Chapter 13: Baseball

Later, Edward drives Bella home. He comes back several minutes later saying that the Blacks - a family that lives at the La Push Native American Reservation - is at her house, so he's going back later to pick her up. Mom - who doesn't seem pleased at all that Bella is joining the game - groans at this. I take this opportunity. "Can I go with you to pick her up?" I ask. "You want to go with me?" he asks in a skeptical tone. I replay the conversation I had with my parents earlier and add that I am still mad at them for making me go away with no explanation. "Oh. Sure" he says. I smile and fifteen minutes later, Edward and I take my dad's giant jeep to go pick up Bella.

"Can I wait in the car?" I ask Edward when we pull up to her house. "No, that would be rude" Edward says. I sigh and jump out of the jeep. The two of us walk up to the door and he rings the doorbell. A second later, a man I recognize to be Chief Swan answers the door with Bella half a step behind him. "Come on in," Chief Swan says to the two of us, and we do. It's a nice relief to be away from the pouring rain. My hair is soaking, and it does not do my appearance any favors. "Thanks, Chief Swan. This is my little sister Chloe" Edward says and gestures to me. I smile and wave. According to most of Forks, I am my mom and Uncle Jasper's younger biological sister. Chief Swan looks at me, shocked, and I giggle. "Go ahead and call me Charlie. Here, I'll take your jackets," he says. "Thank you" I say and hand him my jacket.

Edward and I sit on the two person couch, which forces Bella to sit by her dad. I wonder why she doesn't seem okay with that? "So, I hear you're getting my girl to watch baseball." Charlie says. Oh lord, the 'you better treat my baby girl right' speech. I'm glad I didn't stay in the car and miss this. I force myself to repress a smile. "Yes, sir, that's the plan." he says, ignoring my thoughts. "Well, more power to you, I guess." Everyone apart from Bella laughs. "Okay." Bella stands up. "Enough humor at my expense. Let's go." Well that wasn't as funny as I thought it would be. I take my jacket and, with one last wave at Charlie, I walk to the jeep.

I get inside the huge jeep and put on the off roading harness. By the time this is done, Bella and Edward still haven't made it to the car. When the leave the house, Bella freezes at the sight of the jeep. I can't help but giggle. "What's all this?" Bella asks when she's in the car. "It's an off-roading harness" I answer. "Uh-oh" she says. Edward sighs and helps her buckle the off roading harness. Edward turns the key and the engine roars, then, we pull away from the house. "This is a... um... big Jeep you have." "It's Emmett's. I didn't think you'd want to run the whole way." Edward says. "Where do you keep this thing?" "We remodeled one of the outbuildings into a garage." "Aren't you going to put on your seat belt?" she asks Edward. I roll my eyes. Then, something sinks in with Bella.

"Run the whole way? As in, we're still going to run part of the way?" Edward grins. "You're not going to run." "I'm going to be sick." Oh no, you better not throw up on my clothes I tell Bella internally. "Keep your eyes closed, you'll be fine." I try to ignore the rest of their love talk. It's not particularly interesting to me. A little while later, we come to the end of the road; the trees form green walls on three sides of the Jeep. It's just drizzling now. "Sorry, Bella, we have to go on foot from here." I hop out of the car. I rather enjoy vampire speed. They have a short conversation in the car, and then Edward helps Bella out of the jeep. "I'll get those, you go on ahead," Bella protests as Edward tries to help with the harness. "Hmmm...," he muses as he quickly finishes. "It seems I'm going to have to tamper with your memory." Edward pulls Bella from the Jeep and sets her on the ground. "Tamper with my memory?" she asks nervously. "Something like that." Edward watches her intently, carefully. He places his hands against the Jeep on either side of her head and leans forward, forcing her back against the door. He leans in even closer, his face inches from hers. "Now," he breathes. "What exactly are you worrying about?" "Well, um, hitting a tree -" she gulps "- and dying. And then getting sick" I roll my eyes all the way to the sky. Does she have no faith in him at all?

He fights back a smile. He goes down to the base of her neck and I turn away. What is he doing? A minute later, they talk again in a volume that I can't ignore. "Damn it, Bella!" Edward breaks off, gasping. "You'll be the death of me, I swear you will." I'm not sure I want to know what they were doing. "You're indestructible," Bella mumbles. "I might have believed that before I met you. Now let's get out of here before I do something really stupid," Edward growls. In one movement, he throws Bella across his back and picks me up. "Don't forget to close your eyes," he warns Bella. I don't close my eyes. I enjoy looking around. The green forest whizzing past us, all the beautiful green. It's kind of like flying on my broomstick, only much faster. Then, he stops and let's me go. Since I know where the baseball field is, I walk ahead of them.

It only takes me a minute to get there. When they hear me, mom and dad look at me. For some reason, they don't look happy. Especially mom. Is it worry? Or anger? I don't know. Mom rushes over to me at vampire speed. "Why did you go with Edward?" she asks. I debate about lying or telling the truth. I decide to lie. It'll save the discussion. "Just felt like it. I wanted to spend more time with Bella" I say. Mom is about to say something when Bella and Edward walk up behind me. Mom doesn't even look at her and she walks off. Dad stays and Esme heads in our direction. "Was that you we heard, Edward?" Esme asks. "It sounded like a bear choking" dad clarifies. "That was him" Bella says. "Bella was being unintentionally funny," Edward explains. Aunt Alice quickly leaves her position and is running toward us. She stops. "It's time" she announces. I head after Alice and dad and stop when I reach the umpire area. Esme and Bella join me about five minutes later.

"All right," I call in a clear voice. "Batter up." Aunt Alice stands straight, motionless. She holds the ball in both hands at her waist, and then, her right hand flicks out and the ball smacks into Jasper's hand. "Was that a strike?" I hear Bella whisper to Esme. "If they don't hit it, it's a strike," she tells her. Uncle Jasper hurls the ball back to Aunt Alice's waiting hand. She grins. Then, her hand spins again. This time dad hits it. Of course, the impact causes a sound that replicates that of thunder. It echoes off the mountains. The ball shoots a meteor above the field, flying deep into the forest. I see Edward bolt off into the forest and not even a second later, he springs from the fringe in the trees. "Out!" I cry in a clear voice. As typical with vampire baseball - at least when I'm the umpire - I have to pay extra close attention to the ball and players so I can do my job right. I don't listen much to what Bella and Esme say. Then, Jasper hits a ground ball toward grandpa. Grandpa runs to the ball, and then races Jasper to first base. When they collide, they sound like the crash of two falling boulders. "Safe," I call out.

The game goes really well. The score is constantly changing and they're getting louder, which means they're having more fun. Occasionally grandma has to call them to order when they get too competitive. Grandpa is up to bat, Edward catching, when Alice gasps. My eyes snap to Alice. Her and Edward's eyes meet and they have a silent conversation. He's at Bella's side in an instant and to my surprise, he takes me with him. "What's wrong?" I ask worriedly. "I didn't see - I couldn't tell," she whispers. "What is it, Alice?" grandpa asks. "They were traveling so much quicker than I thought. I can see I had the perspective wrong before," she murmurs. My heart skips several beats. "Who is 'they'?" I ask. I'm ignored. Jasper leans over her, his posture protective. Mom runs to my side and she pulls me protectively close to her. "What changed?" Jasper asks.

"They heard us playing, and it changed their path," Alice says. I look up at mom. "Who is she talking about?" I ask her. She looks down at me and sighs. "There are some vampires coming into town. I didn't tell you about them because I didn't want to worry you" she says. My heart speeds up. Ever since I was little, I have been scared of most vampires that feed on humans. This is because I smell better to vampires than most other humans. My parents learned early on to not tell me that stranger vampires are visiting unless it's necessary. When she hears my heart, she rubs my back to try to make me feel better. "How soon?" grandpa asks, turning to Edward. "Less than five minutes. They're running - they want to play." he scowls. "Can you make it?" Grandpa asks, eyes flickering to me and Bella. "No, not carrying Besides, the last thing we need is for them to catch the scents and start hunting." I can feel my breathing starts to pick up as panic sets in. I have to try my hardest not to hyperventilate.

"How many?" dad asks Alice. "Three," she answers. "Three!" dad scoffs. "Let them come." I can see the bands of muscle flex in his arms. No! I scream at him in my head. Grandpa seems to think, everyone except dad looks really anxious. "Let's just continue the game," grandpa decides, to my horror. "Alice said they were simply curious." Noooooo! I scream again in my mind. "You catch, Esme," he says. "I'll call it now." Mom stands in front of me and makes me stand behind her. She holds me in place with her arms. I can see her glare at Bella. She seems pissed. I can tell she's beyond reason. Then, I hear Mom's breath stop. Her eyes zero in on the field. She angles herself between me and whatever she's looking at, completely blocking me from view. They're coming. I can't hold back the small whimper in my throat.

*Author's note:  Over 200 reads?! That's so cool! Thank you so much! I saw that I've had a few readers outside of the United States. That's so cool! You guys make me so proud of my decision to upload this fanfiction!!*
