Preference: leaving


"I'll miss you babe." Dan told you sheepishly.
"Aw I'll miss you too Dan. I will be back before you know it. It's only a week ya know." You reassured him.
"Yes but what am I going to do when I'm bored or when I want to play video games?"
"Oh Dan." You smiled, "you have Phil silly. He can accompany you while I'm gone." You told him while packing your things in your suitcase. You were currently on your way to New York for a job training. In fact, you didn't want to tell Dan, but you were over the moon with this. You've never been out of the Country and now was the perfect opportunity. Of course, it kinda sucked you couldn't bring Dan along but either way you were happy as can be with this.
"But y/n it's not the same with Phil."
"Oh suck it up love. You'll be fine. We can FaceTime any time and you can text me as well. Don't worry, I'm not staying over there." You said as a matter of fact.
"Fine stay safe then. Don't miss me too much." He said with a sideways smile. You simply rolled your eyes jokingly and closed your suitcase. "Okay well I should put these downstairs, my cab should be here any minute now." You said referring to all your luggage. You quickly went upstairs to grab your most needed necessities and put them in your purse. You then heard a honk and ran to where Dan was. "Ok my cabs here Dan I have to go." You told him and he stood up from his seat to hug you. "Aww ok.. Bye y/n. I'll see you in a week. In seven days. In uh how many hours that is." You giggled at his ridiculousness and looked up at him. He wiped the hair off your face and said. "I love you y/n." You blushed at the use of those words hardly ever heard coming out of Dan's mouth. "I love you too Dan." You simply returned the gesture but you meant every word. You then heard a honk again reminding you it was time to leave if you wanted to get to the airport in time. You hugged Dan tightly once again and for some reason it was becoming harder to walk out the door. But you let him go and saw Phil standing by the door frame of the room and hugged him too. "Bye Phil, take care okay?" He nodded and hugged you back. You started walking out the room and downstairs when you said bye one last time. They said bye back and you went into the cab with your luggage in hand and then made your way to the airport. On your way there, the ride was silent and it gave you time to think. All you could think about was Dan's use of words. Who knew simple words like those could cause such great impact, such mind wondering. It had you thinking... Those delicate words made you feel safe and warm.


You just found out your grandmother had passed away. You felt so down and broken you wished you could have seen here one more time before her passing. You were calling your mother to know the details of her funeral and burial. She had told you it would be a Saturday of that week and that the whole family was getting together. You made your way to your room to start packing because your family lived a few hours away and you had to get there on time to help with the preparations. You began thinking how much you loved your grandmother and all she had done for you. You truly did have an appreciation for that woman. You had called Phil earlier telling him the devastating news and he told you he would be there soon. That was a while back so he should be getting here right about now. You still couldn't believe that she was finally gone. It's crazy to know one person can be here alive and well one day and gone the other. All you wanted to do was lay in bed covered in warm blankets and cry, that's exactly what you did. After a while you heard footsteps and realised it was Phil who had come in and now was by your side trying to comfort you. In reality, there was nothing he could do, he couldn't bring her back and he couldn't fix any of this. He hugged you and made circles on your back in such a warming manner. That's when you spoke up, "I'm gonna go see her one last time before they burry her today." He nodded and said, "Ok. Would it make you feel better if I went along?" You shook your head no and looked down. You didn't want to see the hurt in his eyes. "Hey that's ok, I get it. I'll be here waiting for you to come back." The only reason why you didn't want Phil there was because your parents haven't met him yet and you didn't want them to meet him this way. You wanted it to be properly done. You explained that to Phil and he agreed. You thanked him and got packing once again. That Friday afternoon you left and went on the train. You told him you'd be back by Sunday. He hugged you goodbye and kissed you farewell. That moment made you smile knowing you had such an understanding boyfriend.

They were a tad short and simple but I hope you all enjoyed them. Ik I did.
Thanks, Anne.
