Warrior of ATEEZ

"And what if you die" Hongjoong asks.

Seonghwa stands opposite him, dressed in a tailored warrior uniform hugging his body. He sighs breaking his blank expression and brushing a hand through his slicked back hair.

"I've told you before. I don't die" Seonghwa assures before continuing.

"But in the event that I do, place me in the mountains" Seonghwa says before handing Hongjoong a key.

Seonghwa watches Hongjoong pace back and forth at a slow place thinking of a plan.

"I have an idea" Hongjoong announces stopping in the middle.

He already had everyone's eyes on him.

"We join the Darkshifter" Hongjoong announces.

Multiple voices arise ove the phone and in the room before Hongjoong holds his hand up.

"It must be done. If we want to finish them for good" Hongjoong sighs.

Seonghwa joins hongjoong in the room full of Alpha's from different Alpha's. He allows for Yunho's adivce to ring through his ears as he pushes his nerves down.

"Never let them think that you are at their will" Yunho advises to Seonghwa as he fixes Seonghwa's Warrior uniform. "In that room you're another Warrior and you are protecting your Alpha but remember to never start a fight. if we want this we need people to trust us" Yunho explains. Seonghwa fiddles with the burgundy blazer's button fastend on his side.

"You're one of us, Hyung. Even if it's not officially" Yunho smiles brushing over Seonghwa wrist.

Seonghwa bows before standing behind Hongjoong. Hongjoong gives one last look to Seonghwa before an Elder allows for discussions to begin.

A quick scan of the room and Seonghwa saw how on edge Alpha's were but their Warriors behind them too.

The circle table made everyone equal and the only person with power over that Alpha's in the room was the Elder

"You want to pull out from the treaty is that right Alpha Kim?" The elder asks.

"Yes" Hongjoong confirms.

"Why do you want to pull out?" The Alpha of the Twilight Pack asks.

Seonghwa can see the stress and tension in the Alpha build but bites back at his emotions and keeps still.

"It's been no use to me" Hongjoong says.

"But you are the person who was most for it when it was created" The elder says.

"I thought that my pack would be gaining more than it is now" Hongjoong reasons.

"So you're willing to turn your back to the other packs?" The twilight leader asks.

Hongjoong doesn't falter under pressure and nods.

Hongjoong was putting his pack at risk by trusting Seonghwa and Seonghwa felt nervous but knew it had to be done.

"Brave actions of an Alpha who was on their death bed only weeks ago" Another Alpha says.

"I wonder how you would actually know about that seeing as you're pack made no contribuation against the attack" Hongjoong says brushing his white hair raising his eyebrow a little before looking the Twilight leader.

Seonghwa catches how the Alpha had been put on edge by Hongjoong's words shifts a little.

"Of course not. I am simply pulling out as I feel as though the treaty isn't being completed to it's fullest. My connection to the packs before the treaty was put in place will stay the same and I will always offer any help I can" Hongjoong assures.

The Twilight leader nods before relaxing a little.

As long as Hongjoong is able to convince half of the 12 Alpha's in the room to let him out the treaty then the plan will be easier to carry out.

"Me pulling out of the treaty does not mean I will be leaving you all, it just means that I won't have to send my overloaded warriors to packs five hours away. The stress of the treaty has put immeanse pressure on them and at a time like this I cannot have my pack in a weak state" Hongjoong explains.

This cause some Alpha's to think of their packs before nodding.

"Until a new treaty is drawn up I will have to pull out for the sake of my own pack" Hongjoong says.

It seemed as though this was able to persuade of few more Alpha's in favour of Hongjoong.

"Alpha Kim, you are aware that with out the treaty this leave your pack vulnerable" an older Alpha says.

"Yes, but we don't know how much longer we will have to live in this war and I'd rather have a healthy pack at times like this even of it means that it makes my pack vulnerable" Hongjoong says understandingly.

Seonghwa hears a shuffle before the warrior of the Alpha that Hongjoong had shut down was jumping over the table towards Hongjoong.

Seonghwa moves into actions and jumps over Hongjoong intercepting the warrior and bringing them down onto the table. Seonghwa puts them into a jujitsu hold since he didn't want to bring weapons into the mix.

"Give up" Seonghwa warns.

The Warriors growls before flipping out of his hold and punching Seonghwa. the stand across eachother. The warrior a little shorter than Seonghwa but bulky with muscle. they bare their canines and Seonghwa let's a low growl escape his throat before he lunges for the warrior pulling them into a choke hold.

Hongjoong watches the flash of burgundy pass him and jump onto the table. The style and fit of Seonghwa's uniform allowed him to fight better than anyone had really expected. Seonghwa tries to keep fighting to a minimum and tries to restrain the warrior.

Hongjoong catches the Alpha of the Warrior look shocked before turning angry. the same alpha who made the 'Death bed' comment.

Seonghwa's low growl pulls Hongjoong's attention back to him and Hongjoong stops himself from smirking as Seonghwa chokes his opponent with his usual stoic expression. The warrior tries to get out of Seonghwa's hold utilising a few sharp twists but Seonghwa stays there as if he had become a statue.

"Seonghwa" Hongjoong says.

Seonghwa looks to Hongjoong with his wolf's golden eyes before letting go of the Warrior and jumps off the table taking his place behind Hongjoong. Hongjoong listens to Seonghwa's breathing even out a little before looking to the Elder.

"I think that shows that my pack is more than capable of taking down any threat that attacks us" Hongjoong smirks.

"All of those in favour of Alpha Kim and the Aurora Pack leaving the treaty, raise your hand" the Elder commands.

Nine Alpha's raise their hands and Hongjoong is passed the documents, making quick work of signing all of them before passing it back.

"Thank you" Hongjoong bows and Seonghwa follows.

"You are free to go" The Elder nods.

Hongjoong nods before standing up and bowing one last time before leaving with Seonghwa right behind them.

They get to the car and Hongjoong abruptly stops causing Seonghwa to also do so.

"Are you alright, Hwa. The warrior didn't harm you did they?" Hongjoong asks turning round and stepping towards Seonghwa.

Warmth flutters within Seonghwa at the name as Hongjoong carefully takes his hands and checks for any wounds before looking up to Seonghwa with a frown.

"What wrong?" Seonghwa asks tilting his head a little.

"You're frowning" Hongjoong pouts.

Seonghwa laughs looking down to the Alpha who was still pouting.

"It's my resting face" Seonghwa shakes his head.

Hongjoong lets out a whine.

"Are you hurt?" Hongjoong asks again.

"No, let's just go home" Seonghwa shakes his head with a small smile.

"Home?" Hongjoong asks.

"Yes, Hongjoong. Home as in the Aurora pack" Seonghwa smiles.

Hongjoong lights up brighter than all of the stars in the sky and practically skips over to the car.

"What were you thinking when you jumped up onto the table?" Hongjoong asks.

Seonghwa keeps his eyes trained on the road ahead of them as he shift into the next gear.

"Nothing. I just did it" Seonghwa answers.

"Thank you" Hongjoong says.

"There's no need. I'm just doing what I should be" Seonghwa shakes his head.

The news of Aurora pulling out of the pact spread quickly and the plan sets into motion. An alarm goes off heard by everyone in the Aurora pack.

Warriors jump into motion getting ready as pack members that are not able to fight head down to the bunkers.

Seonghwa was one of the wolves on night shift with Jonho and helps people down to the bunker before standing next to the others as the army of Darkshifters head towards them making no move to stop.

"I have a proposal! Bring forth you leader or face death!" Hongjoong's vice booms though the air like thunder. Seonghwa could feel the unease in everyone else as his wolf begs to be let loose.

The dark shifters come to a halt and a smaller group comes forwards causing Hongjoong walk forwards and Ateez right behind him.

"Alpha Kim Hongjoong" the leader smiles looking Hongjoong up and down.

As bad as Seonghwa wanted to step in front of Honjoong he keeps himself in place.

"Ahn Taehyuk" Hongjoong says cocking his head to the side.

The shifter rasies an eyebrow in interest.

"I really had to be the one for this?" San asks through the comms.

"Who else is going to our partner in crime?" Wooyoung asks and Yeosang hums in agreement.

"You don't even have to move an inch!" San screeches through comms

"Stop complaining and climb, San" Yeosang sighs.

Seonghwa looks to Jongho to who shrugs as the pair walk through the forrest.

"Well, I ot more than I bargined for" San says placing his phone and a few other thins down on Honjoong's desk.

"Good" Hongjoong smiles.

"Well it seems as though the Aurora Pack has finally come to it's senses" The Leader says.

"This is a new chapter for us all" Honjoong smiles.

The attack was squashed and Seonghwa stands next to Mingi rubbing a gentle hand down his back trying to to sooth him as Hongjoong discusses The Aurora Pack's involvement with the Darkshifters.

Mingi leans down and nuzzles into Seonghwa's neck whimpering a little.

"It's going to be okay" Seonghwa hums into Mingi's ear.

Mingi whines into Seonghwa's neck once more.

Soon the darkshifter's leave but the pack remains tense and everyone deciding to stay indoors.

Seonghwa stands near the trees watching them walk away. Seonghwa tries to keeps the bile down as a feeling of disgust crawls over his skin.

Seonghwa hears the door behind him open and close. It didn't take Seonghwa long to recognise who it was based on their footsteps.

"You should be sleeping, Yeosang-ah" Seonghwa hums as adjusts the heat of the blow torch.

"I know" Yeosang sighs sitting down on the bean bag that had made it's way in through one of the other warriors (possibly Jongho but Seonghwa swore not to tell anyone).

"Then what's troubling you" Seonghwa hums pushing the goggles down.

"The Darkshifters. We're so vulnerable to them. They know everything about us just as we do them" Yeosang sighs.

Seonghwa hums.

"I'm scared" Yeosang admits.

Seonghwa places the torch down before turning round to the younger.

"It's okay to be scared Yeosang" Seonghwa assures.

Seonghwa get's ready with shaky hands. He style his hair up and out of his face before adjusting his rings. Seonghwa takes one last look at himself adjusting his unifrom. Similar to the one he wore when his was with Hongjoong but the sleeves had been cut off and he wore a sash. Seonghwa djusts the black tie before stepping out of his room.

"Ready?" Yunho asks.

Seonghwa nods.

Seonghwa walks past the other packs with Hongjoong and the rest of Ateez.

"No matter what happenes. You promise me that you all come out alive" Seonghwa says to the other as he watches the road.


"Just promise me" Seonghwa breathes out.

"Promise" San sighs.

"Promise" Wooyoung and Yeosang say in unison.

The group walk through the grand doors leaving their nerves as they passed through. Seonghwa keeps his usual stoic epression like Jongho and Yeosang. While San, Mingi and wooyoung shared a smirk. Hongjoong politely smiles with Yunho following suit. Waves of confidence rolled off of them giving Ateez an untouchable aura.

"Tonight we have fun" Yunho says over comms.

"Like always" Jongho agrees.

They were shown to their seats and the Darkshifter Clan leader walks out onto the stage.

Seonghwa's stomach drops at the sight of the man next to the clan leader.

"Good evening, everyone" The Clan leader says gathering everyone's attention.

"It's a very special night tonight. Tonight we will reveal our plans for the next few months and invite the new members of the Darkshifters" The clan leader says.

Seonghwa couldn't take his eyes off the man. It had been so long. Far too long.

Every emotion that Seonghwa could think of passes through his at an immense rate as his heart thuds in his ears.

"Blacksmith Park Dohwan" The clan leader calls.

Hongjoong looks back to Seonghwa with wide eye and Seonghwa looks at him with the same expression.

"Is a great asset to our team as a blacksmith I assure you that everyon will be getting the best weapons in Korea" the clan leader smiles.

Why is he there? After all that the shifters had done Seonghwa's father had still chosen the shifters. Even after he watched his mate die.

The sound of glass crashing brings Seonghwa out of his thoughts and he remebers the plan.

Seomghwa glances to the back of the room a and spots San, Wooyoung and Mingi.

"Ay! Watch what the fuck you're doing!" San shouts pulling the shifter down to him baring his teeth. Wooyoung shoves the one next to him and Jongho jumps to his feet and heads to them. A fight breaks out as the people start taking. Different people from diffrent packs and clans get involved.

"Is this what you called us here for? To kill us?!" Yunho shouts.

Seonghwa had never seen the Beta this angry before. Yunho's acting manages to get other people to start agreeing before more people join in.

The clan leader grows angry and walks down the steps ordering different shifters.

"Kill them!" The clan leader orders.

Seonghwa jumps into action and runs to the clan leader but is stopped... by his own father.

"Get out my way! I'm going to finish this!" Seonghwa shouts trying to get rid of his father.

"Seonghwa, You can't" his father pleads.

"Appa, please move" Seonghwa says before a gun is shoved into his face.

"I will kill you, Seonghwa" His father warns.

"Appa" Seonghwa breathes.

Seonghwa stands there stunned. The same man who cared for him, picked him up when he was down. The same man who watched shifters killed his mate and almost kill Seonghwa.

Was on the side of the enemy, ready to kill Seonghwa.

The water sprinklers go off pouring cold water all over the shifters.

Seonghwa had spent years taking the blame of his mother's death only to have the one man he respected without question even when he was pushing Seonghwa into the ground kill him.

"Not if I kill you first, Appa" Seonghwa says drawing gun and pointing it at his own father.

Seonghwa makes the first move and strikes his father with the butt of his gun before kicking him away only to be dragged back by a shifter. Seonghwa unlocks the safety and shoots it before going for the Clan leader.

Seonghwa climbs up the steps and pulls out the dagger and fights his way through shifters.

Seonghwa's father tries to pull him back and Seonghwa elbows him in the nose and kicks him into the ground.

Seonghwa runs up the last few steps pushing his wet hair out of his eyes.

Seonghwa jumps onto the Clan leader's back and presses the dagger against his throat. A sudden surge of energy pulses through him as he presses it further only to feel cold metal against his temple.

"Seonghwa, don't make me" His father pleads.

"Nothing will stop me" Seonghwa replies. The Clan leader laughs manically and a gunshot rings in Seonghwa ears as he pushes the blade further.

Blinding pain takes over Seonghwa and a scream of pain is ripped from his throat.


Hongjoong watches Seonghwa fall and shouts his name. He didn't know who shot who. Hongjoong pushes past shifters who had stopped fighting, allowing for themselves to be killed.

Hongjoong pushes the life less Clan leader off Seonghwa and sees the gunshot wound in his chest.

"Seonghwa" Hongjoong drops to his knees and puts pressure onto the wound.

"I need help!" Hongjoong shouts.

"Come on! Seonghwa please!" Hongjoong pleads.

Seonghwa doesn't move or make any type of noise.

"You bastard, you lied! You said you don't die!" Hongjoong shouts as if Seonghwa could hear h.

"You can't die!" Hongjoong orders.

Careful hands place Seonghwa into an ice bath filled with all sorts of things. Jongho had hastily ripped Seonghwa's shirt off as Wooyoung shakily pulls his boots off. Blood almost instantly colours the water red.

Hongjoong begins the Warrior ritual taking Ateez's hands in his as the skies opened up above them.

This was their only hope for Seonghwa to come back to them.

Hongjoong's voice bounces off the walls as San shakes slightly trying not to cry as he focused his gaze on Seonghwa.

He looked so... peaceful. But they could feel his pain.

Yeosang gently starts stitching seonghwa wound before applying a healing paste made by the elders of the pack.

Seonghwa sits up abruptly, taking in a sharp breath. His hands fly out the water and he grips onto the edge of the tub, ice cube slosh out of the tub. His eyes snap open revealing to his glowing gold irises. Seonghwa let's out a pained, low growl, baring his canines.

Hongjoong kneels next to Seonghwa and takes his hand.

"Seonghwa, come back to us" Hongjoong pleads grasping his hand.

"Hyung" Wooyoung croaks, his knees clashing with the hard floors.

One by one each of the members were kneeling, begging the gods to bring Seonghwa back to them.

Seonghwa erratic breathe calms and his canines retract but his eyes continue to glow.

"I-I'm here" Seonghwa breathes laying back into the ice.

"Hwa Hyung" jongho sighs nuzzling into Seonghwa's neck.

Seonghwa hums leaning into Jongho letting out a shaky breathe.

"This is where you want to be, right?" Taeyong asks.

Seonghwa nods as he puts down the last of his things.

"I'm happy you've found a place, that accepts you as you and not just Blacksmith Park Seonghwa" Taeyong sighs.

"You're free to come and stay whenever you want" Seonghwa assures.

Taeyong nods before walking back to his car.

"See you soon, Seonghwa" Taeyong says.

"See you, Hyung" Seonghwa waves slowly.

"How long has it been" Seonghwa brother asks as Seonghwa gets out of his car joining the older.

"Too long, Heam" Seonghwa sighs.

The two of them lay down the prettiest flowers for the prettiest woman in their lives.

"Hyung?! Hongjoong hyung is asking for you" Yunho says looking up a tree.

"Wrong tree" Seonghwa says jumping down from the one next to him.

He adjusts the tight black t-shirt clinging to him before running a hand through his black hair.

"I was close though!" Yunho laughs slinging an arm round Seonghwa.

Seonghwa let's out a laugh, rubbing the nape Yunho's neck lovingly.

"Heam, you're so slow!" San shouts as Yunho and Seonghwa walk over.

"Oldie~" Wooyoung sings as he rocks back and forth on his feet

"Enough" Seonghwa shakes his head.

Jongho smiles and pushes the door open.

Mingi bumps his shoulder into Seonghwa's getting his attention. Seonghwa hums as he looks over.

Mingi just smiles to him, eye crinkling at the edges and turning into beautiful cresent moons.

"Cute" Seonghwa mumbles bumping Mingi back.

Hongjoong looks up from his desk and a smile grows on his face once he sees everyone in their uniforms. Yeosang falls into line beside Seonghwa looks to the others and couldn't help a smile from growing on his face as he looks at them.

His pack. His family.

"Ateez" Hongjoong says grabbing their attention.

Seonghwa sat in the common room and watched the hands of the clock tick by. He had fixed a lot of his problems now that he was with the Aurora pack, but something didn't change. And Seonghwa understood that.

He can't be completely healed and some days it'll be worst than others.

"You're still up" Hongjoong says walking into the room sitting on the couch across from Seonghwa. Hongjoong hides his hands in his hoodie sleeves.

"So are you" Seonghwa scoffs.

"I had a feeling that one of my warriors was up... Again" Hongjoong shakes his head.

"What are you thinking about?" Hongjoong asks.

"Nothing. I'm just happy" Seonghwa smiles as he leans back and looks out to the twinkling lights behind Hongjoong.

Thank you for reading!!!

Writing this had been a massive journey, so thank you for putting up with my mistakes. This series was tough to write once school started again but I found joy in it and was able to finish it off.

I feel lost since it's taken me so long to write this but it only takes you guys a fraction of the time to read it and I don't really know what to do with myself.

Kudos and comments of criticism and anything else is welcomed. I really like to hear what people think about my writing and things they liked.

follow me on instagram @ lone._writer._ and on twitter where I am more active @ lone_writerr_

Thanks again!!!
