Chapter 10

When they got there, Yona's companions asked permission from her, saying that they'll persuade their respectful teachers about their magic. Kija ran towards Elfman (since Mira is not there, Erza suggested to learn from Elfman instead) and the latter agreed quickly. Shin-ah quietly approached Gray who is eating with her girlfriend, Juvia. Gray took immediate notice of him and introduced him to the blue haired girl, saying that Juvia will also be there to help with his training. Shin-ah bowed out of gratitude. Zeno surprisingly approached Levy, with an overprotective Gajeel (because they found out that Levy is 2 weeks pregnant [hooray GaLe shippers!]) and since Levy can't teach him much, she gave Zeno a magic pen, instructing him on how to use it.

"Yona! Here!" Yona ran towards Lucy who is currently waving at her. Erza noticed someone missing.
"Where is Natsu?"
"He took a job. Also, what were you saying Erza?" Lucy asked as she noticed the  two redheads glance at each other and smile.

"Lucy, can you please accompany Yona to Lady Anna? You see, she wants to learn how to use celestial magic so... please?" Yona and Erza both said please in the end, making Lucy smile. Aren't they adorable? She thought.

Giggling slightly, she took one last sip from her milkshake then held Yona's hand.

"Alright. Won't you come Erza?"
"No. I needed to sort out some files in Master's office. Sorry, Yona."
"It's okay. You've done so much things for us already. I don't want to be a bother."
"You won't ever be. Now, go. Lucy, take care of my sister okay?"
"Hai!" Yona took one last glance at Erza while the latter stride across the guild to reach the second floor.

"Yona-chan, let's go?"

The two girls walk side by side along the busy road of Magnolia.

"Where are we going, Lucy-san?"
"Just Lucy is fine. And we are going there." Lucy pointed at a big house on top of a small hill, not so far from their current location.

"Anna Heartfilia resides there. She will be the one to teach you Celestial magic, with a little supervision from me, of course." Yona giggled and thanked her. Lucy suddenly asked her where Hak is, curious because the man is not with her. Yona told her that he wants to learn lightning magic so he went to Laxus, making Lucy stop in her tracks.

"I hope things will turn out good..."
"Don't worry! Hak can do it, he is Hak after all!" Lucy facepalmed in her mind.

I really hope...

Back to the guild, Hak is currently sparring with Laxus.

"You will teach me how to control lightning magic." The black haired man sneered at the lightning mage, Laxus. The latter smirked. He's gonna play with a (not so) normal human for a while.

"Force me."


"Erza..." Makarov said, calling the attention of his figure like daughter. The scarlet haired woman glanced at him, taking her attention away from a pile of papers.

"Won't you do some missions?" Erza smiled lightly at him, shooking her head no, focusing on the paperworks of the guild again. She doesn't want to do any job right now. If she will... she might...

Not now.

"But I have a suitable job for you. You'll need a companion though..." Erza rolled her eyes because of the old man's antics. She knows his intention.

"Master. Not. Now. I'm busy."
"This is serious. Apparently, some A- class monsters are terrorizing an urban village that is partly hidden from civilization, that's why they cannot get help that easily. Fortunately, I kind of contacted their Village Chief and he accepted the help that I offered. The condition is... only two people will go there to finish the mission. Exactly two." Makarov explained, hoping that the scarlet haired mage will comply. What he said is almost entirely the truth but his main objective is to make Erza go out of the guild again. To make Erza open her heart once again.

To make her be her old self again.

The girl said none so he sighed.

Dear Mavis.

"I'll see if I can go..." her sudden statement made his eyes sparkle.
"Right. Thank you." He coughed.

Now to make Mira convince the other...


Jae-ha is surprised to see his companions missing. When he arrived at the guild, he never saw a dragon warrior, not even Zeno. Where are they?

"Uhm... excuse me?" He approached a brown haired lady with eyeglasses.
"Do you know where my companions are? Or if not, where is Erza dear?" Strange. Why her?

"No. But I do know that Erza is upstairs. Don't disturb her."

Jae-ha does not know what to do. Why did his brothers left him? And Yona! His Yona dear is also gone! Maybe they left him because they need to train? Sighing, he walked out of the guild. Now, where to go? This is nothing like Kouka. If only there is a red light district here, he would know where to go. But no. People here might be too innocent, though some of them wore daring clothes.

Too daring for Yona's eyes to see.

He chuckled to himself.

"Oh heavens." He carefully observed the city. They are happy, it almost seems like they don't have any worries. A type of city Awa would be like now. Thanks to Yona dear and Captain Gigan.

"Excuse me, pretty lady~" the woman he called blushed a bit before asking him why he called her.
"What are these decorations for?"
"T-that's for the games! GMG is only two months away, and we are cheering Fairytail!" He said thanks and bid farewell. GMG must be the Grand Magic Games Makarov is talking about.

Only two months... I'll see it clearly... my suspicions...

"Hm?" He noticed a shallow hole nearby. It's as if a tree has been pulled from it. The hole is surrounded by cherry blossom trees.

"Natsu did that." He is shocked when Erza suddenly spoke from behind him.
"Don't scare me like that, Erza dear, and what do you even mean by that?" Erza chuckled.

"It's the Hanami Festival that day and the Rainbow Sakura will glow in the evening. It is a rare sakura that has the colors of rainbow. We all went to the festival that day, all except Lucy." Erza touched the ground while smiling, as if reminiscing an old, happy memory (which is actually hilarious if you know what happened that day).

"And why so?" Jae-ha did the same, quite amazed by what he heard. Sure, he's seen before some beautiful cherry blossom trees at Kouka, but never did he heard a rainbow one.

"Lucy has fever and cold that time, so she couldn't go to see the tree blossom. Natsu wants Lucy to watch it, sympathizing her because she is looking forward to the festival, so he pulled it from the ground, placed it on a boat and let it drift on a river near her house. She actually cried tears that time, it's so heart-warming." The green haired man smiled before stifling out a short chuckle.

"I could never imagine that boy doing some romantic stuff."
"Me too, but Fairytail is actually filled with different kinds of romance. Some are just dense to realize it, and now, I think Yona and Hak will add to those couples."
"Also the two of us~" He flinched when Erza glared at him.
"Kidding, Erza dear~" I am serious though...

The atmosphere is filled with silence, just right after Jae-ha said that.

Maybe... what he said is too awkward...

"Wanna know where Yona is?"
"Ahm... sure!"

Nice way to break the awkwardness.

Their walk is so quiet. Although Erza broke the awkwardness before, it came back. What topic would they even talk about? They really don't know each other (even if uhm... you know the sleeping incident). Jae-ha doesn't want to flirt with her, but he knows that it is not because of Erza punching him. It is because... just because.

His gut feel says so.

"Hey... uhm... are you serious?" Jae-ha is confused because of what Erza suddenly said.
"With what?"
"You don't want to learn magic?" The  green haired man touched his bangs and flipped it a little.

"Still thinking over it."

Silence, yet again.

When will this stop? It's frustrating!

"Eh? Are we going uphill?"

Yona dear will train on top of a hill, eh? She might build a stronger stamina because of this, it's nice. Imagine going back and forth here, up and down (that would be hilarious).

"Ah! I meant  to ask you this, but why are you not in Makarov-san's office? I thought you are doing some... paperworks."
"I just took a break. I can't read those in a day."
"Want me to help you?" Erza's eyes narrowed.
"Is that a part of your flirting?
"No. Cross my manly heart." The girl just chuckled.

"If you say so."

Jae-ha smiled to himself.

Somehow... the awkwardness in the air dissipated...
