Chapter 2: The Dragon Warrior

Chor Gohm prison no ones p.o.v.

-What?! Double the guard?! Extra precaution?! Your prison may not be adequate?!- The guard was livid after reading the message Zeng brought, as was every other rhino present.

-You doubt of my prisons security?!- The commander asked indignantly.

-Absolutely not- Zeng wanted to choose his words carefully so as not to completely anger the rhinos that surrounded him, or at least anger them more than they were.

-Shifu does, I'm just the messenger- Zeng's plan didn't work the way he wanted it to, much to his dismay.

-I'll give you a message for your Master Shifu. Escape from the Chor Gohm prison is impossible!- Zeng looked over the ledge to see the other passageways that led down to the pit that held the notorious criminal, until he felt a slap on his back that startled him causing one of his feathers to slowly fall to the pit. Commander Vachir chuckled at both the birds plight and in pride of his prison. 

-Impressive isn't it?- Every second that passed was a second Zeng wished he was flying back to the valley.

-Its-Its impressive. Very impressive- The messenger followed the commander deep down into the mountain, All the while Zeng felt all the eyes of the guards on him, and listened to the commander boast about his Mongolian prison.

-One way in, one way out, thousand guards and only one prisoner- But Zeng was not going to forget just who was locked up here.

-Yes, except that prisoner is Tai Lung- They finally made their way to an elevator that was the last way to the infamous prisoner. 

-Take us down- The commander ordered, he was determined to prove that no one, not even Tai Lung could escape this hell on earth, and if he could mess with Zeng's nerves on the way down by swinging the platform he would take the opportunity. They made it down to another stairway that led to a drawbridge, the only way to Tai Lung Cell. Zeng didn't know how much he could take when he finally set eyes on a dark mass in the middle of the of a stone island. 

-Behold, Tai Lung- Fear gripped Zeng like one of Master Vipers suffocations techniques.

-I'll just wait right here- Zeng didn't want to step foot in the prison, let alone get close to the fallen master. However the commanders pride kept him from seeing the danger that was ever present.

-There's nothing to worry about, It's perfectly safe- The rhino said moving Zeng forward with a slap on his back. 

-Crossbows at the ready!- Zeng's fears nearly went into overload when Vachir gave that order, but unfortunately the worst was yet to come.

-Hey! tough guy! Did you hear? OogWay's finally gonna give someone the Dragon Scroll and It's not going to be you- At this Zeng's fear was joined by was joined by a life-threatening feeling of panic.

-What are you doing? Don't get him mad- Vachir obviously didn't share his concern.

-What's he going to do about it, I've got him completely immobilized- To prove it he stomped on Tai Lungs tail and laughed mockingly.

-Aww did I step on the wittle kitty's tail? Awwwwww- This was about all Zeng could take, he needed to get out of here.

-Im good! I've seen enough. I'll tell Master Shifu he's got nothing to worry about- Zeng was beyond desperate to leave.

-No, he doesn't- The commander said satisfied at proving his point. 

-Alright, I'll tell him. Can we please go now?- As the two finally left a single feather fell right in front of Tai Lung, he finally found the tool he needed for his escape.

Jade Palace Aleksei p.o.v.


The big double doors shut behind me as I was dropped unceremoniously to the jade stone floor. They think Im the Dragon Warrior, it's an honor, but I am blind. No one can be that desperate.

-I think there's a mistake- I said to from what I can feel is the door... Wow, now I feel stupid. 

-Everyone seems to think that I am the Dragon Warrior- After I finished that sentence, I noticed where I was standing. I am not in courtyard, I am inside the Jade Palace, and not only in the Jade Palace, But also in the Sacred Hall of Warriors or commonly known as the Hall of Heroes. I could feel there was weapons, armors, paintings and pottery adorning the walls of the place. Items that now that I think of it must had Kung Fu history written all over them. Suddenly I felt the smell of Master Shifu the red panda, telling by his weight I could tell he is very small.

-You can hide your presence from everyone but me- I said, and apparently I surprised him.

-How did you know I was hiding there?- He asked me. From what I could feel he was beyond surprise, but he was hiding it, not from me.

-I just knew it- I plainly said. Didn't want him to know I am blind yet. 

-So you are the legendary Dragon Warrior. Hmm?- If anyone else asked me I would denied it, but honestly I now know how to answer that.

-Yes I am- Didn't gave me much time to finish.

-Wrong! You are not the Dragon Warrior, you will never be the Dragon Warrior until you have learned the secret of the dragon scroll- I could not see it, I can feel it. From what I can gather it was golden statue with a scroll in its mouth. There must be a catch to it. From the time that took sound to bounce and return I can say it must be at least 60 feet and a half, so instead of catching it there is another method.

-And you wont give it to me easily right?- I asked him. I heard him chuckle as if I told a funny joke.

-Very clever. And yes, I will not give it to you- He declared as I could feel he was heading towards me. I didn't back away, even if he tried he could not scare me, I am not saying that I feel no fear, but I faced and won against bigger, stronger and more powerful opponents than him.

-Do you know Kung Fu?- He asked me still trying to intimidate me, without any success.

-No, but I can and will learn- I said, which was true. I learned many things someone blind could not, and Kung Fu will not be an exception.

-Tell me, how hard can you hit?- He asked. I didn't expect that question.

-Hard enough to leave someone toothless- I wasn't lying. I've been in many fights in my life.

-How fast can you move?- I answered with the truth. 

-Fast enough to escape from a dangerous situation untouched- Which was also true. I wonder how I am capable of doing that.

-When was the last time you take a bath?- He asked, and I could tell with slight grimace

-теперь это пересекает чертову черту!- Come on, try walking non stop five days before you get to a bathhouse and come out smelling like flowers.

-Don't stand so close to me. I can smell your breath- I'm getting pissed, Its not normal but it can happen. I bowed down closer to his height which was at least half of mine.

-Look, I'm not the one who choose- He grabbed my finger with his index and thumb, I don't know what he is doing. Seriously is this some kind of finger hold? As I said, I do not know and I do not care.

-What are you doing?- I asked. Honestly I am not impressed.

-You don't know Wuxi finger hold?- He asked, looking into my eyes. Or the place where my eyes would be because of the blindfold.

-Never heard of it. Now get off me- Which he did. He fail on scare me, but I succeed in scare him. Even if he doesn't show it I know because of his heart rate.

-I am not one of your students, I will not follow your orders, I will not expect your approval. The only way I am going to do this is my way, and you will not change that- I could tell by his heart rate that he is not only afraid but also shocked, must be the first someone speak to him that, he better get used.

-You've been showing me no kindness, so don't expect kindness from me towards you. Now let's begin!- I said to him, so I followed him to the place where training sounds come from. I wonder what kind of things he will put me through, having in count all the things i've been through, this will a walk in the park.

A/N Hope you like it, and please be honest 
