Chapter 28

Their eyes widened as they stare at Kija's dragon hand. It grew bigger!

But ridicule passed by on Bacchus's eyes. It looks like Kija is just like Elfman when he was still unable to do a full take over. He sure talk big!

'I bet that he'll not last...'

Bacchus smirked before attacking Kija with his drunken like punches and barrages, not really surprised when he saw Kija's hand unscathed. A great defensive power, but for offensive, what can it do?

Kija smirked as he read Bacchus's intentions.

How dare a mere human underestimate the power of a dragon?

Kija tried to punch him with his left hand but he dodged, making Bacchus a perfect target for Kija's right dragon hand. When he was hit, Bacchus felt like he was hit by 10 carriages. He immediately flew to the other side of the arena.

Angrily, he wiped his mouth dripping with blood. The force was not really that strong, but something's with that hand.

Even Kija is surprised. His hand felt lighter than usual. Could it be because of magic?

Even though, he did not pay much attention. He just stared at the angry man in front of him.

Suddenly, Bacchus laughed loudly, making Kija shiver.

'Has he gone mad?'

"Int'resting... truly interesting..." Bacchus chugged down the contents of the bottle he always carries and threw it right after. After that, Kija heightened up his senses and alertness. Bacchus grew stronger. Suddenly, he lunged forward, making Kija flustered and not able to react.

Chapati almost jump in excitement.

"Bacchus is retaliating! He really is an S-Class Wizard! Will Kija be able to fight back?!"

'Oohs' and 'Woahs' filled the arena as the two intensely exchange blows. They are both good and no one is backing down, but Hak just rolled his eyes.

Come on, White Snake. You can be much ruthless than that.

Kija, as if hearing Hak again, like what happened before in the Blue Dragon Village, pushed himself more. He should win the battle if he does not want Yona to be with this... guy.

The thought of it makes him sick.

He unconsciously turned to take a look at Erza's expression. She's angry.


"What now, kid? You won't... beat me!"

Kija gritted his teeth. No, he can't lose. Not with this despicable drunkard who used Yona as a bargain. He won't lose!

Oh, dragon gods, help me defeat him.

The two of them once again is about to clash when Kija suddenly heard a voice in his head.

'Dodge to the left!'

He acted instinctively, and did dodged to the left, surprising Bacchus and making him lose focus. Kija took it as an opportunity and gathered magic in his right arm before punching the mage with no restraints at all, knocking Bacchus down.




"Way to go man!"

"He really did won!"

Kija heaved a sigh as he revert his right hand back to normal.

He won.

He just won.

"Kija! How cool!" He heard Yona cheered for him. He smiled sweetly at her and showed a thumbs up to Shin-ah and Natsu then gave Hak a smirk.

He also heard Zeno and Jae-ha cheering for him and of course, the proud shouts of his mentor.

After that, he calmed himself and walked towards the just awoken Bacchus.

"Bacchus-san, you shall honor your bet now. Which one would you like to start? The yelling, the scolding or maybe the kicks and punches?" Bacchus shivered because of his voice. Damn, weird.

"Ah, Chapati-san, is it okay to do the punishment here? Right now?"

Chapati gave a sideward glance to Queen Hisui and she grinned.

Bacchus and the other members of Quatro Cerberus listened nervously.

They all felt their hearts dropping when Chapati announcend,


Mira, Laxus and Yoon sighed. "Rest in peace."

The people in the arena cheered, although some of them pitied Bacchus. They all thought the same thing: The girl, Yona, is a precious figure in Fairytail.

Excited because of the outcome, Hak jumped down from their place, and Shin-ah followed. Jae-ha carried Zeno on his back and flew down to the stage. Yoon took the normal path.

Everyone anticipated for what will happen and their curiousity risen when Yoon walked towards Bacchus. Bacchus gulped.

"You might not know, but Yona is an important figure. If you dare to use her as bargain again, you might face the wrath of the gods." Yoon intimidated him, although he is hesitating what to say. Bacchus just nodded.

"I can't scold you right now---"

"And so is Zeno---!"

"--- so please behave yourself from now on."

Bacchus, once again, nodded. Zeno approached him.

"Also, do not go near her. I am the Miss's shield, so you have to go through me first. That's all! Good luck on surviving!"

The words told by Zeno and Yoon piqued the interest of the people around them.

Facing the gods' wrath... and the shield...

What does they mean by that?

Their thoughts are interrupted when they sensed the arena getting colder. Hak and Jae-ha stood side by side along with Kija and Shin-ah. They all have an indescribable smile plastered on their faces. Hak glanced at Kija.

"You first, dear brother White Snake. Get your revenge on him."

"Sure. My... pleasure!"

*boink* *blag* *boogsh*

The audience unconsciouly winced in pain on behalf of Bacchus.

That... looks like it hurts a lot.

Bacchus cursed in his mind. Tsk, next time, I won't make a bet again during the Games!

His face then changed when he remembered something. Surely the rest won't have that monstrous power right?

Hak is about to punch him too, but Jae-ha stopped him.

"Now, Hak, I think you should let me go first. After all, once I do my deed, he will be even more tortured." Hak seems convinced. Bacchus unconsciously flinched when he saw the glint in Jae-ha's eyes. The latter gave him a sly smirk.



Bacchus's eyes widened at how strong the force of his kick is. Before he even knew it, he is already flying in the air because of his kick. Just because of his kick!

"Another one."


He feel his body being sent down. Bacchus then made contact with the cold hard ground, even bouncing off because of the impact.

"And the last."

Jae-ha kicked him mercilessly to the other end of the arena.

"How ruthless! Fairytail's new members really is beating Bacchus hard!" Chapati announced.

"Hm... reasonable enough though, Chapati-kun. Don't you think so, Queen Hisui?"

"Uh-huh! I suddenly have a crush on them." Hisui nonchalantly remarked but earned thousand of reactions from the audience.

"Could one of them be our king?"

"Dang lucky!"

"I need to learn their secrets!"

Kija faced them.

"Sorry but I only dedicate myself to Pr---Yona!"

Jae-ha smirked but said nothing. He glanced at Hak.

"Hak, your turn."

Bacchus slowly get up. He can feel his body aching, to the point that he can barely stand. It is just a miracle that he was able to. For a moment, he saw bloodlust seeping from Hak's eyes, but when he blinked his eyes, it vanished.

Maybe... he really messed up.

He blinked his eyes again and stared at Hak who is currently---not in front of him.

Bacchus panicked.

'Where the hell is h---!'

A strong force came in contact with his face and he was immedately sent flying. After feeling the punch on his face, another one came, but stronger than the former. Bacchus could taste blood in his mouth.

A gust of wind came from behind him, and someone whispered, "Go to hell."

He was sent flying again, and electricity vibrated on his whole body.

Quatro Cerberus shuddered because of the brutality of Hak. He should be avoided in the future.

"It seems that Bacchus is heavily injured by Hak. He laid down motionless." Yajima commented.

The people present there started whispering to each other.

One must not really test someone's bottom line.

While Bacchus is laying down on the ground, Shin-ah silently walked up to him. He then took of his mask.
Bacchus, at the same time, opened his eyes when he felt a presence walking towards him. He remember the last one to hit him, the one they call 'Shin-ah', is wearing a mask.

But instead of a mask, the one he saw is a beautiful pair of golden eyes.

He was about to admire it, when the scene in front of him changed, and appeared before him is a blue dragon.

Without any warning, the blue dragon attacked him and bit his left arm off, making him shriek.




It has been a long time since I updated. I therefore welcome myself back! Sorry for the slow updates!
