~A late night guest~

A/N: Hello. I'm going make this short and sweet. This is my first ever Fanfic so if you have any constructive criticism, please feel free to share in the comments. Anything positive and/or motivational is appreciated. Thanks! 
~MusicMariChat <3

It was a calm summers night. The stars danced along the sea of darkness while the moon shimmered a mysterious glow onto the restful city of Paris. All was still; well expect for Marinette. Marinette stood on the balcony of her apartment complex lost in thought. You would say she was a statue for her ever so often movements but once in a while she would breath of the warm breeze that took your breath away(Haha). She had her arms folded gently on the black railing that was the one thing between her and the edge. While looking into the distance she sighed. Paris was safe. 

A feeling of anxiety shook through her. Deep down, Marinette knew it was late and she should probably go to bed but something was stopping her. She realized this is the one time she actually gets to enjoy Paris. Ladybug was always on duty and she never had time to stop and enjoy the view. Now standing here, she felt relaxed and decided to forget about reality and all of her problems for once in her life. 

With time passing by, Marinette decided to go get some rest as she would never hear the end of it from Tikki. She took one final look onto the sleeping city. Good Night, Marinette thought.

As Marinette turns towards the trap door, she hears an elegant swoosh and a light thud come from behind. Marinette started to panic. Instinctively, she turn around to see what made the disturbance in the peaceful atmosphere. Thinking the worst, she turns around to see a grinning smile stare at her. 

"Hey purrincess. I hope I didn't startle you".

Marinette let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding. I'm going to strangle you pussy cat. But of course she wouldn't do that and she had to be careful of what she would say next. Marinette couldn't act the way she normally would around Chat. So instead, Marinette put a surprised look on.

"Chat Noir? Oh my gosh! What are you doing here so late?!" Too much? 

Chat Noir chuckled to himself. My God- this girl cannot act he thought to himself  as he saw the frustration in her eyes. "Ah. Well after playing, 'What Should He Do Next?' Live in the spectacular place of Boredom, I decided to take a walk and you can fill in the rest".

Marinette couldn't help but laugh. Chat Noir was taken back as he was not expecting this kind of reaction. However, Marinette notice this. 

"What?" The girl gave the pussy cat a sweet but mischievous smile in the process.

"O nothing. I was expecting the claws than the purrs" Chat smirked.

Marinette scoffed with an eyeroll. "Whatever silly kitty". The bluenette gave the black cat a playful shove and decided to let this go for now. Chat was intrigued by her playful manor. Usually she couldn't talk to Adrien without stuttering the whole time. So what was different? Why act one way than the other? One thing was for sure. He was going to stick around and find out. 

"You know, I've heard that letting a black cat into your home brings good luck. So what do you say? May I come in?" Marinette rolled her eyes again. As much as she liked Cat's company, she needed sleep. The bluenette had school the next day and knowing her, the more sleep, the better. 

"Sorry Chat but this girl is good with taking her chances. And anyways, I'm not so sure that's how that saying goes..." Marinette walked over to the black cat that was staring her down with interest. The bluenette was now inches apart from Chat's face. She starts scratching his head. "Plus I'm sure you and your kwami need some rest". Marinette scrunches her face up praying he didn't hear what she said. Please forget what I said, please.

Chat Noir takes a second to engulf what she just said. "How do you know what a kwami is?" 

Marinette stops rubbing his head. Damn. "Uhh... well  you-u see, I was m-multi-mouse-uh err remember?" The bluenette mentally facepalms. Why couldn't she be more confident to seal the deal when she needed it?

"Oh yeah.." Chat Noir says unsure what he acknowledged to because Marinette started rubbing his head once more and it was making him a bit delirious. She sighed. Marinette was thankful he didn't question her further.

Chat Noir starts purring lightly. Are you seriously purring? Ha! Just keep piling up the blackmail. 

Marinette laughs softly. Deep down she didn't want to stop petting him but she did. "Your too funny kitty".

Chat Noir smiles. "Anything for you Princess".

Marinette blushed a bit and looked to the floor. She was so happy to have a partner like him. He was such an amazing, trustworthy person that was there for her whenever she needed him. The bluenette couldn't be luckier. "Welp, this time I ought to go to bed. But before I do, I need to go get something so hold up".

"Yes Ma'am". He said as he watched her disappear into her bedroom and sighed. He wanted more attention. But in all seriousness, Chat Noir really liked Marinette and he was so lucky to have her as a friend. She was always willing to help others in need and would do anything and everything to help a friend or foe out. Plus on top of all of that, she was smart, beautiful, amazing, so incredibility cute- what am I even saying? Friends don't think about other friends like that! The lateness of the night must be getting to him. It must.

Marinette surprisingly came out of her room with a measuring tape and a pad of paper. "Come here kitty". 

Baffled, Chat walked up to her. 

" Hands up!" As the bluenette ordered aggressively, the black cat put his arms out and Marinette went over to get some measurements. 

"May I ask what are you doing?" Chat already knew what she was doing but he wanted to ask anyways.

"If it hasn't been more obvious, I am getting your measurements. But if your follow up question is why, I do not feel inclined in answering."

"But-"Chat Noir was cut off by being whisked closer to Marinette. She had the measuring tape around Chat's waist so she pulled it towards her so now the bluenette was inches away from her charming Prince's face.

"I said no. You will find out soon enough" With that cold, clean cut answer came a sweet smile. Chat was dumbstruck. Marinette reminded him of Ladybug with all of that confidence and stubbornness she just flashed. She was pretty amazing. Sometimes he would even wonder if it was the same person. But it couldn't be, could it?

Realizing what she just did, the bluenette pushed the curious kitty away and bit her lip. What am I doing? Flirting with Chat? I might be losing it! No I am losing! Showing my alter ego is really dangerous. Marinette blushed. "Sorr-ry kitty".

"It's quite alright my little lady. We all know that you just can't resist my clawesomeness" Chat said making the awkwardness in the air decrease.

"Uh huh. We'll see about that". Marinette smirked at him and continued her measurements. Chat Noir just looked at her in amazement. Her hands were so carful and steady as they had a mind of their own. Then he saw her eyes. Her eyes! They were as deep as the sea and were so beautiful and memorizing. He couldn't believe he never noticed them. He was dazzled.

Marinette jotted down her last note. "All done kitty cat! You are free to go!" Marinette looked up to see a saddened look on Chat Noir's face. But I don't want to go. It would be different if I was going to a warm welcoming home. But his expression went away as their eyes met. Chat tried to give her a reassuring smile. "Allllrighyyyy. Thank you Purr-" Chat Noir was interrupted once again by his Princesses. "HOLD ON-"

Marinette disappeared into her room again and reappeared with a small box that smelled as amazing as her. "Here kitty. A little something for the road". Marinette said with a warm smile as she offered it to her partner in crime. Chat looked at her and then to the box of sweets with hunger and pure delight. "You don't have to-" Chat tried to say as he was interrupted by Marinette as if she found pleasure in interrupting him. 

"No kitty. Take it. It's no problem at all. Trust me". Her words flew over his head and into his heart. There's something about Marinette that makes Chat so cheesy in side. "Okay. If you insist..." And of course he took the sweets without further persistence. Marinette smiled. "Please wait to eat them?" As she gave him the most goofy expression as the black cat tried to open the delicious box of sweets.  

Chat sighed closing the box . "Okay then. Only because you asked soo nicely". Chat looked at her and smiled. He walked up too her and took her hand. Chat bowed down to land a soft but sweet kiss on her hand. "Good night Purrrincess" he whispered and jumped into the night without another word. Marinette stood there speechless. Silly kitty.


The next day.

"Marinette! Could you turn off that alarm?" Her mother asked from down stairs. But Marinette didn't hear her. To her demise, she went to bed really late than she had hoped. She stayed up drawing new Chat Noir inspired designs. 

"Marinette!" Tikki said while hitting the alarm to turn it off. "Your going to be late to school again!" The tired bluenette hissed as she threw a pillow over her head. "Five mmoorre minutes". 

Tikki sighed. As brilliant as she may be, she sure is a handful. "Okay Marinette. I guess I'll let you sleep in... HOWEVER, it would be a shame if Adrien got placed with a partner, hmm lets say Chole or what's her name? Oh yeah Lie-la for that project today? All of that alone time between Lila and Adrien. Such a shame..."

Tikki didn't have to say it twice. Marinette shot up as lightening just hit. She was wide awake now with a disgusted expression. Lila didn't have to be in the room to fluff Marinette's feathers or make her want to throw up. She hated her soo much. It seemed as Marinette was the only one who saw through Lila. And the thought of Adrien and Lila alone-

"Marinette! Finally your awake. You need to go get ready or you'll be late!"

The bluenette calmed down a bit to only start rushing/panicking. School started in five minutes. 

"TIKKI WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME!!" Marinette yelled as she leaped out of bed to and threw as much crap into her backpack as possible. The bluenette was panicking. She knew she wasn't going to make it to school on time but why rush? Well only for one reason. It's probably better if she was a little late than a lot late. Marinette rushed around her room for anything that she needed to bring to school. She stopped at her sketches. Why not? She grabbed them and shoved it into her backpack. She was about to go out of her room when a tiny voice stopped her.

"Marinette! Aren't you forgetting something?" Tikki said inferring her outfit with her arms crossed.

Marinette looked down at what she was wearing. "EP!" she squealed as she rushed into her closet desperately looking for something to wear besides PJ's. Tikki giggled to herself. Now I'll give the blond a break for not connecting the dots. I mean Marinette and morning doesn't equal Ladybug. Tikki went over to the closet to see what Marinette was doing. "Do you need help?" Marinette was trying to put on some shorts and a tee shirt as fast as possible. She grabbed her jacket. "Uh no thanks". The stiff girl ran out of her closet, grabbed her stuffed backpack, and left her room. Tikki realized she was still floating in Marinette's room so she flew down stairs and into Marinette's purse without being seen.

"The girl is alive!" Sabine teased Marinette moment's later. 

"Good morning to you too." She quickly kissed her mom's cheek, grabbed a muffin and said "Lobe youve " with a muffin in her mouth.

"I love you too! Have a great day!" Sabine said as Marinette closed the bakery door and sprinted across the street. That girl is going to crack one day, Sabine giggled to herself.

As Marinette ran towards the school, munching down on the muffin, she heard a tiny voice talk to her, "Marinette, you can relax now! The school is only a few steps away and it wont matter being a few seconds more late than you already are". 

Still running, Marinette managed to say, "well, it does matter! The sooner I get there, the better".

Marinette slowed down as she got to the classroom door, preparing for a bunch of eyes. The bluenette took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. 

Thanks for reading! <3
