The Stunning Girl

I think she is stunning, just like a beautiful flower on a summer's day,

I would like to kiss her and feel her lips curling into a smile on my own,

She is intelligent like no other,

Her eyes are the colour of the sky, beautiful and clear.

I want to touch her lips, Her lips are the colour of a pale red rose,

To hold her hand and comfort her when she needs it,

The need to talk to her all the time haunts me,

I would like to be the one to initiate a kiss with her, 

But then again who says she would want to kiss me in the first place? 

Her figure is that of a striking Goddess,

Her personality is amazing; easy going and loving.

Her acceptance for people is outstanding,

The longing to be with her all the time haunts me,

I want to be in relationship with her, 

but that is never going to happen.

She is too amazing for someone like me anyway.
