The end?

And there you have it, thank you all for the support on this anthology series. It was fun to write some original stories based on the series, I hoped you enjoyed this little experiment because this isn't the end, this is just the beginning. Book two is planned to come in 2023 using the working title Project Chikn Nuggit 2. This continuation will add new shorts with all new scenarios evolving President Chikn and his friends, but wait there's more! Some additional characters that weren't in the first book like Hawt Saus and Cofi will be added within these scenarios maybe even get there own solo stories. And don't worry bezel will still join the party as well.

Like the first book this sequel will also be an anthology as well with an increased of shorts adding more than ever before as this plans to be good one. Overall I once again want to thank you all for the support on the first book. I didn't really know if I wanted to do a sequel or not but after seeing the support on the first book and how much I enjoyed making it, A sequel is now in development.

Chikn Nuggit 2, Coming 2023
