Reaction mulcote x tr

Ayanokouji pov 

Hasebe: Look kiyopon we're reacting to you 

Ayanokouji: Yeah I guess 

Ichinose just looked away from the screen  

Nagumo: We'll learn more about him 

Shinohara: Why him 

Ike: Satsuki he's a nice guy 

Shinohara: I guess 

Nanase: Senpai 

Ichika: We're reacting to senpai 

Yagami: Tch 

Yagami: Why him 

Airsu: The masterpiece 

Ryuuen: The monster 

Hashimoto: The king 

Kei: Kiyotaka 

My original plan was to go to anhs but today I heard from matsuo that the whiteroom will be shut for a few more years.

Kei: Wait he won't go here

Kei: What will happen to me? 

Nanase: Matsuo san 

Airsu: shut down? 

Ayanokouji: Why did it close

Horikita: What is the whiteroom?

Ayanokouji: It is a school 

Ryyuen: That's probably where he got his strength 

Nagumo and Kushida: His past 

They both looked a lot more interested 

If I went to high school then by the time it's over the whiteroom might not even be up yet.

Since I wanted a normal life going to anhs wasn't a good idea. I decided to go to a normal high school and hope for the best.

Sae sensei: So he isn't going to come here 


I need to go to middle school since Matsuo told me that it's better to first go to middle school.

He told me if I don't understand social norms then I might be bullied or picked on.

Satou: We would never bully anyone 

Hirata: Yeah 

Kei: Him, getting bullied. They don't belong in the same sentence 

Ryuuen: Kuku he would just beat them up

Arisu: Fufu the masterpiece getting bullied I would love to see that 

So he told me to go to the middle where I would stay for a few weeks

I doubt anyone could bully me but I'm a normal student so I'm not sure.

Ike: Yeah he's pretty normal 

Hondo: If we ignore the fact he is fast and good at math 

Ryuuen and Arisu: Kuku/Fufu, normal is the complete opposite of him 

Today was going to be my first day since it was my first day Matsuo got one of his son's friends to bring me to his school.

Nanase: I wonder who?  

Ayanokouji: So he also nice in that universe 

Horikita: First day?

I got out of bed and brushed my teeth. I changed and went downstairs.

" good morning kiyotaka Sama "

" oh good morning Matsuo San "

" how many times did I tell you to remove the San. "

" the same amount of times I tell you to remove Sama "

" touche "

" I already made pancakes for you "

" thank you "

" Nanase should arrive in a few minutes "

Nanase: Wait me 

Ryuuen: Do they know each other? 

" Ok"

" I'll be going now to buy groceries "

" Ok "

" Bye kiyotaka Sama "

" Bye "

I went to the table and ate my food.

Nanase is the last name so I still don't know their gender yet.

Hosen: How does It feel for your senpai to get your gender wrong 

Nanase: He didn't get it wrong 

Since it's his son's friend it should be a boy.

Housen: huhuhawa 

Ryuuen: You should like a monkey 

Housen: Huh what did you call me skinny guy 

Ryuuen: You sound like a monkey but you should be a gorilla

Housen: At least gorillas have muscle 

Arisu: Fufu 

" ding "

Huh it looked like someone here

I opened the door to see a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes looking at me.

She was also well developed.

Nanase: Wha ~

Kei: Who is she 

Ayanokouji: She's just a kohai 

Kei: Are you sure

Ayanokouji: Will you trust me 

Ayanokouji looked deeply into Karuizawa's eyes 

Kei: Ye-yeah 

Miyamoto: She is 

Hondo: Stop talking 

A few girls were glaring at him 

Ichika: Lucky 

" huh is someone named Kiyotaka Ayanokouji here "

" yeah that's me "

" oh I'm supposed to bring you to our school "

" Ok let me get ready "

She nodded.

" you can come inside if you want "

" I won't want to intrude "

" it's fine I'm the only one here anyway "

She nodded and stepped inside.

Her mouth opened.

" wow "

" huh "

" it's so big no it's beyond just big "

Hashimoto: Just wait till she sees the T Rex 

" Yeah "

" I'll get my backpack you can sit on the couch in the living room "

" Ok "

I went upstairs to my room to get my pack back. When I went down she was looking around in amazement.

" come on let's go "

" Ok I'm coming "

We left the house and walked towards the school.

" so what's school like "

" It's fun I have many friends "

" that's good "

" oh we're here "

We arrived at the school it was a normal school. Maybe a bit bigger than normal.

Ike: A little that looks like a normal high school 

Hondo: yeah If I saw a school like that I would think it was a private school 

When we entered I saw a few boys no not a few most boys glaring at me for some reason.

Sudou: Yeah it's because you are with a girl 

Ayanokouji: Oh ok 

" oh you sneaky fox I didn't expect you to get such a handsome boyfriend "

Kei looked mad 

I turned around to see a girl with silver hair and red eyes walking towards us.

Kiryuin: why am I there 

Asahina: Maybe you're in a different school 

Kiryuin: Maybe 

" wahh he um is wha boyfriend " She Shouted the last word for some reason.

Ichika: You look happy 

Nanase: What of course not 

ichika: You are blushing 

Nanase hides in her hands

Kei: She's an opponent 

This caused everyone to look at us and now the boys were drilling holes into the back of my head.

I was now as timid as a rabbit.

Ryuuen: Him, scared. I would rather believe sakayanagi actually has a chest 

Arisu: Is Dragon Boi thinking something rude about me 

Nanase used her hands to block her face from being seen.

" so he isn't your boyfriend "

She nodded very fast.

" then do you mind if I took him for myself "

Kei: She can't

" you can't "

" why not "

" you just can't "

She pouted.

For some reason, I pulled on her cheek.

" eep "

The other girl just grinned.

" not a boyfriend you say huh "

" he's not a boyfriend just a friend "

I decided to step in.

" I'm just her friend "

I wonder what's a friendship like.

She pouted

" I need to show him around the school "

"I'm fuka kiryuin "

" kiyotaka ayanokouji "

With that me and nanase left


After all the classes I met up with Nanase again.

" so how was a class it was good "

" I'm glad you liked it "

" look out "

We turned to see a few students running away.

I looked closer to where they were coming from to see two figures walking towards us.

( I don't know what I should have put above )

" look it's the Haitani Brothers " 

"Ran and rindo "

" Who are they " asked ayanokouji

" they're two gang members and have control of over 100 men " whispered Nanase.

Akito: 100 men for two people is a lot 

Ryuuen: So it's deliquentkouji 

Airsu: seems like it 

Housen: Finally some action 

Gang? So they fight I shouldn't get involved.

" hey you with the blonde hair "

He was pointing to me wait no he was pointing toward Nanase.

" huh me "

" yeah you "

" what do you need with her "

I decided to step in since she promised me ice cream after school.

Kei: Of course 

Hasebe: He loves his ice cream 

Ayanokouji: I need my ice cream 

Horikita: Is that better than food? 

Nanase: Does he not care about me 

" Who are you "

" rindo you don't need to scare the poor kid "

" tch "

" There isn't much I want I just want to talk with her that's all "

" Can you talk here "

" It's something a little more secretive and holds sensitive information "

Ike: That does not sound good 

Hondo: Yeah sounds like they are selling her drugs 

Housen: Do they want her to join their gang? 

Ryuuen: Maybe 

" if that's the case can I come with you "

" oh my "

" sure " spoke Rindo angrily

" huh "

" let's just take him as well wouldn't change much anyway "

" so smart as expected of my brother "

Ayanokouji: Is he like horikita?

Horikita: Nii san is smarter  

" well your just dumb "

Ran put his gloved hand on his forehead in apparent pain.

Horikita: I feel his pain 

Ryuuen: Such a drama queen 

Izhizaki: I agree 

Now that I stopped talking to them I looked closer at them.

Ran is a tall lanky boy with two braids and purple eyes he also wears gloves.

" He's kind of cute " 

" Yeah " 

Miyamoto: Tch 

Rindo is rather short ( 5,8 ) compared to his brother and has glasses on. Also with a terrible hairstyle.

Ike: That's short? 

Ayanokouji: No maybe I just thought of him as short there 

Ryuuen: I must agree his hairstyle is terrible 

Airsu: At least it doesn't look like that of a girl 

Ryuuen: What did you say

Airsu: Nothing 

" come on let's get going "

With that, we followed him to wherever he was going.

He led us into an abandoned warehouse.

Kiriyama: That isn't a good sign 

Nagumo: yeah 

Ichinose: Be safe 

" take a seat "

In front of us was a table with a few chairs. I sat down in one and it made a squeaky sound.

" well would you like some tea maybe a coffee if you want "

" no, I'm good thanks "

" yeah same "

" oh well "

" what do you want "

" oh nothing much I just want you to join my gang actually it's not mine it's a gang of an acquainted "

Housen: I knew it 

Ike: Is she a delinquent? 

Hondo: Is that why Sudou told us to be wary of her 

Ike: Maybe 

Ryuuen: Now we will learn more about this universe 

Izhizaki: Yeah 

Hiyori: I'm worried for them

Izhizaki: Don'y worry ayanokouji is there 

Hiyori: Yeah 

Akito: This won't end well 

Hasebe: Why 

Yukimura: It might lead to a fight 

Hasebe: Is there anything we can do 

Yukimura: No 

Kei: Be safe 

" no "

Ryuuen: No hesitationn 

Housen: I was hoping for some action 

" you didn't even hear everything "

" I'm well aware that you don't have enough money so we are willing to pay you "

Ichika: Are you dealing with money issues?

Nanase: No 

Ryuuen: Even willing to pay? She must be special 

Hashimoto: If I was there I could work with them 

" of course, that's if you do as we say "

Nanase frowned

" Still no "

" oh well the first time I asked it was a choice but now "

As he said multiple men with weapons came out of hiding.

Housen: Finally some action 

Yukimura: This isn't good

Satou, kei, Ichinose and hiyori: Be safe ayanokouji/kiyotaka 

Ryuuen: Kuku 

" what should we do ayanokouji senpai "

" leave it to me "

Ike: Is he going to fight 

Shinohara: He is going to lose 

Satou: At least be a bit optimistic 

Nagumo: This isn't going to end well 

Ashina: Yeah be safe Ayanokouji 

Nagumo: I meant for them 

I really wanted my ice cream but this situation is a lot worse I needed to find out why they wanted her to join.

Horikita: Is ice cream really that important? 

Kei: That's so cute 

Nanase: Does he really not care about me?

" attack them "

Koenji: The stage is yours. Give them hell 

With that command, they started charging at me.

One tried to punch me but I just dodged while pushing him towards a few others. Since they had weapons and couldn't stop in time it hit him.

Ryuuen: That's what I'm talking about 

Housen: Beat their asses 

Sudou: First hit goes to Ayanokouji 

Hondo: No Ayanokouji got the assist 

Ike: It's like we're watching a movie 

Satou: Go Ayanokouji 


Arisu: Show us what you have masterpiece 

Yagami: I can do that too 

Another came from behind with a bat. I turned around and punched him in the face on his nose.

Ike: That's his first hit 

Hashimoto: Keep going king 

Izhizaki: I'm lucky he didn't hit in the face 

I heard footsteps to my right. I jumped backward where I narrowly dodged a pipe from hitting my head.

Satou: That was too close 

Housen: These guys are playing dirty 

Ryuuen: That makes it more interesting 

Housen: Damn right 

Yagami: I can do that too 

" not bad "

Arisu: He's acting too cocky 

But before he could react I landed a pick on his stomach making him fly backwards.

Ike: That's his second hit 

Hondo: He may actually win this 

Ryuuen: He will 

After seeing his strength the rest looked on wearily.

Sudou: Of course 

Housen: They're just cowards 

" thud "

I turned and saw Nanase had knocked out three members.

Ike: She's strong 

Nagumo: Not bad 

Ichika: Good job 

Nanase: Thank you 

She had a red mark on her head. Showing that they landed a hit. She wouldn't be able to fight much longer.

Asahina: Oh no 

Amikura: She should go to a hospital 

Kanzaki: She needs to get of there first 

I ran towards her and carried her bridal style.

Kei looked mad 

Ichinose: Lucky 

Ichika: Lucky 

People looked at her weirdly

Ichika: Did I say that out loud 

Kei: Tch 

Ayanokouji and Yagami: She did that on purpose 

Ryuuen: Subjecting a kohai, what did I expect from the monster  

She blushed

" eep what are you doing "

" I'm getting us out of here "

I ran outside where there wasn't anyone I ran till I made it pretty far away.

" Why did you have to carry me like that "

" I just wanted to get you out "

" oh thank you "

" no problem "


" tch, they got away. "

" sigh let's report to Izana"

Ryuuen: He's the leader 

Izhizaki: I hope ayanokouji is stronger 

Ryuuen: Don't worry he'll win 

" Yeah "

That guy is interesting, thought ran.

Shinohara: How did he even fight him 

Ike: I don't think he did 

Hondo: Yeah he just dodged and punched two 

Ike: That's still impressive though 

Hondo: Yeah only with his speed is it possible 

