Chapter 7: short reflection

Wow, today sure was a busy day and it's still going. First, I'm 'trapped' with a bunch of guys, alone. Then I had time with 4 of them, one on one. I assume they are the older ones of the group based on their behaviour. I think Jackson acts younger than he is which isn't a bad thing. Mark seems to be the strong silent type but I've already seen him be really loud when he's around Jackson and Bambam. Jaebum gives of a big brother vibe to me. Jinyoung... I can't comment on him just yet. He's a tough nut to crack. All I can say, he's a savage.

I wonder if I'll have a chance to talk to Youngjae. He seems to be a lot of fun since he's so out there and friendly. I'm nervous to be around Yugyeom with all his flirtatious mannerisms and that wondering eye. Whenever I'm around him, it feels like he's going to pounce on me at any second. But Bambam... he's the one I can't understand at all. He's like the baby of the group but then he acts like a really mature leader.It's really confusing.

It's really weird to say this but... I can't wait to seem them again. I want to get to know them more and maybe they can become my first official group of friends.
