Chapter 6

(curse warning)

Giyuu’s POV
I can't believe I just hugged him. Then I said his name so he knew for sure I recognised him. He was a ghost I met during my first ascension. He was cocky and a bit rude. Then throughout these eight hundred years I've heard of him and his accomplishments. He has definitely made himself somebody. He must be so proud of himself. I wonder if he is even more cocky and full of himself than he was before.
I bet he still doesn't know I'm a god. He just thinks I'm some lame ghost who died from choking eight hundred some years ago. Well it doesn't matter all he knows is I'm some pathetic ghost compared to him. We chatted for a while mostly about how he's been since I've last seen him.
I already knew most of what he said but hearing it from his point of view is a bit different. He didn't try to show off too much. He did curse a lot and talk trash about many of the ghosts he fought. Even some of the gods he fought. That part was the most interesting to me. All of the gods didn't seem to like me that much. Such as Shinobu or that really strange one who seems off, Obanai. I don't really care though, I'm not big in socializing.
This man however, it seemed easy to talk to him. He was supposed to be horrifying to talk to. I mean, he is a ghost king. One of the strongest ghosts ever. I'm not even that strong or cool of a god. I'm just a joke to the heavens. I've heard it all.

"You think he will descend again?"

"How long do you think he will make it this time?"

"How did he even get back here? He is pathetic!"

No matter how hard I try it will always be this way unfortunately. I don't even talk back. It would make things so much worse. This man right here though... He is having a normal conversation with me, not acting better than me or anything. Yes he is showing off but he isn't comparing us. He doesn't even truly know who I am. Would that change things? What would happen if I said I was a god? Would he want to fight? I don't want to fight him. I'll just stay quiet. Time passes by and he stands up.

"Do you want to see my domain? In ghost city? It's fucking cool as hell. I bet you've never seen anything like it! I can easily take you there."

