It was 2 in the morning and I had just drifted off to sleep. But only in a matter of minutes, I heard a shrill scream from outside. I sat up straight and let out a gasp. I began breathing heavily and Plagg rushed over to me.
"Sorry kid but it's time to be LadyNoir," he whispered. I nodded and got up out of bed.
"Plagg, claws out!" I cried. A green light surrounded me and I didn't resist.

The costume replaced my clothes and I opened my window. Taking a precautionary glance outside due to my instincts of my old life, I jumped out and found where the scream was. I had caught Conspiracor sending someone to a 'conspirasised world'.

A/N: Just so you know, I have no clue is conspirasised is a word and if it is if that's the correct spelling. We're just going to pretend it's a word for now XD

"Conspiracor," I yelled. He looked up at me and then grinned.
"LadyNoir. Or should I say... Ladybug!" he shouted. I jumped off the roof and with a smirk said,"Looks like the cats out of the bag."
"I will take your miraculous," he growled.
"I'd like to see you try," I taunted.

I grabbed my baton and began swinging it around. I dodged every car he sent flying my way. Then, he raised the ground below me, sending me flying. He quickly flew after me as I landed back first on a rooftop.
"You're weaker in this land, Ladybug," he said. I groaned in pain before standing up.
"Cataclysm," I hissed. I ran towards him but he ducked and I hit a house. "No!"

I rushed inside and grabbed the people out before sending them sliding down my pole before the house could tumble on them. Alas, part of the ceiling landed on my legs, causing me to fall.
"LadyNoir!" wailed one of the kids before he slid down.
"She needs help!" cried the mother, sending her last child down the baton.
"I can take care of myself. Go!" I urged as more of the house fell on me. The mother nodded before sliding down the baton.

I looked up at the falling building and accepted my fate as a large part of the roof game crashing down. Suddenly, I felt something wrap around me and pull me out. As I came out, I looked into the green eyes of MisterBug. I gave him a quick smile before passing out.

As I awoke, I saw that the house had fallen down and I was out of sight. The family were in tears. I whimpered at the sight. This wasn't real but it doesn't mean that my feelings weren't.

"C-Chat Noir?" I choked out. I hesitantly stood up and then fell back down again.
"Don't worry LadyNoir. We're all here to help." I looked up and saw eyes stare into mine.
"Wh..who are you?" I asked.
"I'm Carapace," the woman answered. My vision became clear and I got a good look at her. She wore a green jumpsuit with a shell on her back. She had her hair in a ponytail and her hair was aqua green. I immediately recognised her as Alya.
"Carapace?" I repeated.
"Yes. MisterBug has requested our help since you're injured. And badly. Once Conspiracor is defeated, everything will be fixed," explained Carapace. I nodded and let my eyes close.

We remained seated on the bench, taking deep breaths in and out to stead our racing heart beats. Not too far away, we could hear Andre singing about his ice-cream. As if he didn't just run lots, Adrien jumped up and gave us a huge smile.
"Hey, let's get some ice cream from Andre!" he suggested as he got up and began running. I jumped up as well and just as I was about to follow him, stopped at the sight of Kagami still remaining sat.
"Andre is a sweetheart's ice cream maker. The legend says that whoever shares his ice cream together will be in love forever," I explained with a small smile. Kagami got up. She had no smile present on her face.
"I don't believe in those kinds of myths," she stated. "But I do believe in ice-cream," she added with a little smile. We raced towards the small cart. Little did I know, I would be giving up my chances on Adrien by handing him to Kagami.

I groaned in pain and opened my eyes again. Carapace has left to join the fight with the others. I reached for my baton and extended it to the height of a walking stick. I began to journey to where I last heard the fight, only to see the heroes on the floor and Conspiracor towering over MisterBug, about to grab his miraculous.
"Stop!" I wailed.
