to drink acid?

"Eli, your dad's sick! Ouch," I put pressure on my forehead when it starts to throb in time with my heartbeat. "Okay, no yelling. Got it," I whisper to myself. Eli's amusement is tapering off into chuckles, so I ask, "Is this because of you?"

She grabs her chest with one hand and uses the other to wipe a tear from the corner of her eye. "Oh, man. I didn't realize he was going to be such a big baby about it! Technically, it's not my fault. I only told him about the parasite, but the acid was entirely his own idea. So, if anything, he poisoned himself."

"Well, technically, you lied to him about that parasite in the first place," I say, struggling not to raise my voice.

Eli waves away my concern. "He'll be fine! He's an immortal, all-powerful being whose idea of fun is torture and destruction. A little acid won't hurt him."

I gesture to the mayhem taking place around us. "Evidently, it did! Ow, damn it. Dang it, now I'm cursing and my head hurts worse."

"What's this about head pain?" a familiar voice interjects. Lilith appears in all of her captivating glory, beautiful as always in a red jumpsuit that matches her hair. She reaches a slender hand towards my forehead, the heat of which makes me wince as soon as it makes contact. 

"You poor thing," she tuts. "I was just on my way to check on you. After last night, I figured you might be under the weather today and needing some attention." While not my mother, Lilith always takes care of me when I'm sick and afraid of infecting everyone with my germs.

Eli perks up. "Last night? When did you see Will last night? I couldn't find her anywhere."

Lilith's answering laugh sounds like the tinkling of bells. "Silly girl, I put her to bed! She was passed out but still able to talk about frogs and wine in her sleep. A very Willow move, I think. Romeo was," she loses her smile before turning and addressing me directly, "Well, Romeo asked me to change you into your 'inside clothes' and tuck you into bed."

I guess that answers the major question on my mind this morning. Nothing nefarious happened the night before, as I suspected, but now Eli and I can rest easy about it. Except, Eli isn't calmer in the knowledge that no one took advantage of my inebriated and vulnerable state. She's concerned, and staring intensely at her mother.

"Mom, what's wrong?" she asks suddenly.

Lilith sighs. "It's your father." At her statement, my earlier worry is reignited as I desperately seek out Lucifer's figure on one of the nearby beds. Noticing my fear, Lilith corrects herself. "No, Lucifer is fine. At least physically, although he's being overly dramatic about his need for medical attention after the whole acid drinking incident."

"See? I told you not to worry, Will," Eli says, but she still appears to be on edge.

I exhale a relieved breath. "Okay, then what's the problem?"

Like a quick stab to the gut, Lilith rushes out, "Romeo left for the academy this morning, and Aristotle elected to go with him to ensure that he settles in okay. Lucifer's sad to see his youngest son leave."

"B-but," I stutter, "Rome has three more months before he has to go!" I ignore the pain in my head for the hole in my heart. "He wouldn't just leave without a goodbye first! He wouldn't do that to me!"

I know I'm being selfish right now. There are other people in Rome's life who care about him, who are probably just as upset at his abrupt departure, but I lack the capacity to be empathetic. In a rush, the memories of our interaction yesterday finally catch up to me. The laughter, the loving declarations, the promises...

"He promised! He knows how terrified I am of him leaving me, and he promised!" Like the broken record that I am, I cry. Again.

This time, Lilith crushes me into a warm embrace. "Shh, I know, Willow. I know." She continues to rub soothing circles into my back, repeating caring words all the while. A second body, one I recognize instantly as Eli's, wraps itself around my back.

"Fuck him, Will," Eli rumbles into my shoulder blades. At my whimper, she clarifies. "Not literally, because gross, and also he doesn't deserve that from you. Just fuck him for being an insensitive asshole."

"There's no n-need to bash him. He's your b-best friend, t-too," I assert weakly.

She scoffs and warm air hits the back of my neck. "I've never liked how hot and cold he is with you, Will. He can't claim to be in love with you one minute and then have sex with half the realm in the next."

Stuck in the pattern of defending his behavior, I say, "That's just his Sin! He c-can't help it!"

Elizabeth releases me and Lilith quickly does the same, though she keeps a supportive arm on my shoulder. Eli walks into my line of sight with a face full of fury. "That's bullshit, Will. He absolutely can control his impulses, but he chooses not to. Lust isn't just about having sex, either. He could find a better way to use it, but he doesn't. You're willing to forgive that, so I did too for the most part. But I'm not going to stand by and let him constantly mess with your emotions like this! You deserve better."

Even Lilith, the staunch defender of her precious baby boy, says nothing to this. Although, I don't even know what to say, so I don't blame her. I can't think past the pounding in my skull, the sudden rolling in my stomach, or the pressure in my chest. When I open my mouth to respond, the only thing that comes out is a small groan. Without further warning, I vomit all over Eli. 
