Chapter 20- Brownies!

❝𝗜 𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝘄𝗵𝘆 𝗜'𝗺 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗴.❞

[    C  A  N    I    B  E    H  A  P  P  Y  ?    ]

. . .


That much Shota, Hizashi, and Hitoshi figured out when he accidentally guessed the entire plot of the movie they were watching and had the brilliant idea of telling the three Aizawas about it. [Sarcasm, if you can't tell.]

"I bet he's going to steal the rope and climb the wall from the left of the behind on the hole, then get wounded because the rope had acid on it."

"Oh my God, Izuku!!"

"Seriously, kid...!"

"There's a hole?!"

Izuku turned his head towards the agitated family with a poker-face, slightly tilting his head, "Is there something wrong?"

Hizashi slapped his hand on his husbands' mouth before he could say something harsh, a sweat drop popped on the back of Hizashi's head as he smiled awkwardly at Izuku,

"U‐uh, no! Of course not! No‐nothing's wrong, haha! Haha..."

Hizashi was bad at lying.

The greenette only nodded with a poker-face again and said, "Well please don't scream, I'm trying to enjoy the movie.", before turning to the TV again, shoving a popcorn to his face.

Hizashi had to hold back the agitated Aizawa for that one.

And just like that, Izuku spoiled what happens next in the movie for the fourth time, and once again, for the fourth time, Hizashi stopped Aizawa from swearing Izuku out.

...Hitoshi sat quietly in the corner, wondering where in the world the hole came from, his little‐to‐no remaining braincell slowly poof‐ing into nonexistence.

Izuku felt a slight glint amusement in his soul at Aizawa's jaw dropped look as what Izuku predicated happened in exact motion in the movie.

Hitoshi, Hizashi, and Aizawa [Well, technically, they're all Aizawas] all jumped to Izuku, their faces close to him as he looked at them with a slight twitch of hand, not expecting the sudden movement as he forced down his instinct to flinch.

Hitoshi was the first to move, shaking Izuku back and forwards by the shoulders, shouting, "HOW!? WHEN?! WHAT?! WHO!? WHY?!"

Hizashi calmed a bit after Hitoshi's outburst, now trying to stop him from shaking the poor Izuku to death.

While Hizashi was distracted with Hitoshi, Aizawa swiftly turned his head towards Izuku, a serious deadly look in his eyes.

"How did y‐"

"Oh, I've ran out of popcorn."

Izuku stood abruptly and walked out the room, leaving a dumbfounded ignored Aizawa.

. . .

Izuku wondered when he should tell them that he's already watched the movie before.


Well, that wouldn't really be fun now, would it?

The greenette wanted to mess around with the family before he left; Leave a strong t̶r̶a̶u̶m̶a̶t̶i̶z̶i̶n̶g̶ memory for mind you know.

Now where in the world were the popcorns again?

Izuku went on his tippy toes, reaching his hands to the cupboards. Though he did realize it was somewhat stupid to look for popcorn in a cupboard, it was simply too late as a cup fell right onto his leg.



Ow. That hurt like a bitch.

Izuku left the cup on the floor and had now had the amazing idea to make brownies.

Afterall, who doesn't like brownies? Izuku questions why, if you don't. Though of course, everyone has their opinions, albert some terrible.

"I wanna help make brownies!" Hitoshi, who just entered the room, grabbed the brownie mix from Izuku's hand, tearing off of the box with an excited grin.

Izuku, knowing fully well Hitoshi would somehow mess this up, reached his hands to the brownie mix with a disapproving frown, "No‒"

He was a second too late, as Hitoshi ripped open the plastic, the powder now blown all over their face.

Izuku stared.

Hitoshi licked the powder off of his lips, shaking it out of his clothes with a grin at Izuku.




Izuku stared more before sighing.

"I guess I'm‒"
"‒you mean we‒" added Hitoshi in the background,
"‒doing this freehand."

The greenette gave Hitoshi an unimpressed look before turning back, rolling his sleeves up.

And that was how Hizashi, Hitoshi, Izuku, and Aizawa were now making brownies together.

Izuku doesn't know where Hizashi and Aizawa appeared from, do not ask him.

He also quickly learned that Aizawa and Hitoshi were absolutely frighteningly terrible at cooking.

It was actually quite a shock to the greenette. Hitoshi, he understood, but Aizawa?! Izuku always assumed him to be someone who was like...really good at cooking, even though Izuku had never seen the pro hero cook before this day.

Izuku assumed wrong. Very wrong.

"...Um,‐" Izuku hesitated, "maybe you can just‐ melt the butter in the microwave...?" Izuku feared that the pro hero would mess even that up. But...but surely Aizawa couldn't be that bad at this. I mean, its just heating up some butter—

. . .

Izuku should've known better.

He should've known better than to give Aizawa something to do in the kitchen.

Now, the butter was splattered all over the microwave, and the bowl Aizawa used was not microware friendly.

Aizawa shrunk under Izuku's pointed look, avoiding eye contact at all cost.

"...Well, in my defence‒"

Izuku walked pass the blabbering pro hero.

. . .

Adding the coco powder, caster sugar, brown sugar, vanilla extract, expresso, eggs, all-purpose flour, baking soda, pinch of salt, and melted butter THAT IZUKU MELTED, Hizashi mixed in circular motions.

The blonde did not trust Hitoshi to mix it all after Hitoshi cracked THREE whole eggs and managed to have egg shells in all of them and spilled it all over his hands.

"Here you go, Izuku, pour the mixture into the pan," Hizashi gave the mixture to Izuku, who had an oiled and readied pan in his hands, before clapping his hands together. "THESE BROWNIES ARE GONNA BE AWESOME!"

Izuku only nodded at the loud blonde, holding back the urge to laugh at the flour that covered Hizashi's nose like a clown as he smiled a dumb smile.

He looked dumb.

But that was okay.

Izuku cracked a smile back.

A dumb smile.

. . .

Izuku looked in absolute bliss as well as horror.

The brownies...were perfect.

What was the problem was that...Hitoshi and Aizawa had made their own separate batch of brownies after Hizashi and Izuku hit both of them for being idiots and banned them from touching the brownie mix.

Their brownies were placed on the table, the perfect mouth melting brownies that Izuku and Hizashi made right next to the teeth destroying brownies that Hitoshi and Aizawa made.

Hitoshi tried the mouth melting batch of brownies, the warm chocolaty texture tenderly melted in his mouth just as he bit into it.

A taste of pure bliss on his tongue that he definitely would've had more if not for Hizashi slapping his hands away.

Now, after having the heavenly brownies made by Izuku and Hizashi, the purple heads eyes trace over the brownies‒if you could even call them that‒made by him and Aizawa.




He should never cook again. It should be a sin for him to.

Hizashi deadpanned at Hitoshi's thought that was clearly shown all over his face.

Even Hitoshi looked horrified at the food, and he made them!

Seeing Hitoshi's eyes on the brownies in absolute horror, Izuku smiled innocently.

"Hitoshi! Why don't you try your brownies? I can see you put a lot of effort on it!" Izuku was going to hell.

...But that was okay with him.

Hitoshi raised his head to Izuku in horror just as Hizashi raised his hands to the brownies Hitoshi and Aizawa made, and gently pushed it towards him, "Yea, Hitoshi, go for it!"

Hizashi grinned a large smile innocently, genuinely wanting Hitoshi to try his own brownies. Izuku looked at Hizashi, knowing that the blonde and himself were having different thought processes.

Aizawa looked at the purple head in genuine anticipation, somehow finding the brownies not horrible.

Hitoshi looked at Aizawa.

Hitoshi looked at the burnt demonic burning teeth destroying brownies.

"Um...I think that I'm actually full..."

Aizawa glared.

"You know I actually feel kind of hungry!"



It was a mistake. A self-fault, an idiotic choice.

Hitoshi had toppled over right after taking a bite out the brownies, his teeth in pain, his tongue begging to be cut off.

Izuku was genuinely concerned for a second before seeing the dramatic tears going down Hitoshi's eyes.

He deadpanned before leaving with the plate of brownies with Hizashi.


Izuku closed his eyes, shoving a brownie in his mouth.

It was sweet. And warm.

He opened his eyes, the warm setting sun immediately shining on his green eyes.

The sunset was pretty. Beautiful.

Pretty splashes of colours that blossomed red and gold, maybe a small hint of pink.

...Some people believed that their deceased loved ones would be part of the sunset after their death.

W̶a̶s̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶m̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶p̶a̶r̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶u̶n̶s̶e̶t̶?̶ ̶D̶i̶d̶ ̶s̶h̶e̶ ̶h̶e̶l̶p̶ ̶p̶a̶i̶n̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶l̶o̶u̶r̶s̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶k̶y̶?̶

The sunset takes place at the end of the day, symbolizing a sense of completion of the day. A lost loved one connects to the sunset, becomes a part of it, because they, too, have met their end.

W̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶I̶z̶u̶k̶u̶ ̶d̶i̶d̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶w̶a̶n̶t̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶m̶e̶e̶t̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶e̶n̶d̶?̶

...Izuku liked the sunset.


1557 words.

Author Note:

MHA does not belong to me, I'm just babysitting it, and taught it a few things.
Like more trauma <3

Hello lovelies,

How are you on this fine day? I'm personally somewhat tired :)

Don't you just love brownies They are a personal favourite of mine. What about you, what's your liked baked goods?

Do you like the sunset? I think it's beautiful.

This entire chapter was honestly such a roller-coaster ride, I apologise for the late update. This chapter kind of lost its normal vibe of the fic, if I'm being honest.

