
"you can go in first," jiwoo told me, rushing to go somewhere with her phone call, i nodded then pressed the doorbell button, soon after, the door opened and it's wooyoung, "hey!" he greeted, "did you come alone?" he asked. i raised my two brows, not bothering to answer, "where are the others?" i asked back instead, since i didn't see anybody when he let me walk in.

"oh, the others are going to be late," he answered, "go sit on the couch, i'll be in the kitchen with mom, we're still not done preparing." wooyoung walked to the kitchen and i sat down, looking around. did i come too early? i asked myself, where'd jiwoo go, anyway?

"i'll be—" a familliar voice exclaimed. i saw seonghwa walking over to the living room, he stopped speaking and walking at the moment his eyes landed on me, "—in.. the living room." he finished his sentence, not as loud as he did earlier.

i gulped saliva and looked away, pretending that i didn't see him. i thought i was the first one but seonghwa's surprisingly here! i knew this shit would happen—

"h-hey." seonghwa greeted, i looked at him and pushed a cool smile, "hey." i greeted back, thankfully i didn't sound like a loser. he sat next to me even though the couch was big, there's plenty of space to give distance for us, but he chose to sit next to me. and i felt awkward, wondering, doesn't he have a girlfriend? is this okay?

"hyerin, right?" he asked, whilst i looked at him again, nodding my head with the same smile. "and, seonghwa." i replied almost like a question, and he nodded. he slouched on the couch while i was uncomfortably sitting straight. jiwoo, please hurry up and get in here.

seonghwa didn't speak and we were in awkward silence, should i go to the kitchen where wooyoung is just so i can escape this? i'm even reminded of that raining incident where he called me but i deadass ignored him. ack! i feel like i'm slowly melting here, i can feel seonghwa's eyes on me.

"you're kyunghee's best friend, right?" a question i didn't expect him to say at all. i thought he'd bring up the cheesecake incident, "y-yeah!" i told him, in the tone 'you actually know!' and i regretted answering like that. but i guess i just lifted up the mood since he smiled cheerfully.


"isn't this amazing?" seonghwa asked, "we're actually alone together right here." he told me, when wooyoung and his mom are in the kitchen, but we're kind of.. alone right now? the space feels so wide and i feel so nervous around him. and this is why i had a crush on seonghwa, it's because he's nice and good-looking and everything. but the embarrassment really took my feelings away, but he's still nice, it's just his girlfriend. "sorry," seonghwa apologized, because i didn't know what to answer and kept silent, "that sounded weird, right?" he asked.

i shook my head, "it's not weird." i told him, and he smiled again. that smile.. just— melts me in a different way. "my girlfriend and i broke up." he suddenly brought up.


i had the urge to lean on the couch as well and he moved his body to face me better, "since when?" i asked, and he averted his gaze, "about.. almost a year now?" he answered, unsure. a year ago? but that's like— when i.. confessed? am i calculating wrong here or am i delusional for assuming that he broke up with her because of what she did to me? i didn't reply back since i knew that whatever i could say would be weird.

"i broke up with her because she was rude to you." seonghwa answered, like a fucking god. my heart started beating fast, because he answered a question i had in my head. unlike with mingi.

wait, where's mingi? i asked myself, when is he coming? i added, but i have to reply to seonghwa first — "that's— surprising." i finally replied, and he chuckled.

we're so close, and i'm so self-conscious like— i hope i don't look that ugly today, i didn't even put that much make-up on since i thought it would be chill today, but now that i'm sitting next to seonghwa, i regret everything.

the doorbell rang and that made me snap out of my insecurity, is that jiwoo? i was about to stand up but wooyoung was already running towards the door. and also.. because seonghwa held onto my shoulder to pull me back down next to him. our shoulders brushed and my eyes widened as we made eye contact.

as random as seonghwa's been getting, he spoke another word, "you look pretty today." he smiled sweetly, not taking his eyes off mine, the door opened and i heard wooyoung greet them, but i was too occupied having this moment with seonghwa, so i couldn't look away to see who was on the door. holy shit my heart is exploding. is this really happening? with seonghwa?

is he making fun of me or what?

he looked over to the door and i took a second before looking at the door as well.

mingi and kyunghee.

my eyes are still widened as i look at the two of them. mingi and kyunghee look surprised seeing me with seonghwa, but mingi's face expression was different, like.. he's spooked? meanwhile kyunghee is confused as fuck to why we're together. and looking like we're getting along.

this.. hurts. i thought. but why was i hurting? is it because i feel like seonghwa's playing with me? or is it because i'm seeing kyunghee and mingi together? like, did they meet each other before going here? did they laugh at their jokes on the way? i feel like crying. and wow, my feelings are fucking unpredictable.

i felt seonghwa's arm wrap around my shoulder. pit-pat. "hey!" he greeted mingi, but mingi's eyes was still glued to mine, his expression not changing, like he didn't hear seonghwa. he looks.. occupied? "hey.." i mumbled to him, and he blinked twice before looking at seonghwa, finally, greeting back, "hey, shithead." mingi casually said.

"hands off, dude." kyunghee's first words in the house as she walks over to me and seonghwa. she held onto seonghwa's hand and pushed it off my shoulder, "that's my girlfriend you're touching." she added coolly, before sitting beside me and wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

typical kyunghee, typical protective kyunghee. i thought. mingi sat down next to seonghwa at the end of the couch like kyunghee on my side. this almost feels like.. a freaking love story between four people?

i looked at seonghwa to see his reaction to kyunghee and he seemed pissed off, but also proud at the same time. being next to him just made me realize, i don't have a crush on mingi, not even a little. because having a crush on seonghwa hits me different. every little thing he does makes me flustered;

is it supposed to be like this?

seonghwa for me and mingi for kyunghee?
