chapter9. Fated to be a mom

He saw me looking at them.
He then closed his room door and took me in his car

Me:Siwon shi where are we going?


Me: Why are you driving too fast? Would you please reply to me?

Siwon: ... we need to talk shruti shi

Me: sure but we could also speak tomorrow morning right ?

He then stopped the car near a park and it was a dark place

Siwon: I dnt want Yeon hee to hear our conversation

Me: I see

Siwon: Im sorry

Me: For what?

Siwon: Everything

Me: I dont understand Siwon shi

Siwon: Everything its my fault... I didnt say to Yeon hee that you were pregnant with my baby cause i was scared to loss her, Yeon hee never left me alone even for a few seconds but I did the worst thing a boyfriend can do I came back with a girl and a baby

He really does love her.. and I feel like a whoe without me in his life he would have been happier im just creating the biggest mess in his life

Me: siwon shi dont worry i would left as soon as the baby is born

Siwon: Yeon hee means the world to me and has much does the baby too just because we are not a couple and we are not in love doesnt mean I wouldnt love my child... at first I was scared I wanted to hide but since I saw the baby and i heard his heartbeat I realised that this baby would be the biggest joy in my life ever I dont care about who this baby was made but how this baby will see the world Shruti shi lets be good friends! I promise you that I will be the coolest daddy in the world will you trust me? Dont care about yeon hee I will take care of yeon hee you should understand her behaviours

Me:Siwon shi... **Tears** Im really happy :'D

Siwon: Aiish dont cry ! we will do everything to make sure that after the baby is born we will also be happy and go on our own ways

My smile disappeared... I completly forgot that after the babys birth we will get a divorce.

Siwon: Ive made a contract

Me: A what?

