( F/A ) Unusual ( Yui x Kate )

Word Count: 1062

Yui's P.O.V

Everyone is gathered around the fire per usual doing what they usually do when they don't have trials. Haddie and Mikaela talking about the paranormal, Ace, Bill, and David arguing about god knows what at this point. Then there's Kate, strumming her strings playing the melodies she always plays.

I always caught myself staring Kate, I'll admit, I think a good chunk of the women in the fog are hot, but something about Kate caught my eye a little more often. Was it her southern accent ? Her honey blonde hair ? Guitar playing skills ? I'm not really sure.

I was sitting next to Nea who just came back from trial, rambling about her hatred for facing Herman.

" Are you even listening ? " Nea asked.

I instantly took my eyes off Kate and turned my head to Nea.

" Shit uh kinda " I responded.

Nea looked over at Kate then back at Yui " So you're into Denson huh ? " She teased.

" Pfft Nah, I just think she kind and pretty. " I meekishly said.

" Well don't fall for her too hard, her being kind is a natural thing from her. Hate to break it to you, but you're no different. " Nea harshly said.

I was a little angered by that statement " I didnt say I had a crush on her or anything.. "

" I'm just saying. " Nea shrugged " By the way, I think you might be up next for trial. "

" Fuck, alright. " I cussed under my breath.


" Damnit, Autowreckers.. ? " I despise the map with a burning passion.

" I hate the map too hun. " I felt a hand pat my shoulder, it was Kate's.

" Shit, Fuck, Damnit, She beside me. " I thought to myself.

I turn my head to her to be greeted with a soft smile, then she walked away to go find a generator.

" Fuck ! why didn't I say something ?! " I snarled to myself.

I walk off to find a totem, generator, something to clear my mind of Kate or what just happened. As I'm fixing the generator, I think to myself

" Why am I so jittery all of a sudden, god I'm never like this. It is because called out how I always look at Kate ? "

I feel the Terror Radius pop up, cussing to myself as I accidentally make the generator explode. " Fuck Fuck FUCK ! " I look up to see Kate running from Carmina, Kate shrieked as Carmina strucked down on her blood fountaining the walls beside her. I rush over to distract Carmina with her eventually hooking Kate and then rushing after me. I dash towards an area I can loop and maybe make her lose interest in me. Striking me through the window I find other areas  to run around in, once I go to it I found a pallet a smacked Carmina with it, hearing her Caw, I run towards Kate's direction. Her groaning while hanging off the hook was awful to see, I grab her and take her to a corner of the map.

" Sweetheart you're hurt.. here " Kate croaked through a bloody mouth while resting her hands on my forearms.

I stop her and lay her down gently, " Don't worry about me Songbird, let me take care of you. " Kate gently grunted in pain. I was quick but careful in trying to patch her up, I felt her gently lean onto me. Kate got healed and we got the signal that all the generators were fixed. I wrap my arm around Kate to hold me up. " Hun let me heal you first... " Kate tried to scoot away. " No No, let's just get out... " I rebuttled as Kate wrapped her arm around my waist, helping me walk to the door

We crept over to the door. Dwight was pulling the lever, all of our terror radiuses spiked at the door opened. Carmina was back and she decided to chase after Kate. When the door opened, Dwight and Jake left immediately, I stood there wanting Kate to be okay. Kate whipped out her flashlight, but it died mid attack and she got injured again, I didn't wanna leave her here. I rushed over to distract Carmina again. Kate was able to run off, but now I was the one being chased. Kate stood by the exit, staring at me looping Carmina. I was a strike away from being fucked.

" YUI " Kate screamed.

" JUST GO KATE " I yelled while getting striked. I fall onto the ground, with a heavy grunt. I turn my head to Kate who looked at me with a worried face. " Just go Songbird... " I croaked seeing her run off while being carried to the hook. I hang there just letting the Entity's claws devour me, I dont even care anymore.... as long as Kate was okay..


I woke up in my cabin, my head throbbed a little, but it's alright. I see the fire out in the distance, only a couple people were out, I get and walk over.

Once I get to the fire I'm immediately clutched by Kate.

" Oh my stars Yui ! " She yelled while snuggling her head into my chest, arms wrapped firm behind my neck. In response, I rest my hands on her hips holding her a bit closer.

" I was so worried about you, the moment I ran through the exit.. are you alright honey ? " She frantically asked.

" I'm alright all that matters is that we all are back at the fire, and we're all unharmed. " I say mellow.

" Well... Thank you for saving me back there Darling ~ "

Kate gently tugged the collar of my leather jacket and pressed a soft kiss on the corner of my lips.

My face BURNED with flusterness and a bit of surprise. I kept my arms around her waist.


Eventually Kate let me go, picked up her guitar and walked back to her cabin. " I'll see y'all around, Goodnight ! "

I grazed my finger tips across the right side of my face. " Damn Nea, you were right Kate is really friendly. "

" Yui that wasn't usual behavior.. "  Haddie chimed. " I've saved Kate and all that doohickey and she's never done that to me... ? "

" Same here " Ace snorted while opening a beer.

" Yea sorta unusual of Kate. " Nea said.

I was still focused on the kiss whether it was usual or not.
