Extra 1.2

Qiu Jin was doing plank support in the gym. Suddenly he noticed that his lower back was heavy and a soft (feet pi) strand fell on his back.

"Chou Yankai, come down."

"No," not only did the little dumpling come down, he also turned over to ride him as a horse, raised his right hand and shouted, "Dad go, go duck!"

Qiu Jin kept his posture and asked, "How about your big dad?"

Qiu Yankai thought for a while and (milk Nai) said (milk Nai) angrily: "Playing with many uncles on the computer."

Qiu Jin was stunned: "Someone's coming?"

"It's a video conference," a cool voice sounded, "Yan Kai is a fool, I don't know such a simple thing."

Not far away is a little boy who looks like Ji Shenxiao. His eyebrows are exquisite and cute, but he just pulls a face to act as an adult.

"Xie Bai is a fool!" Qiu Yankai rushed on Qiu Jin and said arrogantly, "Dad doesn't play with Xie Bai, Ji Xiebai is a big fool!"

Ji Xiebai put a small beep of (meat rou) in front of (chest xiong) and hummed: "Childish ghost, are you a three-year-old child?"

Qiu Yan was stunned, so he said, "But I was three years old!"

Ji Xiabai: "You are three and a half years old this year, you can't remember such a simple thing, Yan Kai is a fool!"

Qiu Yan opened his mouth, and his eyes began to appear water mist.

Qiu Jin secretly said badly, and immediately knelt on the ground with his limbs stretched out, calming down: "Don't cry, Yan Dae, will you ride with you?"

The younger brother was really attracted attention, and followed Qiu Jin's movements with a burst of cheerful laughter.

Qiu Jin walked around with Qiu Yankai, and when he came back, he saw Ji Xianbai standing there alone, and the eyes of the black grapes fell on them, filled with longing.

However, once he met his gaze, he quickly turned his head back, a disgusted expression.

Qiu Jin: "..."

The boss really perfectly inherited Ji Shenxiao's (sexuality) style. This twist is completely engraved in a mold.

When he inexplicably recorded "Four Seasons Food", Ji Shenxiao stared at his expression for food.

He can handle it even if he is awkward.

Qiu Jin said: "Will Xianbai come to ride dad with his brother?"

Ji Xie's white eyes suddenly lighted up, but he was just happy for a moment, and he immediately returned to a faceless expression. He sighed and said with an expression that you can't do: "Since Dad wants to play with me like this , I’ll make it difficult for me to come over."

Qiu Yankai had long forgotten the friction just now (gangan), and happily greeted his brother to come and play.

Qiu Jin carried two three and a half years old and became a toolman.

"Don't you let yourself play?" Ji Shenxiao didn't know when he came over, holding a small dumpling in one hand, "How come to bully the little dad again?"

Qiu Jin: "Nothing, play with them."

Ji Xiebai's righteous words: "I play with my dad."

Qiu Yankai also nodded his head and said, "It's not that the big dad doesn't play with the little dad. How lonely he is alone, otherwise he won't do those weird moves in this strange room."

Qiu Jin: "...this is fitness, thank you."

Qiu Yan was stunned and asked curiously: "What does fitness mean?"

Qiu Jin compared the posture showing the biceps, and deliberately showed off: "It is exercise (body Shen), make me healthier, look at your father's muscles (meat rou)."

Qiu Yankai looked at him, then at Ji Shenxiao, and shook his head: "Little Dad's muscles (meat rou) are few, not as powerful as Big Dad."


Qiu Jin began to explain the difference in body size between ao to his children, but he didn’t expect his brother to listen to it. Instead, he pinched Ji Shenxiao’s hard muscles (meat rou). Play on the swing?"

"Swinging a swing" is Ji Shenxiao's limited movement. When lifting a dumbbell, one arm drops a ball and swings in the air, just like swinging.

Although Qiu Jin often exercises, he is an omega after all, and his physical fitness is naturally inferior to alpha. Once he took the initiative to play with the twins, and the two little guys "flyed" twice and put his arms around him to get down, the reason was "Fearing that my father would be injured, we would not play."

Qiu Jin burst into tears and laughter, helpless and warm.

Ji Shenxiao has (take off tuo) the shirt, (exposed) the white (color) vest inside, and changed a pair of sports shorts.

The two little **** quickly ran over and hung on his arm, "flying" again and again, and even Ji Xiaobai, who had always been an adult, smiled and bent his eyes.

After a set of movements ended, the two brothers hadn't played it and shouted, "I'm coming! I'm coming!"

"Come down," Qiu Jin hugged Ji Xianbai, "Want to exhaust your big dad?"

Ji Shenxiao emptied one hand, and Qiu Yankai put it on the ground.

"That's not true. At this point, the amount of exercise will not only exhaust the big dad, but will also help him exercise (shen)." Ji Xianbai managed the clothes and said seriously, "According to my estimation, I have to go It takes only an hour for the big dad to have sore muscles. The ligaments are strained after five hours. If he is really exhausted, it will take roughly three days."

Qiu Jin: "???

Are you a demon? Even calculated it?

Ji Xiabai: "But I'm not a bad person, so I won't make my dad so miserable."

Qiu Jin: "..."

Ji Shenxiao rubbed his old head, and Ren Jun couldn't help but say: "It seems that Dad would like to thank you."

Although Ji Xiebai didn't speak, she had long unknowingly (hooked) her lips, apparently quite enjoying this touted.

Qiu Yankai immediately raised his hand: "Yan Kai also wants, Yan Kai is not a bad guy!"

Ji Shenxiao squatted and held two little dolls in his arms, and said softly: "Good, both of them like it."

After holding for a while, Qiu Yankai suddenly reacted and turned to beckon to Qiu Jin: "Also like little dad!"

"Yes, I also like little dad."

Ji Shenxiao opened his hands to Qiu Jin: "Come on, let me hug me."

Before Qiu Jin came, he rushed into two hot little **** in his arms. He smiled and hugged the man. The next moment, Ji Shenxiao's hot and powerful arm fell.

A low, gentle voice rang in my ears: "I like baby dad the most."

Qiu Jin breathed slowly, and his ears were stained with a thin layer of red. Although he has been married for so many years, he can't help but blush.

Ji Shenxiao spoke more and more smoothly. A person who was so cold before, said all kinds of meat after marriage. And he not only said, but also one by one...

Somehow, the twins had drilled out of their arms, giving room to the sticky husbands.

The two little dumplings sighed in their hearts. Hey, these two adults are really so big that they cannot be separated. They can stop hugging when they are three years old.

What else can I do? Spoiled!

Ji Shenxiao's physique is obviously one size bigger than Qiu Jin, his body (meat rou) is angry, full of power. Now he put Qiu Jin in his arms as an alpha dominance.

Qiu Jin is actually not thin, but it is also (strong qiang) strong in omega, but her husband is too tall, and he (huaihuai) has become white again after pregnancy, with many (female nu) stars Envious cold skin.

I don’t know if it’s because of exercise or shyness. Now my face is stained with a thin layer of red, which is in sharp contrast with the skin (color) of Ji Shenxiao wheat (color). It looks delicate and caring.

Looking at this scene, the twins nodded thoughtfully: "It turns out that the little dad is so small, no wonder he is bullied and cried by the big dad every time."

Qiu Jin: "..."

"Impossible! When did you see me cry?!"

He will only cry at those times, okay?

Was it worth seeing my son?

"Although we didn't see it, we can guess," the brothers rarely reached a united front. "Every time you come out of the room, your eyes are red and your mouth is swollen. We know you are crying again."


Qiu Jin glared at Ji Shenxiao and complained: "Look at the good things of you (gan)."

"But Dad didn't bully him," Ji Shenxiao corrected, "Dad loves him."

"Ji Shenxiao!" Qiu Jin's entire face turned red, "What are you talking about? They are so small!"

The brothers said in unison: "I am not small anymore, I am three and a half years old."

Qiu Jin: "..."

When leaving the gym, Qiu Yankai leaned over his head and said mysteriously to Ji Xiebai God: "I found that the little dad was a bit stupid. I all know that the child was born after alpha and omega (sleeping Shui)."

Qiu Jin: "..."

Don't think he can't hear it.

Ji Xiabai: "Little dad is stupid, so we have to protect him even more."

Qiu Yankai nodded, a thoughtful expression.

But after a while, he had a new problem: "Since alpha and omega (sleep Shui) can have babies, but dad and grand dad are together (sleep Shui) every day, why do we never see a baby Yeah?"

Ji Xie white card a bit, right, why?

Seeing that the genius brother couldn't answer, Qiu Yankai had a IQ superiority for the first time and shouted with joy: "Ji Xiebai doesn't know, Ji Xiebai is also a big fool!"

"Shut up... shut up! I definitely know."

However, he thought about it and didn't understand why. It stands to reason that they should have a little baby in the room.

For the first time, the little genius fell into self-doubt. The lunch was not fragrant, and the nap was no longer (sleeping Shui). After spending the whole afternoon finally figured it out.

Qiu Yankai was a scum that he didn’t remember all his pinyin. He didn’t even know any of the words on his computer. He immediately took his short legs and asked his brother: "Brother, do you know? Why are there no babies?"

Ji Xiabai turned off the popular science documentary with a shocked expression: "It's terrible, don't watch it."

Under the science of his brother, the silly brother also knew the specific process of making a baby, the pregnancy experience of the little dad (Huai Huai), and how the cub came to this world.

The two children looked at each other and said the same thing: "Little dad is not easy."

Then Qiu Jin found that the eyes of the two little guys had changed, and they were not as clever as they were clever, but among them, they also showed a pityful look.

Qiu Jin: "?"

Forget it, he is almost used to the strange thoughts of the brothers.

It was another late night, and Qiu Jin returned to his room after telling them (Shui Shui)'s previous story.

Unexpectedly, the brothers crouched over and lay on the door of their room, secretly paying attention to the movement inside.

Hearing the little dad screaming, Qiu Yankai's eyes widened and he was surprised: "Brother, are they making children?"

Ji Xiebai: "It should be."

Qiu Yankai: "Shall we also make children?"

"Stupid, we are called chaos|luns for making children." Ji Xianbai's expression of pity, "And the most important thing is that making children is done with people you like."

"Is it possible to make a child with the person I like (sleeping Shui)?" Qiu Yankai said silly. "Then I like my little dad. I want to make a child with him."

"Stupid Yankai, they all say this is chaos|lun, it's not good."

"But you only said that it's chaos to make a child with you | Lun, didn't say it was also with Dad."

Ji Xiebai: "..."

Silly brother, you are so stupid.

Ji Xiebai looked at each other with pity, but he couldn't help it. Who let him stand?

Ji Xianbai sighed, and gave Qiu Yankai all the physiological knowledge in one go, and also explained the safety knowledge by the way. As a result, Qiu Yankai was hypnotized (sleeping Shui), and he didn't know how much he heard.

So the next day, Qiu Jin helped the child (xi) to take a bath, and found Qiu Yankai suddenly awkward and hid: "No, don't (take tuo) my little inner."

Qiu Jin was stunned: "How to wash if you don't (take tuo)?"

Qiu Yankai squeezed his trousers, (meat rou)'s dull little face turned red: "Anyway, don't take it off."

After being a dad for several years, Qiu Jin still had no sense of security. He was at the stage where everyone wanted to harm his baby, and he immediately became serious.

"Did someone bully you?"

"No, it's brother," Qiu Yankai whispered, "Xin Bai told me that he can't let other people (take off tuo) my little Nene, he says (take off tuo) the people in my little Nene are bad guys ."

Qiu Jin froze for a moment, then smiled: "Brother still teaches you this?"

"Well, he said more!" Qiu Yan opened his head a little and opened the chatter box, "He said that I look so cute, there must be a lot of people like me, but I can't let others kiss me."

"I'm so cute" was added by him without permission, "he must be a lot of people like me" is also added by him without permission. But Qiu Yankai never felt that he was wrong. After all, he was so cute that no one could reach his charm.

Qiu Jin: "Brother is right, you have to remember!"

Encouraged by the little dad, Qiu Yankai was even happier, and immediately said: "Brother also asked me not to learn the little dad. He said that he can't make children with others before marriage, even if he likes it."

Qiu Jin was suddenly implicated: "..."

At the beginning, he confessed, marked, and doi through, and the speed was comparable to that of a spaceship.

Qiu Yankai finished speaking with confidence, keenly aware of the silence of the little dad, and couldn't help but ask: "Could you be wrong?"

"No, he was right." Qiu Jin pinched his brother's soft face. "You must also remember that Yan Kai is so cute, no matter who it is, don't let the other party easily walk on you."

Qiu Yankai was just happy, and said with a smile: "I know!"

Qiu Jin: "Wouldn't Yan Yan take a bath (xi)?"

Qiu Yan was stunned for a moment, and soon became happy: "Okay, I take a shower myself!"

Then he reached out (tuo) off Xiao Nenei and saw Qiu Jin still sitting and watching him. The little guy blushed a little: "Is the little dad going out? Can't you watch it."

Qiu Jin Renjun couldn't help but say: "I don't look at you, I just worry about you being injured and falling down, so I stayed here."

Qiu Yankai thought for two seconds and nodded: "Xing Biao."

Qiu Jin was very pleased. It seems that the child really grew up.

Then he saw that Qiu Yankai kept puffing in the water like a duck, playing with the water in a bathtub, and forgot to take a shower.

Qiu Jin: "..."

Sure enough, we can't expect too much from a three and a half year old child.


This weekend is the 60th birthday of (milk Nai) (奶奶 Nai) Gu Shuyi, Qiu Jin and Ji Shenxiao have ordered a dress early, and the two twins also have small suits, one serious and one cute, standing together is so cute Too.

When measuring the size, Qiu Yan was particularly frustrated, not to be dressed like Ji Xiebai.

"Dad, don't learn from those adults, because we are twins and want to dress us up the same way. I definitely don't wear the same clothes as him."

Fortunately, fraternal twins, if they are the same, must not collapse and die?

Qiu Jin said: "You really...it's so smelly at a young age, and you have to grow up."

"When I grow up, I'm terrible!" Qiu Yankai raised his small chin proudly. "When I grow up, I also want to enter the entertainment world like my dad, so that everyone can appreciate the beauty of Kai Pei~!"

Ji Xiebai came awkwardly: "Vase."

"Ji Xiebai," Qiu Jin's face (color) sank, "Apologize to my brother."

Ji Xie was stunned for a moment. He rarely saw the little dad look so serious. Although he didn't think there was anything wrong, he was just a three-year-old kid and couldn't help panic.

Qiu Jin squatted down and looked at the boss's eyes, saying one by one: "There is no problem arguing with your brother, but you can't attack each other with other people's shortcomings, you know?"

"Ah, I know." Ji Xiabai reacted and ran to Qiu Yankai, seriously, "Brother I'm sorry, I won't say you are a vase anymore."

Qiu Yankai thought the word was very good, and was very happy to ask: "What does a vase mean? Is it a compliment to me?"

"Stupid boy," Qiu Jin (touched Mo) (touched Mo) explained his head, "This is a curse word, referring to those who only have a pretty face."

"Someone said that his face looks good and he scolds? Why is there such a stupid person?" Qiu Yankai felt that he had picked up a big bargain, and said happily, "I like this! You will call me Qiu vase later."


The younger brother patted his head, leaving the father and son looking at each other.

Qiu Jin hugged Ji Xiebai and said sincerely: "My son is wrong, I should not scold you."

Ji Xianbai sighed and patted the father's shoulder: "I understand, I forgive you."

Qiu Vase didn't feel that there was a problem with what he just said. He glared at his short legs and ran to the mirror, and began to pose to make all kinds of smelly moves.

Hem, he must become the most beautiful cub on (Milk Nai) (Milk Nai)'s birthday, (艳yan) crush the crowd!

Before leaving, he kept asking: "Dad, will my bow tie look too ugly?"

"Is my hair messed up?"

"Shall I put on makeup?"

Where is the burden of such a heavy idol?

Qiu Jin shook his head: "No, you are naturally beautiful, and Su Yan is already cuter than many people!"

Qiu Yankai was just happy, and he kept smiling with a small face on his face: "This way? I turned out to be so cute!"

The little cub was coaxed to contentment. When passing by the garden, the light flashed suddenly, and he felt that he could be more lovely. He immediately waved his small paw: "Dad, I want roses!"

Qiu Jin smiled and asked, "Is it for (milk Nai) (milk Nai) as a gift?"

"I've already prepared the gift of (奶奶 Nai) (奶奶 Nai), I just think that the suit is too monotonous and want to (cha) a flower to decorate."

Qiu Jin: "..."

He really couldn't expect too much from this child.

"But there are roses everywhere," Ji Xianbai's chilly voice sounded, "If you wear flowers, won't you show your uniqueness?"

I see? It seems quite reasonable.

Qiu Yankai thought for five seconds with his small brain, and finally gave up the idea with regret.

He is still beautiful alone.

Gu Shuyi's 60th birthday was quite lively, and a large number of media had been guarded in front of the hotel.

When Qiu Jin and Ji Shenxiao got off the bus, the media reporters all gathered together and the shutter sounded continuously.

Qiu Jin and Ji Shenxiao were already very handsome (in color), and in a formal dress, one person was holding a small ball in a suit, handsome and cute.

"Oh my god, is that handsome?"

"Woo, what a fairy family!"

"Is it open? The value of the whole family is so high!"

The moment he got out of the car, Ji Xiebai immediately twisted up: "Let me down."

Qiu Jin: "You are too short, Dad is afraid that others will step on you."

"No, I will be careful," Ji Xiabai reiterated, "I'm going down."

Come on, Qiu Jin put the people down, very intimately let Ji Xiebai stand between him and Ji Shenxiao to prevent him from being stepped on by passers-by.

Ji Xiebai straightened the collar, and the expression of an adult: "Brother, idiot, is three and a half years old and needs to be hugged by his father, and he is ashamed."

"Huh, I'm not embarrassed," Qiu Yankai very much enjoyed being held by Ji Shenxiao. He couldn't help raising his chin and proudly said, "I'm standing taller so that everyone can appreciate my beauty more easily. ."

Qiu Jin: "..."

Ji Shenxiao is very proud, and his children should be so confident.

"I express my distress to them," Ji Xianbai sighed and said blankly, "I'm forced to appreciate your empty head."

As if realizing that this sentence was inappropriate, Ji Xiebai immediately changed his mind before Qiu Jin got angry: "Sorry, my brother is wrong, I should not scold you."

Qiu Jin: "..."

At the birthday banquet, the two brothers showed diametrically opposite performances. Ji Xianbai stretched a small face, hiding from people anytime, anywhere, and wishing to hang a sign that no one should enter.

Qiu Yankai was eager to try and stood in the crowd like a little peacock. He wanted everyone present to see him cute.

After returning home in the evening, Qiu Yankai slid the tablet with his (meat rou) (meat rou) hand, and read today's media reports.

He performed so well today, there must be many people praise him?

Qiu Yankai is illiterate, but this does not prevent him from admiring others' praise. After all, as smart as he is, what can't be done?

He copied a sentence of comments into the software and played it with Google text-to-speech.

However, he found that all his fathers were praised in front of him. Although the fathers are also very handsome, why haven't they praised him yet?

Oh, where is the person who praised him?

Qiu Yan deflated his mouth, almost crying. But Jian (强qiang), like him, decided to continue listening!

Finally, after listening to more than one comment praising the fairy husband, Qiu Yankai finally heard a lovely comment.

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh with with a little boy is so cute!" His eyes are so big, his skin is so good, and his smile will make me smile! Ooooo awsl! ! ]

Although only three and a half years old, Qiu Yankai has accurately grasped the awsl online vocabulary. He knows that this is the abbreviation of "Ah, I am dead", which means that he is about to die cutely.

That's right, Qiu Yankai put the tablet aside, put his hands on the pillow, and Xizizi (sleep Shui) passed.

Sure enough, there is no one in this world who does not like him! \(▔ ▔)/
