ep 2"confrontation "

Cameron Taylor "

she remembers the guy best friend peach used to talk about. She in a PUZZLED STATE grabs her phone and those shaking fingers putting the letters together end up discovering more of a fancy spoiled guy who knows nothing but "fun" .no ,do not mistaken him as a play boy but a mysterious man who enjoyed every luxurious party he could ever do and off course we could not forget the tours and trips. Anyways she texts him : "is peach fine?" ," how is he doing " ? .she didn't expect a quick reply after all it was 11 p.m ,why would someone reply a random girl with just three hundred followers and a private account with mere 3 to 4 posts. She receives a text ." What are you talking about ,it's been a week he has been to rehab " . " did he took your money too" ?he asks in a sympathetic tone .she didn't knew what to say .this sweety slightly agrees .Cameron is naturally drawn and slightly jealous to witness such love in this Era. Cameron tries his best to get all the space she had and ends up being her a.m to p.m in texts convincing her for friendship and a meet up .off course she 's scared but she needs support.finally after agreements and conditions. The meet up is planned .
