ep 73 " frustration "

At first Adrian appeared to be like every guy who liked me ,promising to understand. To give the world and unconditional love but everyone is different.  At first every one has a heart of child then slowly slowly we learn our belongings, what's ours, what's others. How ought to we behave with who and that's also not genuine sometimes we see our parents sacrificing ,some parents fighting and just a bit of free minded parents ,which is very rare .then comes the experience part to shape our ideas and our inner soul .terrible experiences give us a sense of fear ,anxiety .we apply that to every situation we encounter.  Sometimes we aren't able to get wisdom .same case was with Adrian he knew I am loyal but his anxiety and past haunting made him go through my ig from my following  to taggs not just months ago but years .digging on and on to my past and I don't believe that he can't digest my past was no good .he was feeling his fear and I was feeling mine . It wasn't love but infatuation or a hope .I was stuck and he didn't wanted to move . I had a responsibility to answers questions and then get misinterpreted every single time .
