Chapter 2

I wake up the next morning to the usual, overpowering smell of coffee coming from the kitchen.

"Hey Mom" I say yawning

"Hello little miss 'stays up all night talking to a boy'" she laughs "did you and Dean make up?"

"Hehe, about that. Umm" I start to sweat. I don't want my mom mad at me, but I certainly don't want Dean back in my life. "I wasn't talking to Dean".

"Oh," she says quietly, "Who were you talking to?"

I bite my lip. "Um, I was talking to...."

The doorbell rings. It's rare for someone to show up at our house before noon, so it's probably a package being delivered or something like that.

"I'll go get it" I yelled desperately as I raced down the hallway to the door.

When I opened the door, no one was there. All that was there was a garment bag hanging from the doorknob.

"Who was it?" Mom asked as I made my way back to the kitchen.

"I have no clue, but they left something". I said, "It's probably either from Max or Luke to you".

"Like Luke would ever buy me clothes. Unless he bought a really fancy flannel for me".

"Should I open it?" I asked.

The second I started to open it, a small envelope fell out from the bag. Mom picked it up.

"Hey Mary, I thought you might like an outfit for the concert, hopefully you like it" my mom reads. "So, mystery boy is the blonde douchebag that's been tormenting you all year?"

"Mom, remember I kissed him at the party last night"

"I know. I just get worried. You've got to be careful with these trust fund boys. Nothing matters to them other than daddy's Porsche".

"Mom, you and I both know that's not true"

"Well, it's true for some of them. I don't like that Tristan boy."

"Well, is it because he's not Dean? Or is it because he reminds you of Dad."

"Ouch" you can see the pain in my mom's face. "I don't know how to respond to that Rory".

"I'm sorry, but it's true. You've got to accept that while we do look scarily similar, we are not the same person".

"You know what?! Fine. I'm going to Luke's"

After she left, I opened the garment bag. Inside was a black leather jacket and a Burberry mini skirt. I almost flipped. It was the most expensive gift anyone has ever gotten me.

The phone started ringing again, but this time it wasn't Tristan. 
