Chapter 37

His consciousness is already awake, but he can't open his eyes.

His body felt so heavy, it is too hard to move. And though he is awake, he can't hear the murmurs clearly. Someone's talking, but it sounds like river water flowing so harshly.  Then it stilled. The talking stop, which made him curious as to what happened. Waiting a bit more, he tried once again to move, and thankfully, he managed to move his pinky finger.

Jae-ha's eyes slowly fluttered open.

White ceiling, white bed, white blanket, and Yona dear with the other dragons looking at him with worry.

"Jae-ha!" Kija excitedly exclaimed, his eyes almost tearing up because of extreme happiness.

"Thank goodness you're awake!"

"Ryokuryuu took his sweet time~ asleep for three days..."

His head hurts, and his mind is still in a state of confusion, until he heard what Zeno said.

"Three... days?" Yona sighed. "Yes, three. Right after your battle with Rufus, you  coughed blood then fainted."

Kija nodded.

"Right, right! We are so worried, especially when we heard that your brain is damaged a bit! I thought you'll forget us! Fortunately, Wendy and Miss Porlyusica are good doctors!"

Jae-ha blinked his eyes and sat up, assisted by Yona and Zeno. His eyes narrowed when he noticed some people missing.

"Right after that? Where is Hak and Shin-ah? Erza? The other Fairytail members?"

Yona's assisting hands froze, and Zeno and Kija glanced at each other with unease.

From that, Jae-ha sensed something wrong.

"What happened?" He asked with a frown. Zeno awkwardly smiled at him.

"Well, Ryokuryuu, the truth is... ah— maybe we'll explain later—–"

"Just tell me what happened."

"A dragon happened."

They all turned towards the door, only to see Juvia assisting a wounded and bloodied Gray. The sight of him terrified Yona, and shocked Jae-ha.

"What—– what happened to you?!" Gray didn't answer him, and instead, lied down on the bed next to him, breathing heavily.

The next second, Porlyusica amd Wendy entered the room, slightly shocked of seeing him awake, but paid him no attention. They're focused on tending to Gray.

Frustrated, Jae-ha asked.

"Won't someone explain?" His gaze landed on Kija, but the latter just nervously fiddled his fingers. In the end, Juvia spoke.

"During the three days that Jae-ha-san was unconscious, a dragon appeared and ravaged the city of Camellia, a city near Crocus."

Jae-ha's eyes widened.

A dragon?!

"Because of that, the Grand Magic Games is postponed, and every wizard participating in the event went and helped subduing the dragon. We're... not very much successful..."

That's not the point!

Jae-ha nearly screamed.

"How could there even be a dragon here?! I thought— I thought that...!" Jae-ha couldn't even continue what he wants to say, afraid that it might upset Wendy.

On the other hand, Wendy quite understood what he wants to relay, so she just sighed.

"That's right. Dragons already ceased to exist. Acnologia, and the five dragon gods we defeated should have been the last one." Her hands trembled as she said those.


Silence engulfed the whole room, and the only thing that they can hear is Gray's heavy breathing.

Jae-ha's head ache because of what's happening. Three days! He's just asleep for three days, and yet... this has already happened?! For them (four dragon warriors), maybe dragons are friendly because they themselves have the blood and ability of a dragon, and because King Hiryuu, before he became a human, was a dragon god, but here...

Dragons bring disaster... for some part.

"Is Hak also out there?"

"Yes. Hak-san's strength is what we need, so... Porlyusica-san! I'm done healing Gray-san. I still need to return to the battlefield." With those last words, Wendy dashed off. Jae-ha noticed that Yoon isn't in the infirmary, so he took a wild guess that he's tending to the wounded on the battlefield.

"So, where are we now?"

"Just near Camellia City."

"How formidable is that dragon?"

"Too formidable! That dragon's scales are too hard! Normal attacks just won't work!"

"Never fear, Juvia-san! I and Shin-ah will join the battle later, for Jae-ha already woke up. Zeno will stay here to protect the princess and Jae-ha—"

"No. I'll join too."

Their mouths almost dropped to the ground. Jae-ha is too... suicidal!

"Also, I want to see Erza." With the mention of her name, the uneasiness in their minds  showed in their expressions, and with too many people having the same reaction, Jae-ha noticed something off.

He stared seriously at Kija, knowing that the latter can't tell a lie in front of him.

"Where is Erza?"

Kija fiddled his fingers more. "She—she's... out there...?"

Jae-ha's eyes narrowed.

"You're not sure? How come?"

Becoming even more panicked, Kija helplessly stared at Zeno, who in turn, gazed at Yona.

Jae-ha's frown deepened.

"Yona dear, care to tell me what happened?"

"E-Erza is..." Yona bit her lower lip, then sighed before continuing, "Erza is the dragon. She transformed into one."



Camellia City, Fiore.

Master Makarov bitterly smiled as he watch his youngsters fight against a dragon. It's body is covered with metal, but its white and red scales can be seen. The dragon's brown eyes are filled with the intent to kill and destroy.


"Master." He turned and saw Mira, who is currently in her Sitri form.

"Did Levy already find a way to turn her back?"

"Not yet. We need to buy her more time."

"Alright... I'll buy her time..."

Mira frowned.

"Master, you shouldn't overexert yourself. Just stay here. We'll do our job properly." Sensing the panic in her voice, Makarov faintly chuckled.

"I won't do anything. We need to wait for Wendy. I know that Wendy will be able to buy us time." Makarov said with conviction.

He just found out from Erza before, that Eileen's spirit resides within Wendy. If Eileen moves, they would be able to help Levy stall time for her to find the solution on how to transform Erza back. If they are lucky, Eileen might even be able to return Erza to her human form.

"Alright, Master. I'll go back and help them now."

"Okay... Oh— wait. Tell them to go easy a bit. Erza might get hurt."

Mira smiled, then nodded. After she left, Makarov silently prayed.

Four dragon gods... Master Mavis... please guide my youngsters...


"You witch! If you don't go back to normal, you'll hurt the Princess!" Hak shouted furiously, thrusting his glaive, causing for it to produce lightning. From behind him, Natsu appeared.

"Dammit! Erza! Stop this already and wake up! Fire dragon's iron fist!"

After being attacked, 'Erza' roared, almost blowing them all away. Both of their attack doesn't have any effect on her.

Gajeel sneered.

"It's as if all of her armors are blended into one! We can't even graze her armor!"

"How should we attack then?!"

"Unison raid!"

They all got into position after Lucy's shout. Soon, different elements and weapons are thrown to Erza, causing her to be down, and finally having an opening.


"I know!"

This is not the time for Kagura to be against Fairytail and vice versa, because one wrong move and they'll all be killed by the dragon Erza. After lowering the gravity and crushing Erza down, Droy throwed some seeds and let some vines cover the dragon's body, and Cosmos helped him. Yes, even the Garou Knights were dispatched to fight Erza.

Seeing her somehow restrained, they took a moment to relax, then immediately become alert.

They can't put their guards down in front of a dragon.

To their surprise, Erza broke free from the vines, and while doing so, she struck Kagura, who then released her gravity magic on her, allowing her to freely move again.

"Argh! Why did this even happen?!"


Natsu immediately turned back when he heard Wendy's voice, while the others continued to subdue Erza.

"Wendy! Finally!" He said excitedly. Without any more words, Wendy did her magic, and suddenly, another dragon appeared out of thin air.

Orga almost growled. "Another troublesome dragon?!"

"No! That's our savior!" Lyon chimed when he saw how the dragon that appeared out of nowhere pounce on Erza. It seemed like the dragon is tackling Erza to the ground so it can't move.

Erza then let out another loud roar and mercilessly struck the dragon in front of her, however, the dragon seemed strong, so the attack did not affect it.

Seeing the dragon doing its job, they took their time to recover their wasted magic.

"Shit. Why is it like this anyway? Why did Erza became a dragon?!"

"This is Jellal's fault! That bastard!"

"Hey! I didn't even know about this!"

"No time to argue! Eileen-san can't hold her much longer!"

As Wendy say this, the dragon that helped them was suddenly 'kicked' towards their direction. Some of them managed to dodge, but some were unlucky.

"Damn it! Erza! Calm down, will you?!" Natsu angrily roared.

"She won't answer you! That dragon won't understand you!"

"What 'that' dragon? That's Erza!" Gajeel wanted to retort and say that it's not Erza anymore, but to avoid breaking the heart of Makarov and the other members, he didn't continue. Erza continued on her rampage, inflicting many injuries on them, and she don't have the intention to stop.

Well, they won't stop until she's back to normal either.

As they were pondering on what to do next, to stop her momentarily, a melodious tune drifted in the air. Lucy's face scrunched up for a second, then brightened when she realised what it is.

"Jae-ha's lullaby...?" She exclaimed. She then looked at Erza, and it seem like it is working, just like before!

From afar, they saw figures of people, who should've been away from this fight, including the injured Gray, Juvia, and the one who's supposed to find a solution to stop Erza's madness, Levy.

"You guys..." Sting mumbled, not able to hide the excitement and shock from his voice. The others are confused and shocked too.



Lucy and Hak called, but Yona just smiled at them before turning to Erza.

"Erza... let's settle this."


"What?!" Jae-ha suddenly questioned himself if his hearing is damaged.

"Impossible... how could this be...?"

Hearing his words, Kija tried to calm him down. Jae-ha's eyes darkened.

"Let's go there immediately—"

"No!" They all yelled at him.

"Jae-ha, she can't recognise anyone right now. If you go there..."

"If he goes there, it'll be a blessing for us."

They turned towards the door's direction when they heard someone.


What is she doing here?

"Levy-chan, aren't you supposed to be there?" Kija inquired.

"No time. I'll explain it on the way. Hurry!"

And so, the people in the infirmary left, even the injured idiot, Gray. Sighing, Porlyusica followed them.

"Zeno told me before... that your journey here has a purpose. At first, I thought that it is to reunite Erza and Jae-ha. But now that this happened... I just thought that maybe, this is the real reason as to why you are here..."

Levy stared at Yona's eyes with seriousness.

"Please bring Erza back."

•<End of Flashback>•



