
What kind of softcore-black-eyeliner-e-boy-with-daddy-issues am I looking at right now?

This is Koohyuck? Koo? Daddy to an age regressor Koo whose full name is supposedly Jungkook? There was no way.

I mean, he was a snack, I'll admit that. I'd never actually seen the boy until now, and he more than exceeded my expectations, that's for sure.

I smiled and brought the rather tall boy in for a quick hug, which then led into me giving one to Yoongi as well.

"So this is your partner?"

"And caretaker." Yoongi added as he sat down beside his boyfriend on their sofa, clung to his arm.

I nodded and took a seat across from them, further examining the boy quietly. You see, this wasn't really how I had thought my morning was going to go. After waking up at Seokjin's, I was called to come to Yoongi's apartment quickly because there was something 'important' I needed to be here for. My first thought was something art related, and I'm not trying to say his boyfriend isn't a work of art, because he is, but he's not my art, so I didn't feel like it was as 'important' as he claimed.

But despite my angry thoughts since I'd just been woken up, I came anyway. So here I sat now, looking at a bunny-toothed-twink with eyes soft enough to melt even the coldest of hearts.

"I'm uh, I'm sorry I've been kind of weird about meeting you." The ravenette started awkwardly, and I cued in as he spoke and shook my head in response while smiling. "I'm just not the greatest when it comes to meeting new people.. but I'm happy to have finally met you! Yoonie always talks about you- and in a good way!"

"Oh really?" I glanced over to the boy- or should i say culprit, and he shrugged his shoulders before smirking. "I don't know... knowing Yoongi, he's probably told you all my embarrassing secrets..." I squinted toward the boy, and he couldn't even look at me to accept or deny it.

Jungkook blushed slightly and shrugged his head in response for Yoongi, "So I might know a little bit more about you than I've led on, but I mean, I was hoping we'd become friends anyway so,.. it doesn't really matter as much, right? I'll just pretend I don't know it!"

Goodness, this kid sure is awkward. I nodded my head in agreement and adjusted myself on their couch until I was in a comfortably gay position. "I'm totally down for that, but like, how old are you?"

"Just a couple years younger than you guys, I swear! I'm over eighteen, I'm an adult! I can do fun stuff!"

"Yknow, that's what a seventeen year old would say though.." I leaned forward and squinted, which caused Jungkook to start laughing and shaking his head.

"No really! I promise! I'm turning twenty one in September! Swear on it!"

"Okay, alright," I leaned back and pursed my lips before eyeing the e-boy one more time, "I'll believe you for now. Anyway, Yoongi, I have to tell you about everything that happened last night and since we're already together, I'm just gonna word vomit it out. Is that okay?"

Yoongi looked up from where his and jungkook's hands were interlaced and furrowed his brows before nodding intensely.

"Oh fuck yeah dude, I'm so ready. Go off."
