Aiko's POV

"That's all of you? All right I'm closing it up." The door closed. Trapping us in the solid room.

"Hm, so you can tell what we were doing.'Reaper'? more like 'peeper'!" Karma teased from the camera.

"We kept our end of the bargain.Just give professor Bitch and it's all be over!" Kataoka yelled. The room then started to elevates us to a lower.

"Trapping complete!Doing all at once like this keep the risk to a minimum." The jerk look at me with a closed-eye smile. I can see Irina-neesan behind looking helpless. I want to save her and killed this so called reaper.

"If we get to a defiant route... you won't get enough to kill?" Okajima asked.

"Nope. You're a little too scared--even for a kid." The reaper sneered.

"Actually I'm a little bit relieved."Okajima continued.The class set up a bomb to a hollow wall and explode it. Okuda threw a smoke-screen capsules. and we all disappeared.

"Now for the moment we're waiting.Can you hear me E-class?The truth is I'm very pleased you escaped.It'll be the warm-up before the unknown  big game.I expect great things from you." He announced through the speaker. 

"It's like...a game." Hayami stated. Ritsu was hacked, there's nothing much she can do.

An unknown figure waltzed into the scene. 'Surely it's the reaper.'I thought clutching my katana in a fighting stance.

"My first skill to honed  was the head-on combat. It's 99 percent unnecessary for an assassin, but without it, the remaining 1 percent of the target would get away. If you are looking to be the world best assassin... It's an indispensable skill. "To my horror the shadow harshly took down one by one of the class. 

"Females are so fragile." The reaper glanced at me and that was when Nagisa decided to pulled the clap trick. I want to stop him but it's too late. 

The table turned and Nagisa and the whole class were unconscious on the cold floor.

"No." I kept myself together hiding in the ceiling finding my ways towards other team. Turned out the whole class were back in the cage.

I entered a scene from the ceiling and bumped with the teachers and reaper about to caused a big fight.

"Aiko-chan...?" Irina called out. I keep my head low my sister and friends were about to blow up because of that jerk.

"The silent red, Now I wonder how good are you to wield such name?" The floor collapsed and korosensei fell into the cage with Nagisa and the others. I went with Karasuma-sensei.

"There you want to kill the students too. Irina-" Karsuma asked.

"As a pro. I just prioritized results, that's all. Isn't that what you wanted?"'I can't believe it.' I thought.

"I thought you were mature enough to let love blinds you Irina-neesan. You ditched me the other day for this weird reaper guy? Ha funny." I said slyly gesturing to the white hair guy.

"He's not even rich. This is not like you." He tsked.

"Brat- " Irina is speechless after what she did.

"True maybe it's a bit harsh but we should not let the chance slips away." I gestured Karasuma to shut him up. He complied greatly and punched him in the face.

" The life of 27 people is weightier than the earth, I say. If you plan on killing them too I'll stop you." Karasuma continued.

"And I'll tell you this Irina: what Aiko said was true. A pro shouldn't take the duty carefree." Karasuma went of to take care of the reaper. irina was about to shoot him but I stopped her.

"Going somewhere?" I wielded my katana in front of her slicing the bullet.

"Not you. Aiko-chan get away!" She shouted.  But I kept my stance. The ground rumbled the building is about to collapse on us. Irina-neesan were trapped. I ran to her. 

"I need to catch the reaper." Karasuma said through the walkie talkie but his idea was interupted by me and Kurahashi's voice saying no.

"I'll get him on my way up you'll help her." I dashed towards the reaper with my weapon. Blood lust evident in my red orbs.

"Looks like it's just me and you, silent red." we confronted each other.

"Heh, not after I get your ribs broken and slice your heart. You don't need them after what you did to my sister."  I broke into a speed  and disappeared in the thin air without sound. It's all silent. I succeed on putting some cuts on his body.

"What-are you? "he stammered in his stance.

"A beautiful death threat." I answered and let Karasuma finish him for me.

Even after the intense fight the class gather around and arrest the reaper with them. Irina tried to run away but the class stopped her. They want her to come back to school.

"Backstabbing,treachery doesn't that make you a bitch?..." Taebayashi stated.

"You still don't get it do you? Why are you so dense..." I whispered at Karasuma. He gets it and walked towards Irina to give her a rose bud.

"This come from me originally not even from Aiko. I hope my intention is enough for your birthday?" He asked. Irina got nervous and looks at me with wide eyes. I just smiled.

"Hai."She accept the flower gladly.

The class cheered to the potential couple. Karma found me and forwarded a question.

"You don't mind do you those get along?" I turned to  him and answered.

" What can I say better than those old hag with loads of money."
