Echoes of thunder shattered the silence, reverberating through the pillars of Aravoth's throne room, as thick, swirling smoke enveloped the court halls. The Seraphim knelt in hushed reverence, aware that a disturbance had an unsettled effect on Aravat. Y'shua and Shekinah, too, felt the weight of unease. "Father, what casts a shadow upon your Ruach?"Shekinah inquired, her voice a blend of concern and valor.

"Heyl'el has purloined the black crystal orb from my sanctum. In his delusion, he believes his actions just, yet it is the dragon Al Anna who ensnares his mind," Aravat disclosed, his voice tinged with disappointment and foreboding.

"I confined Al Anna within the orb as retribution for her defiance, hoping for her redemption. Alas, that cunning dragon has beguiled Heyl'el, whose heart now harbors lethal intent towards Adam," Aravat elucidated.  Upon hearing this, Y'shua rose, a fierce determination in his gaze. "Then I shall reclaim the orb, Father," he declared with unwavering conviction. Aravat regarded his son, his expression solemn. "No, we shall not interfere. Heyl'el must seek me out of his own volition. Only then if he chooses to renounce his misguided path shall we extend our assistance. This is his crucible,as it is Lilith's who follows him blindly," Aravat decreed.

Undeterred, Shekinah rose from her throne, her plea fervent."Father, we must act," she implored. "Summon the Hayyoth. They, too, must face their trial, for they are the Guardians of Adam, against whom Heyl'el has declared vendetta,"Aravat commanded. The Father of Creation perceived the unrest within his realm."Have faith in my judgment, my children. I do have as strategy, yet all must reach fruition in due course," Aravat consoled, his assurance unwavering.

Shekinah directed two Seraphim, her voice resonating with power."Remi'el, proceed to the Eternity Pillar and sound the Bell of Truth," she commanded. With a flourish of his wings,Remi'el departed the Throne Room.

Turning to another, she commanded,"Zaz'el, take this golden shofar and herald so all of Shamayim may hear Aravat's impending decree." Zaz'el received the golden shofar, conjured from the ether into Shekinah's grasp, and executed her mandates.

Before the Bell of Truth, Remi'el stood, awestruck by the bell's golden splendor and intricate craftsmanship. With solemnity, he struck the bell thrice, a clarion call to the realms of Shamayim,synchronized with the shofar's blast, a sound that reverberated through every province, heralding the onset of divine judgment.

Floating islands, resplendent with verdant foliage and celestial splendor, adorned the skies of Shamayim, like constellations in the firmament of Adam-ah. Miyka'el soared through the boundless sky, his sapphire wings slicing through the air with a majestic elegance,carrying him swiftly and effortlessly across the celestial expanse.

He navigated this ethereal realm with the finesse of a seasoned champion, swooping and gliding over the shimmering sapphire sea, its tranquil waters shimmering beneath his noble form.

In an instant, a palpable urgency rippled through the atmosphere,the tolling of bells and the blast of the shofar echoing through Miyka'el's soul. He felt the very fabric of the sky shift around him,compelling him to halt mid-flight.

His wings held him suspended in the azure sky as the luminous presence of Shekinah manifested before him, her divine radiance suffusing the surrounding him with a luminous glow.

"Miyka'el, guardian of Adam," Her voice resounded with imperative authority, each syllable laden with gravitas demanding immediate heed. Miyka'el locked eyes with Shekinah, absorbing her message with unwavering focus. "Swiftly to Aravoth. Urgency grips us," Shekinah intoned, a hint of apprehension underscoring her words.

"The other three guardians will join you shortly."With those resolute instructions, Shekinah vanished, leaving Miyka'el imbued with renewed resolve and purpose. He took a moment to gather his thoughts, his heart pulsating with a blend of anticipation and readiness. Shekinah's urgency propelled him onward, his every sinew primed with unwavering commitment to his sacred charge as guardian of Adam.

His lustrous golden-brown locks and beard cascaded with an ethereal radiance, catching the celestial light and gleaming like molten gold.

His piercing azure eyes mirrored wisdom and determination, while his countenance exuded strength and dominion. Clad in armor adorned with gold and silver, he cut a formidable figure, embodying his role as arbiter of divine justice. With a swift motions of his mighty wings, he blasts off like a bullet from a gun, he skims across the sapphire sea and like an eagle he takes his flight high into the sky of Shamayim.

A portal opens and Uriel, a vision of grace and elegance, emerges from the swirling vortex and joins her leader in perfect harmony. Her silver and jasper armor shimmered with immaculate brilliance,accentuating her regal bearing. Fiery tresses of crimson hair flowed down her back, framing a visage adorned with emerald eyes that gleamed with both compassion and resolve. Her hawk like wings,pristine and pure, conveyed an aura of serenity as they fluttered alongside Miyka'el's, harmonizing their combined strength.

Gavri'el, a stalwart male guardian, radiated power and fortitude.Draped in armor merging obsidian and gold, he commanded attention with his imposing presence. His eyes, as pure as driven snow, pierced through the darkness, revealing depths of insight and understanding.A cascade of raven hair framed his stern countenance, adding an air of enigma to his aspect. His raven like wings, outstretched in defiance, symbolized his connection to the celestial realm and his unyielding allegiance to his Creator, he falls in formation opposite of his captain Miyka'el.

Suri'el, another valiant warrior, exuded determination and loyalty in equal measure. Clad in brass armor gleaming with a warm hue, she projected an aura of resilience and strength. Her eyes, the color of rich chocolate, harbored a wellspring of knowledge and empathy, while her flowing mane of alabaster hair cascaded with grace. With the powerful thrust of her eagle-like wings, she embodied the spirit of vigilant protection, she to falls into formation ever ready to soar into action at a moment's notice.

Together, these four guardian warriors convened, poised to fulfill their sacred duties as guardians of Adam with unyielding dedication and might. Each distinct in appearance and temperament,they formed an indomitable force, prepared to defend and guide Adam through the tumult affairs.

The Hayyoth approached the grand Temple of Creation, where Aravat the Father of Creation resided, their collective presence filled the air with an electric anticipation and reverence, for they stood ready to stand before the Eternal One, who will discharge their solemn responsibilities. Engaged in discourse, their voices resonate with purpose and resolve. "Shekinah's call carries a weight of urgency," Miyka'el voices his apprehension.

"Indeed, Miyka'el. The tolling of bells and the shofar's blast signal imminent action through out the provinces. What trials await us, what duties lie ahead its unknown to me?" Uri'el speaks with a sense of urgency.

"The gravity of our roles as defenders weighs heavily upon us. Shekinah's summons brooks no delay," Gavri'el declares with unwavering conviction.

"I, too, feel the anticipation stirring within,"Suri'el remarks with a touch of levity. "Let us waste notime. Our wings shall bear us swiftly to the Temple of Aravoth,"Miyka'el commands.

In an united purpose and determination, the four guardian warriors press onward towards the Temple of Creation. Their hearts ablaze with resolve, they embark on their divine mission, their commitment unyielding.

The Temple of Creation, nestled in the heart of Shamayim, stands as a beacon of divine splendor. The temple sits as a long,rectangular building with a substantial base, constructed from large,meticulously cut crystalline blocks, giving it a robust and timeless appearance.

It features a series of evenly spaced windows, which are small and rectangular, likely allowing just enough glory to permeate its inner sanctum, maintaining an aura of mystique and solemnity.

The entrance of the temple is marked by a grand facade, accented with two towering pillars of pearls, adorned with Azure Hebrew inscriptions, standing like sentinels, guardians symbolizing both wisdom and beauty.

The entrance itself is set between the pillars, accessed by a set of broad steps, leading up to massive brass doors that are both welcoming and imposing. The overall structure exudes a sense of ancient majesty.

Its walls, aglow with tongues of radiant fire, captivate the senses. Perched on a floating island amidst cascading waterfalls and verdant greenery, it embodies the harmony of creation.

Bathed in Aravat's glory, they emanate a gentle radiance,infusing the surroundings with celestial energy. Beneath the transparent base, rivers of fire flow, casting a warm glow upon the pristine walls. Twelve grand gates encircle the Temple, each a portal to Aravoth, Aravat's Throne. Adorned with intricate carvings, they symbolize His Torah of order with harmony.

The Hayyoth circling the Temple in a mesmerizing display, they cast an awe-inspiring silhouette against its majestic facade. As they draw nearer, the Temple ascends in grandeur, its towering rectangular structure reaching towards the heavens, a testament to Elohim's glory. As they climb the stairs they behold the massive bronze doors,engraved with sacred symbols in the Hebrewic picture text, stand as portals to timeless wisdom.

The Guardian Warriors approach the temple doors, greeted with an ethereal luminescence. Behold the Temple of Creation, a masterpiece of sanctuary of divine glory. As the guardians pass through its brass doors, they enter into the inner chambers, ready to fulfill their sacred duties with unwavering devotion.

Inside the temple, the atmosphere is both majestic and awe-inspiring, designed to reflect divine splendor and the sacredness of the space. The floors are covered in polished gold, casting a warm, radiant glow that illuminates every corner of the interior with a soft, golden light. The reflection of the flickering flames from the menorahs dances across the surfaces, enhancing the ethereal ambiance.

There stands an altar of incense, before the main entrance to the holy of holies, the alter is crafted from fine gold and ornately decorated. It emits a continuous stream of fragrant smoke, filling the air with frankincense and myrrh, symbolizing the prayers and offerings ascending to Elohim.

Flanking the altar are two seven-branched menorahs, also made of pure gold. They are meticulously crafted, with each branch decorated with almond blossoms, a symbol of renewal and divine watchfulness.

These menorahs provide light and represent eternal wisdom. Along one side of the temple, there are twelve golden tables, each holding showbread—loaves placed in two stacks of six. Each Hayyoth takes apiece of the sacred manna from the showbread table, a ritual act signifying their purity and right to approach Aravat's presence.

At the threshold of the Holy of Holies, where the sanctity of life permeates the air, there stands a figure of transcendent majesty—a Seraph, radiant and formidable. Its form, resplendent in divine glory, commands reverence, he is a sentinel of celestial power.

With six wings, like streams of crimson fire, stretch forth in a symphony of grace and strength, each feather a testament to ethereal beauty. They arch and curve, creating a canopy of scarlet brilliance that seems to pulse with the very heartbeat of Shamayim.

The Seraph's stance is one of unwavering resolve, its presence an unyielding declaration of guardianship over the sacred temple. With a spear held aloft, forged from the essence of holy fire, it embodies both protector and avenger, a sentinel of righteousness against any who would dare desecrate the sanctity of Aravat.

His eyes, ablaze with divine intensity, pierce through the veil of mortal existence, gazing into the depths of souls with a clarity-that knows no bounds. They hold within them the wisdom of ages, the purity of purpose, and the fierce determination to uphold the sacred covenant of Elohim.

Every line of its countenance speaks of ancient wisdom and otherworldly power, carved from the very fabric of creation itself.Its presence evokes both awe and humility, for in its gaze one glimpses the ineffable glory of Aravat, a reminder of the eternal truths that transcend mortal understanding.

In the hallowed stillness of the Holy of Holies, the Seraph stands as a silent sentinel, a testament to his eternal vigilance of creation, and a beacon of hope for those who seek refuge in the shelter of Aravat's grace.

Beyond this point lies Aravoth, shrouded in mystery and only accessible to the most sanctified individuals, where it is said Aravat presence resides, symbolized by a sapphire throne, typically unseen and surrounded by smoke and glory.

Stepping into this sacred expanse, within the Holy of Holies, the Hayyoth are greeted by a sanctum adorned with vast walls of pristine white stone, a floor of a crystal sea and gold furnishings that mirror the opulence of the Holy realm, supported by pillars of resplendent sapphire.

They are immediately struck by an inspiration of awe, at the towering marble columns, their surfaces intricately carved with delicate vine patterns that seem to pulse with life under the glory light of Aravat.

The chamber itself is suffused with a celestial radiance, beams of light piercing through apertures in the ceiling, casting a mesmerizing interplay of illumination and shadow upon the polished crystal floor.

At the heart of the Chamber of Aravoth lies the Throne of Aravat,hewn from shimmering sapphire crystal, a testament to unparalleled authority and majesty. Adorned with rare gemstones that mirror the hues of the sacred tablets of commandments, this throne serves as the focal point of the chamber, embodying the divine wisdom and eternal Torah that governs creation.

As the Hayyoth draw near, the tablets emanate an ethereal luminescence, their inscribed words seemingly alive, pulsating and shifting with a rhythm akin to the very breath of creation itself.Within this chamber, reverence hangs heavy in the air, as the immutable laws of existence stand as a living testament to the wisdom of the Ancient of Days.

The temple courtroom's atmosphere crackles with divine energy,occasional flashes of lightning casting stark shadows upon the sacred space, while the distant rumble of thunder underscores the omnipotent presence that permeates every corner. Sacred incense wafts through the air, its heady fragrance mingling with the swirling mists that dance in the divine light.

Flames from torches cast intricate patterns upon the tablets,imbuing the chamber with an otherworldly luminescence, while the glassy floor beneath seems to stretch into eternity, a symbol of Aravat's infinite dominion.

Hovering Seraphim, their ethereal glow intertwining with the flickering light of the menorahs, lend an air of celestial majesty to the scene. In the heart of this exalted throne room, amidst there resplendence that surrounds the Eternal One, the Hayyoth come to a reverent halt, their eyes fixed upon the eternal figures who stand before them.

The weight of the moment hangs heavy upon their celestial forms,their sacred duty merging seamlessly with the divine presence that fills the chamber. Aravat, in his regal magnificence, exudes an aura of boundless power and wisdom, his presence commanding the reverence and awe of all who behold him.

Transcendent and awe-inspiring, he stands as the embodiment of divine authority and benevolence, a beacon of light in Shamayim's firmament. The Hayyoth, their eyes aglow with wonder, stood in reverent awe before Elohim, beholding the resplendent thrones upon which they sat.

Aravat's throne, crafted from gleaming sapphire, radiated a brilliance that rivaled the heavens themselves, while his garments,as white as the purest snow, bespoke a purity beyond mortal comprehension. The hair of his head, white as wool, cascaded in ethereal waves, symbolizing wisdom and eternal sovereignty.

Y'shua's throne, appearing as radiant as freshly fallen snow,emanated an aura of fiery intensity, flames of divine judgment and redemption flowing forth from its very core. While Shekinah's throne blazed with a fervent flame, its flames fed by living waters that poured forth from beneath it--a manifestation of pure and transcendent grace.

These thrones of divine authority, stood in unison, connected as one wheel within a wheel, symbolizing the unity and harmony of Elohim's governance.

Beneath their thrones, concealed within the depths of the chamber, lay a fiery source of power, its flames dancing with vibrant hues that cast a warm glow upon the surrounding area. This pulsating energy, fueled by the essence of Aravat's glory, radiated with a comforting and invigorating heat--a tangible reminder of Elohim's presence and the purifying nature of his reign.

As the flames flickered and danced, forming wheels that moved with an almost sentient grace, bursts of lightning illuminated the space with dynamic energy, while thunder reverberated, underscoring the immense power held by Aravat.

This flowing fire served as a visual representation of Elohim's creative energy and passion, guiding and protecting those who approached his holy presence. Miyka'el steps forward, the leader of the Hayyoth, his voice resonant with reverence and purpose. "Great Aravat, we stand before you, united in our commitment to safeguard your image Adam. Your will has called us forth; instruct us, so that we may fulfill our charge with honor and diligence."

Aravat's gaze sweeps over the assembled guardians, a subtle no acknowledging their readiness and loyalty. "My valiant protectors," he begins, his voice deep and resonant, filling the space with a palpable sense of purpose.

"The theft of the black crystal orb by Heyl'el under the influence of Al Anna marks a pivotal moment. This act, driven by manipulation and misplaced intent, threatens the balance we seek to maintain."

Shekinah, her presence as calming and profound as the waters that symbolize her domain, adds, "Your role extends beyond mere guardianship; it is a testament to the faith we place in the hearts of all creation. Heyl'el's path, though clouded now, may yet lead back to light of righteousness with your guidance and fortitude."

Y'shua, whose essence flickers with the flames of potential change and renewal, speaks, "The challenges ahead will test not only Heyl'el but each of you. The choices made will ripple through time, affecting not just Shamayim but the very fabric of creation itself."

Aravat then stepped forward, a commanding figure, his voice echoing with a blend of solemnity and hope. "Each of you must ready yourself for what lies ahead. The actions of Heyl'el, spurred by the darkness of Al Anna, set into motion a series of events that cannot be undone, only guided towards the best outcome."

Turning his attention directly to the warriors, he continues, "Miyka'el, Uriel, Gavri'el, Suriel—your vigilance over Adam is now more crucial than ever. Beyond mere protection, you must stand firm against the influence others may exert over Heyl'el's actions, which could extend to all corners of creation if he succumbs to this darkness. Your strength and wisdom will illuminate the path for the malakhim, who must then choose to turn away from chaos."

The room fills with a charged silence as the magnitude of their task settles upon each guardian. With a collective resolve, they bow before Elohim who sat upon their magnificent thrones of glory, the Hayyoth felt the radiant light of his presence enveloping the entire chamber, illuminating every corner with divine brilliance.

His glory transcended mortal comprehension, captivating the senses and instilling a profound sense of awe and reverence in all who beheld it.

Emerging from the intense radiance of Aravat's glory, Y'shua materialized from his right side, while Shekinah emerged from his left, their forms surrounded by a gentle glow that complemented the divine luminescence of their Father.

In their presence, the Hayyoth felt the palpable energy of Aravat's power and love, a force that resonated deep within their beings. Y'shua, with fire symbolic of judgment and redemption, and Shekinah, signified healing and purity, exemplified the harmonious balance of divine attributes within Elohim's realm.

"Guardians," Y'shua spoke with an urgent tone,his voice carrying the weight of the task at hand. The Hayyoth listened intently, their attention focused solely on the words that fell from his lips, for they knew the significance of their mission.

"In three days you're to go to the gathering of the malakhim at Mt. Marom, to the throne of Heyl'el," He instructed.

Shekinah voice was added she projected with a sense of urgency."Miyka'el, you are to warn Heyl'el to embrace teshuvah,turning away from his foolish notion of war." The daughter of Aravat, the epitome of wisdom and compassion, expressed Aravat's desire for reconciliation. "We did not create you for death but for life, but Heyl'el is on the path of death and destruction."She said with a sadness.

Aravat then stood with authority and spoke, "The Prince of Shamayim, will stand before me no matter what, but I would prefer an act of humility so that I can heal him. Pride and disobedient insubordinate to my nature," he said, his voice carrying atone of long suffering. Y'shua approached the Hayyoth, who now stood before him, their hearts filled with a mixture of determination and sadness.

He spoke with a somber tone, aware of the possible outcome of their mission. "If Heyl'el doesn't comply with our warnings,then you are to report back here for further instructions,"Y'shua commanded, his voice tinged with disappointment addressing each warrior directly.

He entrusted them with their tasks. "Miyka'el, Uri'el,Gavri'el, Suri'el-- you are to protect Adam with unwavering resolve.Be the beacon of light in the face of his darkness." In solemn moment, they bowed before Elohim, their determination unyielding.

The air shimmering with unspoken understanding and the weight of destiny, they know the path ahead is fraught with uncertainty. Yet,their determination is unshaken, for they are the Hayyoth Warriors,guardians of Adam, and Shamayim and their will is as strong as Elohim who has commanded them.

With a simultaneous movement, the Hayyoth briskly turned about face, their wings spreading wide as they prepared to depart from Aravoth, the sacred throne room of the Father of Creation. As they took their leave, the radiant presence of Aravat still lingering in their consciousness, they vanished from the spot, their purpose clear and their resolve unwavering.
